大数据时代的“小数据 系列3 --Shapiro-Wilk检验

大数据时代的“小数据 系列3 --Shapiro-Wilk检验



  1. 构建检验统计量W

  2. 建立原假设与备择假设

  3. 计算p值

R 语言计算Shapiro-Wilk检验

> x <- 1:10
> shapiro.test(x)

        Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  x
W = 0.97016, p-value = 0.8924


import breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix
import breeze.numerics.sqrt
import breeze.stats.distributions.Gaussian
import scala.math.{log, pow, exp, asin}
 // 均值
 def mean(ds: Array[Double]): Double = {
    ds.sum / (ds.length)

  // K阶中心距  E(X-EX)^k   vk
  def centerDistance(ds: Array[Double], k: Int) = {
    mean(ds.map(i => pow(i - mean(ds), k)))

  // 峰度
  def kurtosis(ds: Array[Double]) =
    centerDistance(ds, 4) / pow(centerDistance(ds, 2), 2) - 3

  def swtest(x: Array[Double]): (Double, Double) = {

    val gaussian = new Gaussian(0, 1)

    var W: Double = 0D
    var pValue: Double = 0D
    var count = 0
    var phi = 0D
    var mu = 0D
    var sigma = 0D
    var gam = 0D
    var newSWstatistic = 0D
    var NormalSWstatistic = 0D

    val n = x.length
    val mean = x.sum / n
    val icdfArray = x.map(i => {
      // quantile
      gaussian.inverseCdf((i - 3d / 8) / (n + 0.25))

    val vx: DenseMatrix[Double] = DenseMatrix.create(n, 1, x)
    val vxt: DenseMatrix[Double] = DenseMatrix.create(n, 1, x.map(_ - mean))
    val mtilde: DenseMatrix[Double] = DenseMatrix.create(n, 1, icdfArray)
    var weights: DenseMatrix[Double] = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](n, 1)

    ////////////////  kurtosis < 3   /////////////
    // The Shapiro-Francia test is better for leptokurtic samples.
    if (skewness(x) > 3) {

      val che = sqrt(mtilde.t * mtilde)
      weights = 1 / che(0, 0) * mtilde
      W = pow((weights.t * vx).data(0), 2) / (vxt.t * vxt).data(0)

      val nu = log(n)
      val u1 = log(nu) - nu
      val u2 = log(nu) + 2 / nu
      mu = -1.2725 + (1.0521 * u1)
      sigma = 1.0308 - (0.26758 * u2)
      newSWstatistic = log(1 - W)
      //  Compute the normalized Shapiro-Francia statistic and its p-value.
      val NormalSFstatistic: Double = (newSWstatistic - mu) / sigma
      //  the next p-value is for the tail = 1 test.
      pValue = 1 - gaussian.cdf(NormalSFstatistic)
    } else {
      //  % The Shapiro-Wilk test is better for platykurtic samples.
      val c: DenseMatrix[Double] = 1 / sqrt(mtilde.t * mtilde).data(0) * mtilde
      val u: Double = 1 / sqrt(n)
      /* polynomial coefficients */
      val g = Array(-2.273, 0.459)
      val c1 =  Array(c.data(n - 1), 0.221157, -0.147981, -2.07119, 4.434685, -2.706056)
      val c2 = Array(c.data(n - 2), 0.042981, -0.293762,-1.752461,  5.682633,-3.582633)
      val c3 = Array(0.544, -0.39978, 0.025054, -6.714e-4)
      val c4 = Array(1.3822, -0.77857, 0.062767, -0.0020322)
      val c5 = Array(-1.5861, -0.31082, -0.083751, 0.0038915)
      val c6 = Array(-0.4803, -0.082676, 0.0030302)

      def polyval(arr: Array[Double], x: Double) = {
          .map(tp => {
            tp._1 * math.pow(x, tp._2)

      weights.update(n - 1, 0, polyval(c1, u))
      weights.update(0, 0, -polyval(c1, u))

      // Special attention when n=3 (this is a special case).
      if (n == 3) {
        weights.update(0, 0, 0.707106781)
        weights.update(n - 1, 0, -0.707106781)
      } else if (n >= 6) {
        weights.update(n - 2, 0, polyval(c2, u))
        weights.update(1, 0, -polyval(c2, u))
        count = 3
        phi = ((mtilde.t * mtilde - 2 * pow(mtilde(n - 1, 0), 2) - 2 * pow(
          mtilde(n - 2, 0),
        )) /
          (1 - 2 * pow(weights(n - 1, 0), 2) - 2 * pow(weights(n - 2, 0), 2)))

      } else {
        count = 2
        phi = ((mtilde.t * mtilde - 2 * pow(mtilde(n - 1, 0), 2)) /
          (1 - 2 * pow(weights(n - 1, 0), 2)))
      // The vector 'WEIGHTS' obtained next corresponds to the same coefficients
      // listed by Shapiro-Wilk in their original test for small samples.
      for (i <- count - 1 to n - count) {
        weights.update(i, 0, mtilde(i, 0) / math.sqrt(phi))

      //  The Shapiro-Wilk statistic W is calculated to avoid excessive rounding
      //  errors for W close to 1 (a potential problem in very large samples).
      W = pow((weights.t * vx).data(0), 2) / (vxt.t * vxt).data(0)

      //   Calculate the significance level for W (exact for n=3).
      val newn = log(n)
      if (n > 3 && n <= 11) {
        mu = polyval(c3, n)
        sigma = exp(polyval(c4, n))
        gam = polyval(g, n)
        newSWstatistic = -log(gam - log(1 - W))
      } else if (n >= 12) {
        mu = polyval(c5, newn)
        sigma = exp(polyval(c6, newn))
        newSWstatistic = log(1 - W)
      } else {
        mu = 0
        sigma = 1
        newSWstatistic = 0
      // Compute the normalized Shapiro-Wilk statistic and its p-value.
      // Special attention when n=3 (this is a special case)
      if (n == 3) {
        pValue = 1.909859 * (asin(math.sqrt(W)) - 1.047198)
        NormalSWstatistic = gaussian.inverseCdf(pValue)
      } else {
        NormalSWstatistic = (newSWstatistic - mu) / sigma
        // % The next p-value is for the tail = 1 test.
        pValue = 1 - gaussian.cdf(NormalSWstatistic)

    (pValue, W)
// 方法调用
  val x: Array[Double] = (1 to 10).map(_.toDouble).toArray


// 返回p值和W统计量

以上代码重构于一份Matlab(Matlab真好用)代码以及参考自 github



