





        self.modelArray = [[WDadaBasesharedDataBase]getAllNews:[[DynamicModelalloc] init]];


//  WDadaBase.h

//  FMDB的使用


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import "DynamicModel.h"

@interface WDadaBase : NSObject

+ (instancetype)sharedDataBase;

#pragma mark - 新闻列表

//- (void)addNews:(DynamicModel *)dynamicModel;

- (void)addNews:(NSArray *)models withMoel:(id)model;

//- (void)updateNews:(DynamicModel *)dynamicModel;

- (NSMutableArray *)getAllNews:(id)model;

//- (void)CreateNewTable:(DynamicModel *)dynamicModel;

//- (void)selecetDataWith:(DynamicModel *)dynamicModel;

- (NSArray *)getAllProperties:(id)model;

- (NSDictionary *)allProperties:(id)model;

- (NSArray *)getAllPropertiesTypeAttribute:(id)model;



//  WDadaBase.m

//  FMDB的使用

#import "WDadaBase.h"

#import "FMDB.h"

#import <objc/runtime.h>

#define NotNullString(x)       ((x) ? (x) : (@""))

@interface WDadaBase()

@property(nonatomic,strong)FMDatabase *db;


@implementation WDadaBase

 static WDadaBase *singleton = nil;


    staticdispatch_once_t onceToken;

    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{

        singleton  = [[WDadaBasealloc] init];

//        [singleton createTableWithName:table_name];

//        [singleton createTableWithName:@"tab_Subnews"];






-(void)createTableWithName:(NSString *)name{

    NSString *documentsPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory,NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject];


    documentsPath = [documentsPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"test2.sqlite"];


    _db = [FMDatabasedatabaseWithPath:documentsPath];


    if ([_dbopen]) {






    if ([_dbtableExists:name])






    // 初始化数据表

//    NSString *newsSql3 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '%@' (id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,'cellTitle' VARCHAR(255),'source' VARCHAR(255),'imageUrl' VARCHAR(255),'newsUrl' VARCHAR(255),'newsID'VARCHAR(255),imageData blob)",name];




    NSArray *properties = [selfgetAllProperties:[[DynamicModelalloc] init]];


   NSArray *Attributes = [selfgetAllPropertiesTypeAttribute:[[DynamicModelalloc] init]];


    // 1.创建表语句头部拼接

    NSString *creatTableStrHeader = [NSStringstringWithFormat:@"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '%@' (id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT",name];


    NSString *creatTableStrMiddle =[NSStringstring];


    if (properties.count == Attributes.count) {


        for (int i =0; i <properties.count; i++) {

            NSString *typeStr=@"TEXT";

            if ([Attributes[i]isEqualToString:@"NSData"]) {



            creatTableStrMiddle = [creatTableStrMiddle stringByAppendingFormat:@",%@ %@",[propertiesobjectAtIndex:i],typeStr];


        // 3.创建表语句尾部拼接

        NSString *creatTableStrTail =[NSStringstringWithFormat:@")"];


        // 4.整句创建表语句拼接

        NSString *newsSql = [NSStringstring];

        newsSql = [newsSql stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@%@%@",creatTableStrHeader,creatTableStrMiddle,creatTableStrTail];


        if ([_dbexecuteUpdate:newsSql]) {









    [_db close];



//- (void)addNews:(DynamicModel *)dynamicModel{


//    if (!_db) {

//        [self createTableWithName:@"DynamicModel"];


//    }

//    [_db open];


//   NSString *sql = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"INSERT INTO DynamicModel(cellTitle,source,imageUrl,newsUrl,newsID,imageData)VALUES('%@','%@','%@','%@','%@',?)",dynamicModel.cellTitle,dynamicModel.source,dynamicModel.imageUrl,dynamicModel.newsUrl,dynamicModel.newsID];


//    if ([_db executeUpdate:sql,dynamicModel.imageData]) {

//        NSLog(@"charu成功");


//    }else{

//        NSLog(@"charu失败");


//    }


    //[_db executeUpdate:@"INSERT INTO news(cellTitle,source,imageUrl,newsUrl,newsID,imageData)VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)",dynamicModel.cellTitle,dynamicModel.source,dynamicModel.imageUrl,dynamicModel.newsUrl,dynamicModel.newsID,dynamicModel.imageData]


//    [_db close];


- (void)addNews:(NSArray *)models withMoel:(id)model{

    NSString *className = [NSStringstringWithUTF8String:object_getClassName(model)];

    if (!_db) {




    [_db open];


    NSArray *properties = [selfgetAllProperties:model];

    NSString *modelStr = [NSStringstring];


    NSString *modelValueStr = [NSStringstring];


    for (int i =0; i<properties.count; i++) {


        NSString *property = properties[i];


        modelStr = [modelStr stringByAppendingString:property];

        modelValueStr = [modelValueStr stringByAppendingString:@"?"];

        if (i< properties.count -1) {


            modelStr = [modelStr stringByAppendingString:@","];

            modelValueStr = [modelValueStr stringByAppendingString:@","];





    for (NSInteger i=0 ;i < models.count;i++) {


       id obj = models[i];

