

until.go    until单词的意思conj. 在…以前;直到…时  prep. 在…以前;到…为止。那这个函数到执行到什么时候为止呢?
// ConditionFunc returns true if the condition has been reached, false if it has not been reached yet,
// or an error if the condition cannot be checked and should terminate. In general, it is better to define
// level driven conditions over edge driven conditions (pod has ready=true, vs pod modified and ready changed
// from false to true).
//一般来说,最好是定义水平驱动条件超过边缘驱动条件(pod状态  ready = true,对pod进行了修改,状态已经改变从false改为true)。

type ConditionFunc func(event Event) (bool, error)

// errWatchClosed is returned when the watch channel is closed before timeout in Until.
// 当watch通道在超时之前关闭时,将返回errWatchClosed。
var errWatchClosed = errors.New("watch closed before Until timeout")

// Until reads items from the watch until each provided condition succeeds, and then returns the last watch
// encountered. The first condition that returns an error terminates the watch (and the event is also returned).
// If no event has been received, the returned event will be nil.
// Conditions are satisfied sequentially so as to provide a useful primitive for higher level composition.
// A zero timeout means to wait forever.             

func Until(timeout time.Duration, watcher Interface, conditions ...ConditionFunc) (*Event, error){}

event, err := watch.Until(framework.PodStartTimeout, wr, conditions.PodRunning)
第一个参数 5分钟  PodStartTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
第二个参数wr := watch.NewRecorder(w),看这个代码就能回到我们watch包中filter.go文件,具体请看我之前写的博客
func NewRecorder(w Interface) *Recorder {
    r := &Recorder{}
    r.Interface = Filter(w, r.record)
    return r
func PodRunning(event watch.Event) (bool, error) {
    switch event.Type {
    case watch.Deleted:
        return false, errors.NewNotFound(schema.GroupResource{Resource: "pods"}, "")
    switch t := event.Object.(type) {
    case *v1.Pod:
        switch t.Status.Phase {
        case v1.PodRunning:                  //PodRunning PodPhase = "Running"
            return true, nil
        case v1.PodFailed, v1.PodSucceeded:  //PodFailed PodPhase = "Failed"
            return false, ErrPodCompleted
    return false, nil


func Until(timeout time.Duration, watcher Interface, conditions ...ConditionFunc) (*Event, error) {
    ch := watcher.ResultChan()
    defer watcher.Stop()
    var after <-chan time.Time
    if timeout > 0 {
        after = time.After(timeout)
    } else {
        ch := make(chan time.Time)
        defer close(ch)
        after = ch
    var lastEvent *Event
    for _, condition := range conditions {
        // check the next condition against the previous event and short circuit waiting for the next watch
        if lastEvent != nil {
            done, err := condition(*lastEvent)
            if err != nil {
                return lastEvent, err
            if done {
        for {
            select {
            case event, ok := <-ch:
                if !ok {
                    return lastEvent, errWatchClosed
                lastEvent = &event

                // TODO: check for watch expired error and retry watch from latest point?
                done, err := condition(event)
                if err != nil {
                    return lastEvent, err
                if done {
                    break ConditionSucceeded

            case <-after:
                return lastEvent, wait.ErrWaitTimeout
    return lastEvent, nil

