


I am new to Vue and this is my first time manually configuring webpack. My previous experiences with webpack always had it abstracted behind another framework, i.e. webpack as part of create-react-app. The issue is that my new configuration doesn't work. As a sidenote, this is all part of a Hugo site.

My previous configuration but my new one doesn't.

Previous configuration:

  • there are 2 pages with 2 separate Vue apps
  • Vue loaded through CDN


  • Hugo is used (might move away from this soon)
  • As part of the hugo structure, the source JS files are in the static/js directory, and the served files are in public/js


    <script src="vue_cdn_here"></script>
    <div id="vue-list>
    <script src="vue-list.js"></script>


new Vue({
    el: '#vue-list',


    <script src="vue_cdn_here"></script>
<div id="vue-form>
<script src="vue-form.js"></script>


new Vue({
    el: '#vue-form',

I left out the methods and data parts for brevity. Everything worked fine. Vue app rendered on both pages and functioned well.

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What I'm trying to do is to bundle the JS using webpack. This is to reduce number of production files and to cache-bust. Previous setup would result in about 10 separate JS files.

Current setup that's not quite working yet:


    // no scripts in head anymore
    <div id="respective_id_here">
            // view code here
    <script src="bundle.js"></script>


import './vue-list';
import './vue-form';


module.exports = {
    entry: './static/js/_index.js',
    output: {
        path: __dirname,
        filename: './static/js/bundle.js'

The issue is that, in the rendered HTML, at the location where the Vue app is supposed to be generated, i.e. div#vue-list, is something else, like so:

<!--function(e,n,r,i){return sn(t,e,n,r,i,!0)}-->

I would like to keep the one-app-per-page structure that we have currently instead of turning it all into a single-page-application. One of the main allures of Vue is how it's supposed to be easy to do incremental migration rather than a whole architecture overhaul.

I would appreciate any hints for this issue. Thank you.

