

An encapsulation(封装)of the design-time view controller graph represented in an Interface Builder storyboard resource file.

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class UIStoryboard : NSObject


A storyboard represents the view controllers for all or part of your app’s user interface. Typically, view controllers in a storyboard are instantiated and created automatically in response to actions defined within the storyboard itself. However, you can use a storyboard object to instantiate the initial view controller in a storyboard file or instantiate other view controllers that you want to present programmatically.


Getting a Storyboard Object

init(name: String, bundle: Bundle?)

Creates and returns a storyboard object for the specified storyboard resource file.

Instantiating Storyboard View Controllers

func instantiateInitialViewController() -> UIViewController?

Instantiates and returns the initial view controller in the view controller graph.

func instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: String) -> UIViewController

Instantiates and returns the view controller with the specified identifier.

   let vc =  UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "shoppingCart")
   vc.navigationItem.title = self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem?.title
   self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)

