git合并的时候,冲突问题Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files

在做项目工作的时候,同事修改了代码一个cpp代码,我同样也修改了代码,两人代码冲突了,提交之后,他代码git自动合并,并提示: [master| MERGEING]
$ git merge my_new_branch
error: Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files.
hint: Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'
hint: as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit.
fatal: Exiting because of an unresolved conflict.


Auto-merging src/ui/menu/wizardGroup.c
Auto-merging src/ui/menu/drawmenu5.c
Auto-merging src/ui/menu/drawmenu3.c
Auto-merging src/ui/menu/drawmenu2.c
Auto-merging src/ui/menu/drawmenu1.c
Auto-merging src/ui/menu/drawmenu0.c
Auto-merging src/string/language_d.h
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/string/language_d.h
Auto-merging src/string/languageDict.h
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/string/languageDict.h
Auto-merging src/drawui.c
Auto-merging src/dev/dev_phascan.c
Auto-merging src/dev/dev_flexscan.c
Auto-merging src/callback.c
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

 * 解决方法:
If you have fixed the conflicts you need to add the files to the stage with git add [filename], then commit as normal.
就是你手动修改git提示有错误的文件,修改之后,添加有冲突的文件: git add [被修改的冲突文件], 最后,按照普通提交那样,提交有冲突的问题: git commit [修改后的冲突文件] -m “注释内容”

用git diff或者git status 查看哪些文件冲突,有冲突的会提示:
++<<<<<<< HEAD

++<<<<<<< new_branch


用git add xxx,把你修改的文件全部都添加进去。

最后,用git commit -a -m ” 备注信息 ” 提交,完成。

