
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/// Extern function needed for dbc_encode_and_send()
extern bool dbc_app_send_can_msg(uint32_t mid, uint8_t dlc, uint8_t bytes[8]);
/// Missing in Action structure
typedef struct {
    uint32_t is_mia : 1;          ///< Missing in action flag
    uint32_t mia_counter_ms : 31; ///< Missing in action counter
} dbc_mia_info_t;
/// CAN message header structure
typedef struct { 
    uint32_t mid; ///< Message ID of the message
    uint8_t  dlc; ///< Data length of the message
} dbc_msg_hdr_t; 
static const dbc_msg_hdr_t DBC_TEST1_HDR =                        { 0x1f4, 8 };
static const dbc_msg_hdr_t DBC_TEST2_HDR =                        { 0x1f5, 8 };
static const dbc_msg_hdr_t DBC_TEST3_HDR =                        { 0x1f6, 8 };
// static const dbc_msg_hdr_t DRIVER_HEARTBEAT_HDR =                 { 0x64, 1 };
// static const dbc_msg_hdr_t MOTOR_CMD_HDR =                        { 0x65, 1 };
static const dbc_msg_hdr_t MOTOR_STATUS_HDR =                     { 0x190, 3 };
static const dbc_msg_hdr_t SENSOR_SONARS_HDR =                    { 0xc8, 8 };
static const dbc_msg_hdr_t DBC_TEST4_HDR =                        { 0x1f7, 8 };
/// Message: DBC_TEST1 from 'IO', DLC: 8 byte(s), MID: 0x1f4
typedef struct {
    uint32_t DBC_TEST1_unsigned1 : 8;         ///< B7:0   Destination: DBG
    uint32_t DBC_TEST1_unsigned_minmax : 8;   ///< B15:8  Min: 0 Max: 100   Destination: DBG
    uint32_t DBC_TEST1_enum : 8;              ///< B39:32   Destination: DBG
    uint32_t DBC_TEST1_float : 8;             ///< B47:40   Destination: DBG
    uint32_t DBC_TEST1_float_signed : 16;     ///< B63:48  Min: 0 Max: 65.535   Destination: DBG
    // No dbc_mia_info_t for a message that we will send
} DBC_TEST1_t;
/// Message: DBC_TEST2 from 'IO', DLC: 8 byte(s), MID: 0x1f5
typedef struct {
    uint32_t DBC_TEST2_real_signed1 : 12;     ///< B17:6   Destination: DBG
    uint32_t DBC_TEST2_real_signed2 : 18;     ///< B35:18   Destination: DBG
    uint32_t DBC_TEST2_signed : 8;            ///< B43:36   Destination: DBG
    uint32_t DBC_TEST2_signed_minmax : 16;    ///< B59:44  Min: -32768 Max: 32767   Destination: DBG
    // No dbc_mia_info_t for a message that we will send
} DBC_TEST2_t;
/// Message: DBC_TEST3 from 'IO', DLC: 8 byte(s), MID: 0x1f6
typedef struct {
    uint32_t DBC_TEST3_real_signed1 : 4;      ///< B5:2   Destination: DBG
    uint32_t DBC_TEST3_real_signed2 : 8;      ///< B15:8   Destination: DBG
    // No dbc_mia_info_t for a message that we will send
} DBC_TEST3_t;
/// Message: MOTOR_STATUS from 'MOTOR', DLC: 3 byte(s), MID: 0x190
typedef struct {
    uint32_t MOTOR_STATUS_wheel_error : 1;    ///< B0:0   Destination: DRIVER,IO
    uint32_t MOTOR_STATUS_speed_kph : 16;     ///< B23:8   Destination: DRIVER,IO
    dbc_mia_info_t mia_info;
/// @{ MUX'd message: SENSOR_SONARS
/// Struct for MUX: m0 (used for transmitting)
typedef struct {
    uint32_t SENSOR_SONARS_err_count : 12;    ///< B15:4   Destination: DRIVER,IO
    uint32_t SENSOR_SONARS_left : 12;         ///< B27:16   Destination: DRIVER,IO
    uint32_t SENSOR_SONARS_middle : 12;       ///< B39:28   Destination: DRIVER,IO
    uint32_t SENSOR_SONARS_right : 12;        ///< B51:40   Destination: DRIVER,IO
    uint32_t SENSOR_SONARS_rear : 12;         ///< B63:52   Destination: DRIVER,IO
    dbc_mia_info_t mia_info;
/// Struct for MUX: m1 (used for transmitting)
typedef struct {
    uint32_t SENSOR_SONARS_err_count : 12;    ///< B15:4   Destination: DRIVER,IO
    uint32_t SENSOR_SONARS_no_filt_left : 12; ///< B27:16   Destination: DBG
    uint32_t SENSOR_SONARS_no_filt_middle : 12; ///< B39:28   Destination: DBG
