Python学习笔记(三十一)高级的类话题(Advanced Class Topics)

1.说出两种扩展内建对象类型(built-in object type)的方法。
答:您可以在包装类(wrapper class)中嵌入内置对象,或直接为内置类型创建子类(subclass)。后一种方法往往更简单,因为大多数原始行为都是自动继承的。


答:通过从对象内置类(或任何其他内置类型)继承来编写新样式类。在Python 3.X中,所有类都是自动的新式类,因此这种派生不是必需的(但不会有问题);在2.X中,具有这种显式派生的类是新式的,没有它的类是“经典的”。

答:新式类以不同方式搜索多个继承树的diamond模式- 它们在diamond树中基本上搜索广度优先(横跨),而不是深入优先(向上)。新式类还更改了实例和类的内置类型的结果,不为内置操作方法运行泛型属性获取方法,如__get attr__,并支持一组高级的额外工具,包括属性(properties),描述器(descriptors), super和__slots__实例属性列表。

答:普通(实例)方法接收self参数(隐含实例),但静态方法不接收。静态方法是嵌套在类对象中的简单函数。要使方法静态,必须通过特殊的内置函数运行或使用装饰器语法进行修饰。 Python 3.X允许在没有这一步的情况下通过类调用类中的简单函数,但是通过实例调用仍然需要静态方法声明。

答:当然,但如果不仔细考虑它们的含义,就不应自动使用高级的工具。例如,slots可能会破坏代码; super用于单继承时可以掩盖问题,并且在多继承中为单独的用例(isolated use case)带来了相当大的复杂性;并且都要求通用部署最有用。评估新工具或高级工具是任何工程师的首要任务,也是我们在本章中仔细探讨权衡的原因。本书的目标不是告诉您使用哪些工具,而是强调客观分析它们的重要性 - 这一任务通常在软件领域中的优先级太低。

7.在投掷“圣 · 手榴弹(Holy Hand Grenade)”之前,你还要等多久?
答:三秒钟。 (或者,更准确地说:“耶和华说,'你先取出圣针。然后,你要数到三,不多,不少。你要数三个,数的要三个。你不可数四,也不可数二,除非你接着数到三。五是立马行动。一旦达到第三个数字,那么你就把你神圣的 Antioch 圣 · 手榴弹扔向你的敌人,因为敌人在我看来很顽皮,会把它消灭掉的。“


1.代码重用(Code reuse)
6.多态性(Polymorphism )
当然,这也是学生们使用OOP的首要原因:它在一个简历上看起来很棒! (好吧,我把这个作为一个笑话,但如果你打算今天在软件领域工作,那么熟悉OOP很重要。)

注:转载《Learning Python 5th Edition》[奥莱理]

1. Name two ways to extend a built-in object type.
2. What are function and class decorators used for?
3. How do you code a new-style class?
4. How are new-style and classic classes different?
5. How are normal and static methods different?
6. Are tools like __slots__ and super valid to use in your code?
7. How long should you wait before lobbing a “Holy Hand Grenade”?

1. You can embed a built-in object in a wrapper class, or subclass the built-in type directly. The latter approach tends to be simpler, as most original behavior is automatically inherited.
2. Function decorators are generally used to manage a function or method, or add to it a layer of logic that is run each time the function or method is called. They can be used to log or count calls to a function, check its argument types, and so on. They are also used to “declare” static methods (simple functions in a class that are not passed an instance when called), as well as class methods and properties. Class decorators are similar, but manage whole objects and their interfaces instead of a function call.
3. New-style classes are coded by inheriting from the object built-in class (or any other built-in type). In Python 3.X, all classes are new-style automatically, so this derivation is not required (but doesn’t hurt); in 2.X, classes with this explicit derivation are new-style and those without it are “classic.”
4. New-style classes search the diamond pattern of multiple inheritance trees differently—they essentially search breadth-first (across), instead of depth-first (up) in diamond trees. New-style classes also change the result of the type built-in for instances and classes, do not run generic attribute fetch methods such as __get attr__ for built-in operation methods, and support a set of advanced extra tools including properties, descriptors, super, and __slots__ instance attribute lists.
5. Normal (instance) methods receive a self argument (the implied instance), but static methods do not. Static methods are simple functions nested in class objects. To make a method static, it must either be run through a special built-in function or be decorated with decorator syntax. Python 3.X allows simple functions in a class to be called through the class without this step, but calls through instances still require static method declaration.
6. Of course, but you shouldn’t use advanced tools automatically without carefully considering their implications. Slots, for example, can break code; super can masklater problems when used for single inheritance, and in multiple inheritance brings with it substantial complexity for an isolated use case; and both require universal deployment to be most useful. Evaluating new or advanced tools is a primary task of any engineer, and is why we explored tradeoffs so carefully in this chapter. This book’s goal is not to tell you which tools to use, but to underscore the importance of objectively analyzing them—a task often given too low a priority in the software field.
7. Three seconds. (Or, more accurately: “And the Lord spake, saying, ‘First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.’”)4

Code reuse
This one’s easy (and is the main reason for using OOP). By supporting inheritance, classes allow you to program by customization instead of starting each project from scratch. 
Wrapping up implementation details behind object interfaces insulates users of a class from code changes.
Classes provide new local scopes, which minimizes name clashes. They also provide a natural place to write and look for implementation code, and to manage object state.
Classes naturally promote code factoring, which allows us to minimize redundancy. Thanks both to the structure and code reuse support of classes, usually only one copy of the code needs to be changed.
Classes and inheritance allow you to implement common interfaces, and hence create a common look and feel in your code; this eases debugging, comprehension, and maintenance.
This is more a property of OOP than a reason for using it, but by supporting code generality, polymorphism makes code more flexible and widely applicable, and hence more reusable.
And, of course, the number one reason students gave for using OOP: it looks good on a résumé! (OK, I threw this one in as a joke, but it is important to be familiar with OOP if you plan to work in the software field today.)

