CLH Lock浅析

CLH Lock的定义:The CLH lock is a scalable, high performance, fairness and spin lock based on the list, the application thread spin only on a local variable, it constantly polling the precursor state, if it is found that the pre release lock end spin.

public class ClhSpinLock implements Lock{
    private final ThreadLocal<Node> prev;
    private final ThreadLocal<Node> node;
    private final AtomicReference<Node> tail = new AtomicReference<Node>(new Node());

    public ClhSpinLock() {
        this.node = new ThreadLocal<Node>() {
            protected Node initialValue() {
                return new Node();

        this.prev = new ThreadLocal<Node>() {
            protected Node initialValue() {
                return null;
     public void lock() {
        final Node node = this.node.get();
        node.locked = true;
        Node pred = this.tail.getAndSet(node);
        // 自旋
        while (pred.locked);

    public void unlock() {
        final Node node = this.node.get();
        node.locked = false;
//        this.node.set(new Node());

CLH 代码分析:
(1)pred node 的作用:其实完全可以把pred node去掉,然后在unlock方法中将this.node 赋值一个新的Node就行。而对this.node赋值prev node,就不用new了,效率更高。

