Tricking for change: Establishing the literary trickster in the western tradition【翻译】

This project would never have been possible without the support and guidance of my
fantastic thesis committee. I first want to thank my amazing thesis chair, Dr. Christine Neufeld,
for guiding and encouraging me through convoluted thoughts and abstract ideas when I thought
all hope was lost. I don’t think I could have gone as far as I did without your help. I also want to
thank Dr. Laura George, my second reader, for calming me down in fits of panic and reminding
me to breathe. Your initial guidance into trickster studies helped shape this project, and for that, I
am forever grateful. I also need to thank Joseph Montgomery, my sound board, for helping me
refine my ideas and work through intense moments of editing. I would also be remiss to forget
Kathryn Lutes for being a support throughout the process and helping me apply just enough
polish to let this thesis shine.
Finally, I would like to thank my family for all the love and support. Mom and Dad,
thank you for the unconditional support throughout this entire process. Without your
encouragement, I’m not sure if I could have worked through it all. Last, but absolutely not least,
I want to thank my fiancé, Aleesa Millet, because if it wasn’t for you, this thesis would not have
been possible. You have put up with my long-winded brainstorming sessions, all night writing
marathons, and my early morning alarms. You kept me calm and reminded me to relax and enjoy
the little things. Thank you for your constant reassurance that I can do this. Yer Jalan Atthirari
This thesis proposes a new category for literary analysis called the literary trickster figure. Over
the last few centuries, the trickster figure has been reduced from a cultural hero to a dubious
character. If we trace the trickster’s western roots back to Hermes, Mercury, and Loki and take
global trickster scholarship into consideration, criteria can be established and the role of the
literary trickster can be assessed. The literary trickster’s role is to undermine the established
order (social and political hierarchies), create disorder and bring awareness to systemic issues in
order to bring about change. Once the literary trickster category is established, an analysis of two
characters—Petyr Baelish from A Song of Ice and Fire and Pandarus from Troilus and
Criseyde—will demonstrate how the literary trickster functions.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1—The Contested Trickster Type………………………………………………..7
Chapter 2—”It was Petyr all the while”: Petyr Baelish in A Song of Ice and Fire….…...42
Chapter 3—”lord of thise foles alle”: Pandarus in Troilus and Criseyde………...……...74
Works Cited……………………………………………………………………….…….108