    uint32_t SENSOR_SONARS_no_filt_right : 12; ///< B51:40   Destination: DBG
    uint32_t SENSOR_SONARS_no_filt_rear : 12; ///< B63:52   Destination: DBG
    dbc_mia_info_t mia_info;
/// Struct with all the child MUX'd signals (Used for receiving)
typedef struct {
    SENSOR_SONARS_m0_t m0; ///< MUX'd structure
    SENSOR_SONARS_m1_t m1; ///< MUX'd structure
/// @} MUX'd message
/// Message: DBC_TEST4 from 'IO', DLC: 8 byte(s), MID: 0x1f7
typedef struct {
    uint32_t DBC_TEST4_real_signed1 : 32;     ///< B31:0   Destination: DBG
    uint32_t DBC_TEST4_real_signed2 : 16;     ///< B47:32  Min: -32768 Max: 32767   Destination: DBG
    uint32_t DBC_TEST4_real_overflow : 16;    ///< B63:48   Destination: DBG
    // No dbc_mia_info_t for a message that we will send
} DBC_TEST4_t;
/// @{ These 'externs' need to be defined in a source file of your project
extern const uint32_t                             MOTOR_STATUS__MIA_MS;
extern const MOTOR_STATUS_t                       MOTOR_STATUS__MIA_MSG;
extern const uint32_t                             SENSOR_SONARS_m0__MIA_MS;
extern const SENSOR_SONARS_m0_t                   SENSOR_SONARS_m0__MIA_MSG;
extern const uint32_t                             SENSOR_SONARS_m1__MIA_MS;
extern const SENSOR_SONARS_m1_t                   SENSOR_SONARS_m1__MIA_MSG;
/// @}
/// Encode IO's 'DBC_TEST1' message
/// @returns the message header of this message
static inline dbc_msg_hdr_t dbc_encode_DBC_TEST1(uint8_t frame[8], DBC_TEST1_t *msg)
    uint32_t raw;
    // Stuff a SIG into the DBC 8-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:0BitSize:8
    set_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 0, 8, msg->DBC_TEST1_unsigned1);
    // Stuff a SIG into the DBC 8-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:8BitSize:8
    set_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 8, 8, msg->DBC_TEST1_unsigned_minmax);
    // Stuff a SIG into the DBC 8-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:32BitSize:8
    set_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 32, 8, msg->DBC_TEST1_enum);
    // Stuff a SIG into the DBC 8-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:40BitSize:8
    set_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 40, 8, msg->DBC_TEST1_float);
    // Stuff a SIG into the DBC 16-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:48BitSize:16
    set_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 48, 16, msg->DBC_TEST1_float_signed);
    return DBC_TEST1_HDR;
/// Encode and send for dbc_encode_DBC_TEST1() message
static inline bool dbc_encode_and_send_DBC_TEST1(DBC_TEST1_t *from)
    uint8_t bytes[8];
    const dbc_msg_hdr_t hdr = dbc_encode_DBC_TEST1(bytes, from);
    return dbc_app_send_can_msg(hdr.mid, hdr.dlc, bytes);
/// Encode IO's 'DBC_TEST2' message
/// @returns the message header of this message
static inline dbc_msg_hdr_t dbc_encode_DBC_TEST2(uint8_t frame[8], DBC_TEST2_t *msg)
    uint32_t raw;
    // Stuff a SIG into the DBC 12-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:6BitSize:12
    set_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 6, 12, msg->DBC_TEST2_real_signed1);
    // Stuff a SIG into the DBC 18-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:18BitSize:18
    set_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 18, 18, msg->DBC_TEST2_real_signed2);
    // Stuff a SIG into the DBC 8-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:36BitSize:8
    set_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 36, 8, msg->DBC_TEST2_signed);
