Hortonworks HDP HA需要手动执行的命令


Manual Steps Required: Create Checkpoint on NameNode

    1. Login to the NameNode host DataBase-01.
    2. Put the NameNode in Safe Mode (read-only mode):
      sudo su -l hdfs -c 'hdfs dfsadmin -safemode enter'
    3. Once in Safe Mode, create a Checkpoint:
      sudo su -l hdfs -c 'hdfs dfsadmin -saveNamespace'
    4. You will be able to proceed once Ambari detects that the NameNode is in Safe Mode and the Checkpoint has been created successfully.
If the  Next button is enabled before you run the  "Step 3: Create a Checkpoint" command, it means there is a recent Checkpoint already and you may proceed without running the  "Step 3: Create a Checkpoint" command.


Manual Steps Required: Initialize JournalNodes

  1. Login to the NameNode host DataBase-01.
  2. Initialize the JournalNodes by running:
    sudo su -l hdfs -c 'hdfs namenode -initializeSharedEdits'
  3. You will be able to proceed once Ambari detects that the JournalNodes have been initialized successfully.


Manual Steps Required: Initialize NameNode HA Metadata

  1. Login to the NameNode host DataBase-01.
  2. Initialize the metadata for NameNode automatic failover by running:
    sudo su -l hdfs -c 'hdfs zkfc -formatZK'
  1. Login to the Additional NameNode host DataBase-02.
    Important! Be sure to login to the Additional NameNode host.
    This is a different host from the Steps 1 and 2 above.
  2. Initialize the metadata for the Additional NameNode by running:
    sudo su -l hdfs -c 'hdfs namenode -bootstrapStandby'

Please proceed once you have completed the steps above.


