

Hybrid App概念

  Hybrid App:Hybrid App is a mobile application that is coded in both browser-supported language and computer language. They are available through application distribution platforms such as the Apple App Store, Google Play etc. Usually, they are downloaded from the platform to a target device, such as iPhone, Android phone or Windows Phone. The subscribers need to install to run them.

  总体来讲,Hybrid App是同时采用网页语言与程序语言进行开发,通过不同的应用商店进行打包与分发,应用的特性更接近原生应用而且又区别与Web应用。但是在开发过程中同时使用了网页语言,所以开发成本与难度大大降低。也就是说Hybrid App兼具了Native App与Web App两者的诸多优点。

  浅析Hybrid App

  Hybrid App主要以JS+Native两者相互调用为主,从开发层面实现“一次开发,多处运行”的机制,成为真正适合跨平台的开发。目前已经有众多Hybrid App开发成功应用,比如百度、网易、街旁等知名移动应用,都是采用Hybrid App开发模式。

  经过众多开发者与成功案例证明Hybrid App兼具了Native App的良好用户体验的优势,也兼具了Web App使用HTML5跨平台开发低成本的优势。现在有更多的开发者在面临移动平台的选择,所以在这里根据开发中各个平台的使用情况,针对现在主流的平台进行分析。