    // Stuff a SIG into the DBC 16-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:44BitSize:16
    set_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 44, 16, msg->DBC_TEST2_signed_minmax);
    return DBC_TEST2_HDR;
/// Encode and send for dbc_encode_DBC_TEST2() message
static inline bool dbc_encode_and_send_DBC_TEST2(DBC_TEST2_t *from)
    uint8_t bytes[8];
    const dbc_msg_hdr_t hdr = dbc_encode_DBC_TEST2(bytes, from);
    return dbc_app_send_can_msg(hdr.mid, hdr.dlc, bytes);
/// Encode IO's 'DBC_TEST3' message
/// @returns the message header of this message
static inline dbc_msg_hdr_t dbc_encode_DBC_TEST3(uint8_t frame[8], DBC_TEST3_t *msg)
    uint32_t raw;
    // Stuff a SIG into the DBC 4-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:2BitSize:4
    set_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 2, 4, msg->DBC_TEST3_real_signed1);
    // Stuff a SIG into the DBC 8-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:8BitSize:8
    set_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 8, 8, msg->DBC_TEST3_real_signed2);
    return DBC_TEST3_HDR;
/// Encode and send for dbc_encode_DBC_TEST3() message
static inline bool dbc_encode_and_send_DBC_TEST3(DBC_TEST3_t *from)
    uint8_t bytes[8];
    const dbc_msg_hdr_t hdr = dbc_encode_DBC_TEST3(bytes, from);
    return dbc_app_send_can_msg(hdr.mid, hdr.dlc, bytes);
/// Not generating code for dbc_encode_DRIVER_HEARTBEAT() since the sender is DRIVER and we are IO
/// Not generating code for dbc_encode_MOTOR_CMD() since the sender is DRIVER and we are IO
/// Not generating code for dbc_encode_MOTOR_STATUS() since the sender is MOTOR and we are IO
/// Not generating code for dbc_encode_SENSOR_SONARS() since the sender is SENSOR and we are IO
/// Encode IO's 'DBC_TEST4' message
/// @returns the message header of this message
static inline dbc_msg_hdr_t dbc_encode_DBC_TEST4(uint8_t frame[8], DBC_TEST4_t *msg)
    uint32_t raw;
    // Stuff a SIG into the DBC 32-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:0BitSize:32
    set_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 0, 32, msg->DBC_TEST4_real_signed1);
    // Stuff a SIG into the DBC 16-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:32BitSize:16
    set_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 32, 16, msg->DBC_TEST4_real_signed2);
    // Stuff a SIG into the DBC 16-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:48BitSize:16
    set_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 48, 16, msg->DBC_TEST4_real_overflow);
    return DBC_TEST4_HDR;
/// Encode and send for dbc_encode_DBC_TEST4() message
static inline bool dbc_encode_and_send_DBC_TEST4(DBC_TEST4_t *from)
    uint8_t bytes[8];
    const dbc_msg_hdr_t hdr = dbc_encode_DBC_TEST4(bytes, from);
    return dbc_app_send_can_msg(hdr.mid, hdr.dlc, bytes);
/// Not generating code for dbc_decode_DBC_TEST1() since 'IO' is not the recipient of any of the signals
/// Not generating code for dbc_decode_DBC_TEST2() since 'IO' is not the recipient of any of the signals
/// Not generating code for dbc_decode_DBC_TEST3() since 'IO' is not the recipient of any of the signals
/// Not generating code for dbc_decode_DRIVER_HEARTBEAT() since 'IO' is not the recipient of any of the signals
/// Not generating code for dbc_decode_MOTOR_CMD() since 'IO' is not the recipient of any of the signals
/// Decode MOTOR's 'MOTOR_STATUS' message
/// @param hdr  The header of the message to validate its DLC and MID; this can be NULL to skip this check
static inline bool dbc_decode_MOTOR_STATUS(MOTOR_STATUS_t *msg, const uint8_t frame[8], const dbc_msg_hdr_t *hdr)
    const bool success = true;