        NSMutableArray *modelPropertyArray = [NSMutableArrayarray];


        for (int j =0; j<properties.count; j++) {


            id values = [objvalueForKey:[properties objectAtIndex:j]];


//            if (values == nil) {

//                values = @"";

//            }

            NSLog(@"j= %d,properties = %@,value = %@",j,[propertiesobjectAtIndex:j],values);

            [modelPropertyArray addObject:NotNullString(values)];






        NSString *sql = [NSStringstringWithFormat:@"INSERT INTO %@(%@)VALUES(%@)",className,modelStr,modelValueStr];


        if ([_dbexecuteUpdate:sql values:modelPropertyArray error:nil]) {









    [_db close];


- (NSMutableArray *)getAllNews:(id)model{


    NSString *className = [NSStringstringWithUTF8String:object_getClassName(model)];

    if (!_db) {





    [_db open];



    NSMutableArray *dataArray = [[NSMutableArrayalloc] init];


    NSString * sqlStr = [NSStringstringWithFormat:@"SELECT * FROM %@",className];


    FMResultSet *res = [_dbexecuteQuery:sqlStr];

    while ([resnext]) {


        NSArray *properties = [selfgetAllProperties:model];

        NSArray *attributes = [selfgetAllPropertiesTypeAttribute:[[DynamicModelalloc] init]];

        id modelobj = [[[modelclass] alloc]init];

//        for (NSString *property in properties) {


//            if ([property containsString:@"Data"]) {

//                [modelobj setValue:[res dataForColumn:property] forKey:property];


//            }else{



//                [modelobj setValue:[res stringForColumn:property] forKey:property];

//            }



//        }

        for (int i =0; i< properties.count; i++) {

            NSString *property = properties[i];


            if ([attributes[i]isEqualToString:@"NSData"]) {

                [modelobj setValue:[resdataForColumn:property] forKey:property];





                [modelobj setValue:[resstringForColumn:property]forKey:property];




//        DynamicModel *model = [[DynamicModel alloc] init];


//        model.cellTitle = [res stringForColumn:@"cellTitle"];

//        model.source = [res stringForColumn:@"source"];

//        model.imageUrl = [res stringForColumn:@"imageUrl"];

//        model.newsUrl = [res stringForColumn:@"newsUrl"];

//        model.newsID = [res stringForColumn:@"newsID"];

//        NSData * data = [res dataForColumn:@"imageData"];

//        model.imageData = data;

        [dataArray addObject:modelobj];





    [_db close];




    return dataArray;


// - (void)deleteNews:(DynamicModel *)dynamicModel {

// [_db open];


// [_db executeUpdate:@"DELETE FROM news WHERE newsID = ?",dynamicModel.newsID];


// [_db close];

// }

// - (void)updateNews:(DynamicModel *)dynamicModel {


//     if (!_db) {

//         [self createTableWithName:@"DynamicModel"];


//     }

//     [_db open];


//     UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"premium.PNG"];

//     NSData *imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image);

//     model.imageData  = imageData;


//     [_db executeUpdate:@"UPDATE 'news' SET cellTitle = ? WHERE newsID = ? ",@"修改的名称",dynamicModel.newsID];


//     [_db executeUpdate:@"UPDATE 'news' SET imageData = ? WHERE newsID = ? ",imageData,dynamicModel.newsID];

//     [_db executeUpdate:@"UPDATE 'news' SET imageData = ? ,cellTitle = ? WHERE newsID = ? ",imageData,dynamicModel.newsID];

//     if ([_db executeUpdate:@"UPDATE 'DynamicModel' SET imageData = ? ,cellTitle = ? WHERE newsID = ? ",imageData,@"修改的名字",dynamicModel.newsID]) {

//         NSLog(@"更新成功");

//     }else{

//         NSLog(@"更新失败");

//     }


//     [_db close];

// }

//- (void)CreateNewTable:(DynamicModel *)dynamicModel{


//    [_db open];



//    if ([_db executeUpdate:@"INSERT INTO tests2 select * FROM news"]) {

//        NSLog(@"tests2成功");

//    }else{

//        NSLog(@"tests2失败");

//    }


//    if (isTableExist(_db, @"tests2")) {

//        NSLog(@"cunai");

//    }else{

//        NSLog(@"bucunai");



//    }


//    [_db close];



#pragma mark---查询数字库存在的表

BOOL isTableExist(FMDatabase *db,NSString * tableName)


    FMResultSet *rs2 = [dbexecuteQuery:@"select name from sqlite_master where type='table' order by name;"];

    while ([rs2next])


        NSString * columnName = [rs2stringForColumnIndex:0];

        NSLog(@"isTableOK ---%@",columnName);




    FMResultSet *rs = [dbexecuteQuery:@"select count(*) as 'count' from sqlite_master where type ='table' and name = ?", tableName];

    while ([rsnext])


        // just print out what we've got in a number of formats.

