php txt文本追加

$file = ‘./public/log/’.“CancellationUser”.".txt";
m y f i l e = f o p e n ( myfile = fopen( file, “a”) or die(“Unable to open file!”);
s t r = " " . str="用户:". _SESSION[“LeeUserID”]." 电话:".KaTeX parse error: Can't use function '\r' in math mode at position 62: …',time())."注销成功\̲r̲\n"; fwrite(myfile, s t r ) ; f c l o s e ( str); fclose( myfile);

if (!function_exists(‘PutFile’)){
function PutFile($file, c o n t e n t , content, flag = 0){
p a t h i n f o = p a t h i n f o ( pathinfo = pathinfo( file);
if (!empty(KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …f (file_exists(pathinfo[‘dirname’]) === FALSE){
if (@mkdir(KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 67: … FALSE; } }̲ } if (flag === 1){
return @file_put_contents( f i l e , file, content,FILE_APPEND);
return @file_put_contents( f i l e , file, content,LOCK_EX);

r+ 和 w+ 的区别:
r+ 是可以直接写在文件上,读取和写入的光标都在文件开头。
w+ ,如果文件已经存在,将建立一个新文件覆盖原文件(很缺德啊……),并且支持读取。

a+ 和 r+:

$file = ‘./404.txt’;
m y f i l e = f o p e n ( myfile = fopen( file, “a”) or die(“Unable to open file!”);

$str = $_SERVER[“HTTP_REFERER”]."\r\n";
$str .= date(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’,time())."\r\n";

fwrite($myfile, s t r ) ; f c l o s e ( str); fclose( myfile);