    // If msg header is provided, check if the DLC and the MID match
    if (NULL != hdr && (hdr->dlc != MOTOR_STATUS_HDR.dlc || hdr->mid != MOTOR_STATUS_HDR.mid)) {
        return !success;
    uint32_t raw;
    // Stuff a SIG from the DBC 1-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:0BitSize:1
    get_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 0, 1, msg->MOTOR_STATUS_wheel_error);
    // Stuff a SIG from the DBC 16-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:8BitSize:16
    get_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 8, 16, msg->MOTOR_STATUS_speed_kph);
    msg->mia_info.mia_counter_ms = 0; ///< Reset the MIA counter
    return success;
/// Decode SENSOR's 'SENSOR_SONARS' message
/// @param hdr  The header of the message to validate its DLC and MID; this can be NULL to skip this check
static inline bool dbc_decode_SENSOR_SONARS(SENSOR_SONARS_t *msg, const uint8_t frame[8], const dbc_msg_hdr_t *hdr)
    const bool success = true;
    // If msg header is provided, check if the DLC and the MID match
    if (NULL != hdr && (hdr->dlc != SENSOR_SONARS_HDR.dlc || hdr->mid != SENSOR_SONARS_HDR.mid)) {
        return !success;
    uint32_t raw;
    // Decode the MUX
    uint8_t MUX = 0;    // Stuff a SIG from the DBC 4-bit signal
    ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:0BitSize:4
    get_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 0, 4, &MUX);
    if (0 == MUX) {
        // Non Muxed signals (part of all MUX'd structures)
        // Stuff a SIG from the DBC 12-bit signal
        ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:4BitSize:12
        get_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 4, 12, &msg->m0.SENSOR_SONARS_err_count);
        // Stuff a SIG from the DBC 12-bit signal
        ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:16BitSize:12
        get_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 16, 12, &msg->m0.SENSOR_SONARS_left);
        // Stuff a SIG from the DBC 12-bit signal
        ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:28BitSize:12
        get_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 28, 12, &msg->m0.SENSOR_SONARS_middle);
        // Stuff a SIG from the DBC 12-bit signal
        ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:40BitSize:12
        get_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 40, 12, &msg->m0.SENSOR_SONARS_right);
        // Stuff a SIG from the DBC 12-bit signal
        ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:52BitSize:12
        get_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 52, 12, &msg->m0.SENSOR_SONARS_rear);
        msg->m0.mia_info.mia_counter_ms = 0; ///< Reset the MIA counter
    else if (1 == MUX) {
        // Non Muxed signals (part of all MUX'd structures)
        // Stuff a SIG from the DBC 12-bit signal
        ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:4BitSize:12
        get_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 4, 12, &msg->m1.SENSOR_SONARS_err_count);
        // Stuff a SIG from the DBC 12-bit signal
        ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:16BitSize:12
        get_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 16, 12, &msg->m1.SENSOR_SONARS_no_filt_left);
        // Stuff a SIG from the DBC 12-bit signal
        ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:28BitSize:12
        get_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 28, 12, &msg->m1.SENSOR_SONARS_no_filt_middle);
        // Stuff a SIG from the DBC 12-bit signal
        ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:40BitSize:12
