
1、     当我看见他们时,他们不说话了。

【我的翻译】When I saw them, they stop talking.

【标准答案】When I saw them, they stopped talking.

【对比分析】我看见发生在过去,他们停止讲话也发生在过去,所以用过去时。Talking动名词作宾语, When I saw them,关系副词when引导的状语从句作stop的伴随状语


         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子类型:状语从句

         - 句子时态:一般过去时

         - 句子成分:When I saw them(状语从句), they主语 stopped谓语 talking动名词作宾语.

【拓展】①.stop doing是停下正在做的事 ②stop to do 停下来去做某事

2、     我不得不停下手中的事,去看微信消息。

【我的翻译】I have to stop the thing on my hand to see Wechat message.

【标准答案】I have to stop to check the messages on WeChat.

【对比分析】查看消息一般用check the messages。

See与check 区别 -- >

■ see  to become aware of sb/sth by using your eyes指看见、见到、看出:She looked for him but couldn't see him in the crowd.她在人群里找来找去,但没看见他。

■ check  to look at sth closely to make sure that everything is correct, in good condition, safe or satisfactory指检查、审查、核查,以确保完好、正常和安全:Check your work before handing it in.交作业前先检查一遍。

【解题思路】句子主干为我去看微信消息。I(主) have to stop(谓) to check the messages on Wechat(宾).

         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子类型:不定式作状语

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:I 主语have to stop谓语 to check the messages on WeChat不定式作目的状语.

         -为什么这句用了 to do, 区别在哪?不定式表动作的方向和趋势

【拓展】1. 状语的作用:状语说明地点、时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、方向、程度、方式和伴随状况等。


2. have to情态动词:情态动词只有情态意义,即它所表示的是说话人对动作的观点,如需要、可能、意愿或怀疑等。须后接动词原形,构成谓语动词。have to的疑问和否定结构多用助动词do构成。如:Why do I have to do everything? 为什么事事都得我干?

1 )表客观的义务或需要。可用于各种句式,但只用于一般式。如He had to do it.  他必须做那件事。 Did he have to do it.  他得做那件事吗?

在否定句中,have to表不需要,must表不许。如:You don’t have to go there.  你不需要去那儿。You mustn’t go there.  你不可去那儿。

2 )在口语中,  have got to 亦可表义务和需要,与have to基本同义。如:He has got to go right now. 

3 )固定词组had better表可取,意谓“最好”,或“应该”,常用于一般式。如:Hadn’t we better stop now?  我们现在停下来不好吗?(亦可说 Had we better not stop

now?但had better一般不可用于肯定疑问句)有时可省去had。如:Better say yes, if they ask you.  如果他们问你,你最好说“是”。had better亦可用于进行式,意谓“最好立即”。如:You had better have done that.  你最好把那件事做完。(可是你没有做完)

3、     希望能下次再见。

【我的翻译】I hope to see you next time.

【标准答案】I hope to see you again.



         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子类型:不定式作宾语

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:I 主语hope谓语 to see you again宾语.

【拓展】see you later 是待会儿见

see you next time 下次见 一般是有固定周期的

see you 等同于再见

see you again 再次见到

4、     没有不犯错误的人。(人非圣贤,孰能无过)

【我的翻译】Someone can not make any mistake.

【标准答案】To err is human.

【对比分析】To err is human; to forgive, divine. 人皆犯错,宽恕是德。—亚历山大·蒲柏(英国诗人,文学批评家)


         - 内部关系:描述关系

         - 句子类型:不定式作主语

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:To err主语 is系动词 human表语.

【拓展】:err  v. make a mistake, be mistaken or incorrect 犯错,出错,例句:the judge had erred in ruling that the evidence was inadmissible

5、     你有什么要说的话吗?

【我的翻译】Do you have anything to say?

【标准答案】Do you have anything to say?



         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子类型:一般疑问句

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:Do助动词 you主语 have谓语 anything to say宾语


6、     我碰巧知道你那个问题的答案。

【我的翻译】I happen to know the answer of your question.

【标准答案】I happen to know the answer to your question.



         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:I主语 happen to know谓语 the answer to your question宾语


The key to success is preparation.成功的关键是准备。

It was Susan who brought the problem to my notice.是苏珊使我注意到这个问题的。

Normally,the letter would not have come to my notice.通常情况下,我是不会看到这封信的。

1.It happened that 碰巧

By chance 偶然;意外地

By coincidence 碰巧

By accident 偶然;意外地

Happen to do 偶然,碰巧

2.the answer to the question 问题的答案

7、     早起是一个检测意志力的好方法。

【我的翻译】To get up early is a good method to check the willpower.

【标准答案】To get up early is a good way to test one’s will.