        NSInteger count = [rsintForColumn:@"count"];

        NSLog(@"isTableOK %ld", (long)count);


        if (0 == count)












#pragma mark---查询数据库表中的数据

//- (void)selecetDataWith:(DynamicModel *)dynamicModel {


//    [_db open];


//    NSString *sqlStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SELECT news.cellTitle, news.newsID, tab_Subnews.cellTitle ,tab_Subnews.newsID FROM news INNER JOIN tab_Subnews ON news.newsID = tab_Subnews.newsID ORDER BY news.cellTitle"];


//        NSString *sqlStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SELECT tab_Subnews.cellTitle ,tab_Subnews.newsID FROM news INNER JOIN tab_Subnews ON news.newsID = tab_Subnews.newsID"];


//    FMResultSet *res = [_db executeQuery:sqlStr];

//    while ([res next]) {

//        DynamicModel *model = [[DynamicModel alloc] init];

//        model.cellTitle = [res stringForColumn:@"cellTitle"];

//        model.source = [res stringForColumn:@"source"];

//        model.imageUrl = [res stringForColumn:@"imageUrl"];

//        model.newsUrl = [res stringForColumn:@"newsUrl"];

//        model.newsID = [res stringForColumn:@"newsID"];

//        NSData * data = [res dataForColumn:@"imageData"];

//        model.imageData = data;


//        for (NSInteger i= 0 ;i<2;i++) {



//            NSString *str = [res stringForColumnIndex:i];

//            NSLog(@"str=%@",str);


//        }

//    }


//    [_db close];



- (NSArray *)getAllProperties:(id)model


    u_int count;


    objc_property_t *properties  =class_copyPropertyList([modelclass], &count);


    NSMutableArray *propertiesArray = [NSMutableArrayarray];


    for (int i =0; i < count ; i++)


        constchar* propertyName = property_getName(properties[i]);

        [propertiesArray addObject: [NSStringstringWithUTF8String: propertyName]];




    //    NSLog(@"反射机制获取的----数组中的元素为----%@",propertiesArray);

    return propertiesArray;



- (NSArray *)getAllPropertiesTypeAttribute:(id)model


    u_int count;


    objc_property_t *properties  =class_copyPropertyList([modelclass], &count);


    NSMutableArray *propertiesArray = [NSMutableArrayarray];


    for (int i =0; i < count; i++) {

        objc_property_t property = properties[i];

//        const char *name = property_getName(property);

//        NSString *propertyName = [NSString stringWithCString:name encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

        constchar * type = property_getAttributes(property);

//        NSString *attr = [NSString stringWithCString:type encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

        NSString *typeString = [NSStringstringWithUTF8String:type];

        NSArray * attributes = [typeStringcomponentsSeparatedByString:@","];

        NSString * typeAttribute = [attributesobjectAtIndex:0];

        NSString * propertyType = [typeAttributesubstringFromIndex:1];

        constchar * rawPropertyType = [propertyTypeUTF8String];


        if (strcmp(rawPropertyType,@encode(float)) ==0) {

            //it's a float


        } elseif (strcmp(rawPropertyType,@encode(int)) ==0) {

            //it's an int


        } elseif (strcmp(rawPropertyType,@encode(id)) ==0) {

            //it's some sort of object


        } else {


            // According to Apples Documentation you can determine the corresponding encoding values



        if ([typeAttributehasPrefix:@"T@"] && [typeAttributelength] > 1) {

            NSString * typeClassName = [typeAttributesubstringWithRange:NSMakeRange(3, [typeAttributelength]-4)]; //turns @"NSDate" into NSDate

            Class typeClass = NSClassFromString(typeClassName);

            if (typeClass !=nil) {


                [propertiesArray addObject:typeClassName];

                // Here is the corresponding class even for nil values






    //    NSLog(@"反射机制获取的----数组中的元素为----%@",propertiesArray);

    return propertiesArray;



- (NSDictionary *)allProperties:(id)model


    NSMutableDictionary *props = [NSMutableDictionarydictionary];

    unsignedint outCount, i;

    objc_property_t *properties =class_copyPropertyList([modelclass], &outCount);

    for (i =0; i<outCount; i++)


        objc_property_t property = properties[i];

        constchar *char_f =property_getName(property);

        NSString *propertyName = [NSStringstringWithUTF8String:char_f];

        id propertyValue = [modelvalueForKey:(NSString *)propertyName];

        if (propertyValue)

            [props setObject:propertyValueforKey:propertyName];



    return props;



//- (BOOL)reflectDataFromOtherObject:(NSObject*)dataSource



//    BOOL ret = NO;

//    //propertyKeys 其实就是上面的方法的变形,上面方法回传一个可变字典,这里是得到一个可变数组的一个处理

//    for (NSString *key in [self propertyKeys])

//    {

//        if ([dataSource isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])

//        {

//            ret = ([dataSource valueForKey:key]==nil)?NO:YES;

//        }

//        else

//        {

//            ret = [dataSource  respondsToSelector:NSSelectorFromString(key)];

//        }

//        if (ret)

//        {

//            id propertyValue = [dataSource valueForKey:key];

//            //该值不为NSNULL,并且也不为nil

//            if (![propertyValue isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]] && propertyValue!=nil)

//            {

//                [self setValue:propertyValue forKey:key];

//            }

//        }

//    }

//    return ret;



