

  • In Line…the word”…”could best be replaced by which of the following?
  • According to the author the word “…”means    .
  • By word “…” the author means    .
  • Which of the following is nearest/closest in meaning to “…” ?




e.g. If we so desire, we can smoke, drink excessively, refuse to wear seat belts, eat whatever foods we want, and live a completely sedentary life-style without any exercise.
To “live a completely sedentary life-style” in the passage means______.
A) to live an inactive life
B) to live a decent life
C) to live a life with complete freedom
D) to live a life of vice
正确答案 C


e.g. Though classed with the carnivores, the grizzly bear is largely vegetarian and rarely eats flesh. During the summer these bears are avid fishers and comb the waters of mountain streams and rivers to catch salmon swimming upstream.
What does the word “carnivore” mean?
A) a vegetable eater
B) a flesh eater
C) a fisherman
D) a type of bear

3、举例关系 (总-分)

e.g. To determine the consequences of sleep deficit, researchers have put subjects through a set of psychological and performance tests requiring them, for instance, to add columns of numbers or recall a passage read to them only minutes earlier. “We’ve found that if you’re in sleep deficit, performance suffers,” says Dr. David. “Short-term memory is weakened, as are abilities to make decisions and to concentrate.”
What’s the meaning of the word “subjects” in the paragraph?
A) the performance tests used in the study of sleep deficit
B) special branches of knowledge that are being studied
C) people whose behavior or reactions are being studied
D) the psychological consequences of sleep deficit

二、外部逻辑关系 —— 常识

e.g. Herbicides, like all chemicals sprayed in the environment, have some adverse effects. Not only have earthworms and other soil microorganisms been killed by some herbicides, but also much needed insect predators have been destroyed by these chemicals.
The word “adverse” could be best replaced by which of the following?
A) unusual B) interesting C) harmful D) notorious


  1. 冒号: 补充说明
  2. 分号: 并列
  3. 括号:
  4. 引号:
  5. 破折号:补充说明


1、卡俄斯(Khaos/Chaos/希腊语:Χάος):混沌之神。宇宙之初,只有卡俄斯,他是一个无边无际、一无所有的空间。随后诞生了地母神盖亚(Gaia)、地狱深渊神塔耳塔洛斯(Tartarus)、黑暗神俄瑞波斯(Erebus)、黑夜女神尼克斯(Nyx)和爱神厄洛斯(Eros)世界由此开始…虽然卡俄斯是世界之源,但他在后来的希腊神话中几乎没有什么戏份,仅仅起到序幕的作用。 由卡俄斯的名字Chaos产生了表示“混沌”的单词chaos及其派生词chaotic。

  • chaos: ['keɪɒs] n.混沌、混乱。
  • chaotic: [keɪ’ɒtɪk] adj.混乱的、无秩序的。

2、Giants 巨人族

  • giant 巨人 , 巨大的
  • gigantic 巨人般的,巨大的(gig- = gia- 巨人,antic- 复合形容词后缀)

3、geo- 词根:土地

  • geography 地理(学)
  • geometry 几何(metry=metre- 测量 —— 测量土地之学)

4、希腊神话中,天神乌拉诺斯(Uranus)诞生于大地女神盖亚,掌管天空。乌拉诺斯是盖亚的儿子,也是她的丈夫,是十二泰坦神、独眼巨人与百臂巨人的父亲。 乌拉诺斯贪恋权力,把盖亚与他所生的所有孩子都束缚在盖亚体内。盖亚十分愤怒,就号召孩子们起来反抗。其他孩子慑于父亲淫威,不敢有所表示,只有最小也是最强壮的儿子克洛诺斯答应帮助母亲推翻父亲。盖亚交给克洛诺斯一把锋利的石镰刀,让他埋伏好。等到乌拉诺斯在盖亚身上发泄淫威时,克洛诺斯手持镰刀,一刀就隔断了乌拉诺斯的命根子。乌拉诺斯惨叫一声,逃到了天上,从此再不敢回到地上。

  • 在天文学上,Uranus表示“天王星”。天王星的位置在土星(Saturn)外侧,而土星在木星(Jupiter)的外侧。

  • Uranus: [ˈjʊərənəs]n.天王星,天神乌拉诺斯

  • 除此以外,化学元素铀(uranium)也是以Uranus命名的。

  • uranium:[jʊ’reɪnɪəm]n.铀元素

  • uranolite:['jʊrənəʊlaɪt]n.陨石。记:urano天+lite小东西→天上飞来的石头

  • uranology:[,jʊərə’nɒlədʒɪ]n.天体学。记:uran天+ology学科→关于天体的学科

  • uranometry:[,jʊərə’nɒmɪtrɪ] n.天体测量学。记:uran天+metry测量→测量天体的学科

  • uranography:[jʊrə’nɒgrəfɪ]n.天象图学。记:urano天+graphy描绘→天象的描绘。

  • uranoscopy:[jʊ’rɑ:nəskəpɪ]n.天体观察。记:urano天+scopy观察→天体观察。

  • uran 巨蜥

5、来自希腊语 Titan,巨人,泰坦诸神,第三代神王宙斯之父第二代神王 Kronos 的兄长,第一代 神王 Uranus 的儿子

  • Titanic
  • big-large-huge-giant-titan

6、Pluto 冥王星,来自拉丁语Pluto,来自希腊语 Plouton,财富之神

  • Pluto-plus-plenty-plutocrat

7、Mercury 掌管商业的神 merc- 商业

  • commerce 商业/贸易贸易业
  • merchant 商人;批发商

8、Mars 火星;罗马神话中的战神马尔斯 mar- 词根:战争

  • martial 军事的;战争的

9、Muse 希腊神话中主管文艺的缪斯女神 muse 词根:文艺

  • music folk music(民间音乐)
  • dance to the music(随着音乐跳舞)
  • music hall(音乐大厅)
  • musical 含义:
    1“ 音乐的”(musical talent 音乐天赋,musical instrument 乐器)
    2“ 喜欢音乐的”(a musical child 一个喜欢音乐的孩子)
  • museum 缪斯主管的地方,“博物馆”,其中 um 表示地点名词的尾缀(stadium“ 露天体育场”)

10、Flora是古希腊文化中的花神 flora 词根:植物

  • flower
  • flour (尤指小麦的)面粉;(谷物磨成的)粉
  • florida 佛罗里达