【对比分析】method of sth:reliable/effective/scientific method of data analysis 可靠的╱有效的╱科学的数据分析方法 method of doing sth: a new method of solving the problem. method for sth/for doing sth: the best method for arriving at an accurate prediction of the costs 准确预测成本的最佳方法

test one's will是检测意志力的意思,will做名词表示愿意、意志力、遗嘱的意思。不定式和动名词的区别:不定式是具体的,一次的动作或行为;动名词表示抽象的,经常性的动作或行为。


         - 内部关系:描述关系

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:To get up early不定式作主语 is系动词 a good way to test one’s will表语



8、     最重要的是要清楚你到底想成为一个什么样的人。(不许用 “the most important” )

【我的翻译】To clear what you want to be is the most important.

【标准答案】What matters most is to make sure what kind of person you are going to be.

【对比分析】What matters most 最重要的是 eg. That's what matters most to me. 对我来说这就足够了。make sure: to check that sth is true or has been done 查明,核实,弄清(某事属实或已做)She looked around to make sure that she was alone. 她往四下里看看,是不是只有她一个人。I think the door's locked, but I'll just go and make sure.我觉得门已经锁上了,不过我还是去看看好放心。


         - 内部关系:描述关系

         - 句子类型:主语从句,宾语从句

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:What matters most主语从句 is系动词 to make sure表语 what kind of person you are going to be宾语从句.

【拓展】 person是个体名词,它泛指man,woman或child中的任何一个,其复数形式是persons,但人们习惯用 people代替persons.


9、     未经许可就擅自离开是他的一贯作风。

【我的翻译】Going without primit is what he always do.

【标准答案】It’s very common for him to be absent without leave.

【对比分析】be absent指缺席,to be absent有表示将要缺席的意思,表示擅自离开。to be absent without leave 未经许可擅自离开,leave是许可,准许。

She aske for leave of absence to attend a funeral.她请了假去参加葬礼。


         - 内部关系:描述关系

         - 句子类型:不定时作主语后置

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:It 形式主语’s 系动词 very common表语 for him 不定式逻辑主语to be absent without leave 真正的主语

【拓展】common, 常见的;普遍的

leave, 这个词你可能根本就没想到, 只知道是“离开”对吧? 它作为名词用时是很常见的,意为“准许;许可”,还可以作“假期;休假” 例: ❶ a month’s paid leave 一个月的带薪休假 a month’s 是什么用法来着? 第几讲的来着? ❷ annual leave 年假 ❸ maternity leave 产假.

leave 做名词:1.准许,许可。 Leave from the court to commence an action.开始诉讼的法院准许状。

短语:by(或with)your leave 如蒙许可;如果您同意 with your leave, I will send him your address. 如果您同意,我将把您的地址给他。

Take leave to do sth.斗胆做,冒昧做:whether this amounts to much, one may take leave to doubt.人们可以大胆怀疑此事是否有实质性结果。

10、 你那天没去真是太明智了。

【我的翻译】It’s so clever for you not to go there yesterday.

【标准答案】It’s very wise of you to be absent that day.

【对比分析】明智使用wise,描述人的性格品质用of。Absent (from … ) not in a place because of illness, etc. 缺席;不在to be absent from work缺勤. “没去”翻译成to be absent(缺席)还是直译成“not to go”,这是一个问题。英文中的“没去”严格讲是“缺席”/“没有参加”。not to go/attend都不如to be absent传神。


         - 内部关系:描述关系

         - 句子类型:不定式作主语后置

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:It形式主语’s 系动词 very wise表语 of you不定式的逻辑主语 to be absent that day 真正的主语.


  1. (表示时间)在…的, 在…之前; 在…期间

He was born at the turn of the century. 他出生于世纪之交。

What do you do of a Saturday? 星期六你干什么?

  1. (表示方式)根据

She did it of her own will. 她是自愿这么做的。

  1. (表示对象)对于, 就…而言

He felt quite certain of success. 他对成功很有把握。

  1. (表示原因)由于, 因为

I was sick of their fun and games. 他们的嬉闹让我厌烦。

  1. (表示方位)在; 位于

New York is east of Washington. 纽约在华盛顿以东。

  1. (表示范围)在…之中

Tom is the eldest of the family. 汤姆是家里年龄最大的。

  1. (表示结果)在…方面

The place is easy of access. 这地方容易进入。

  1. (表示目的)用于…的

This is a house of prayer. 这是一座教堂。

  1. (表示否定)缺乏, 没有

They were destitute of necessaries of life. 他们缺少生活必需品。


be of


This work is of great interest and value. 这项工作很重要也很有价值。

of all the … used to express anger (用以表示愤怒)

Of all the nerve!竟然如此胆大包天!