        get_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 40, 12, &msg->m1.SENSOR_SONARS_no_filt_right);
        // Stuff a SIG from the DBC 12-bit signal
        ///<  bit(s) starting from BBitStart:52BitSize:12
        get_frame_data(frame, MOTOROLA_MSB, 52, 12, &msg->m1.SENSOR_SONARS_no_filt_rear);
        msg->m1.mia_info.mia_counter_ms = 0; ///< Reset the MIA counter
    else {
        return !success;
    return success;
/// Not generating code for dbc_decode_DBC_TEST4() since 'IO' is not the recipient of any of the signals
/// Handle the MIA for MOTOR's MOTOR_STATUS message
/// @param   time_incr_ms  The time to increment the MIA counter with
/// @returns true if the MIA just occurred
/// @post    If the MIA counter reaches the MIA threshold, MIA struct will be copied to *msg
static inline bool dbc_handle_mia_MOTOR_STATUS(MOTOR_STATUS_t *msg, uint32_t time_incr_ms)
    bool mia_occurred = false;
    const dbc_mia_info_t old_mia = msg->mia_info;
    msg->mia_info.is_mia = (msg->mia_info.mia_counter_ms >= MOTOR_STATUS__MIA_MS);
    if (!msg->mia_info.is_mia) { // Not MIA yet, so keep incrementing the MIA counter
        msg->mia_info.mia_counter_ms += time_incr_ms;
    else if(!old_mia.is_mia)   { // Previously not MIA, but it is MIA now
        // Copy MIA struct, then re-write the MIA counter and is_mia that is overwriten
        *msg = MOTOR_STATUS__MIA_MSG;
        msg->mia_info.mia_counter_ms = MOTOR_STATUS__MIA_MS;
        msg->mia_info.is_mia = true;
        mia_occurred = true;
    return mia_occurred;
/// Handle the MIA for SENSOR's SENSOR_SONARS for MUX "m0" message
/// @param   time_incr_ms  The time to increment the MIA counter with
/// @returns true if the MIA just occurred
/// @post    If the MIA counter reaches the MIA threshold, MIA struct will be copied to *msg
static inline bool dbc_handle_mia_SENSOR_SONARS_m0(SENSOR_SONARS_m0_t *msg, uint32_t time_incr_ms)
    bool mia_occurred = false;
    const dbc_mia_info_t old_mia = msg->mia_info;
    msg->mia_info.is_mia = (msg->mia_info.mia_counter_ms >= SENSOR_SONARS_m0__MIA_MS);
    if (!msg->mia_info.is_mia) { // Not MIA yet, so keep incrementing the MIA counter
        msg->mia_info.mia_counter_ms += time_incr_ms;
    else if(!old_mia.is_mia)   { // Previously not MIA, but it is MIA now
        // Copy MIA struct, then re-write the MIA counter and is_mia that is overwriten
        *msg = SENSOR_SONARS_m0__MIA_MSG;
        msg->mia_info.mia_counter_ms = SENSOR_SONARS_m0__MIA_MS;
        msg->mia_info.is_mia = true;
        mia_occurred = true;
    return mia_occurred;
/// Handle the MIA for SENSOR's SENSOR_SONARS for MUX "m1" message
/// @param   time_incr_ms  The time to increment the MIA counter with
/// @returns true if the MIA just occurred
/// @post    If the MIA counter reaches the MIA threshold, MIA struct will be copied to *msg
static inline bool dbc_handle_mia_SENSOR_SONARS_m1(SENSOR_SONARS_m1_t *msg, uint32_t time_incr_ms)
    bool mia_occurred = false;
    const dbc_mia_info_t old_mia = msg->mia_info;
    msg->mia_info.is_mia = (msg->mia_info.mia_counter_ms >= SENSOR_SONARS_m1__MIA_MS);
    if (!msg->mia_info.is_mia) { // Not MIA yet, so keep incrementing the MIA counter
        msg->mia_info.mia_counter_ms += time_incr_ms;
    else if(!old_mia.is_mia)   { // Previously not MIA, but it is MIA now
        // Copy MIA struct, then re-write the MIA counter and is_mia that is overwriten
        *msg = SENSOR_SONARS_m1__MIA_MSG;
        msg->mia_info.mia_counter_ms = SENSOR_SONARS_m1__MIA_MS;
        msg->mia_info.is_mia = true;
        mia_occurred = true;
    return mia_occurred;

