usb network adaptor-usb转网卡安装


 打算做些多宿主主机的实验,准备加入挪威的nornet ( 网络实验平台。但是没有多网卡的服务器,于是就买了绿联的usb转网卡的设备。
 在使用ubuntu 18.04 desktop的时候,安装驱动。之后接可以使用了,没有什么问题。(When I install the driver of AX88179, there seems not much trouble and the PC can access network normally, just make and sudo make install the driver[1]).
 但是,当我安装ubuntu 18.04 server,发现不能工作. But it can not work when I install ubuntu 18.04 server. I can get the hardware information by ifconfig -a, but can not get the IP address with ifconfig.
 Then I tried to reinstall the os, but get the usb network adaptor plugged first. And it is recognized by os even during the installation. And then I build the driver. Aha, all is well.
 But this cost me one afternoon. Time is life. I recorded it here for possible reference.为后来者鉴。
[1] usb network adaptor driver

