《Node入门》- 一个完整的基于Node.js的web应用构建详解(一)

The use cases

Let's keep it simple, but realistic:

The user should be able to use our application with a web browser

The user should see a welcome page when requesting http://domain/start which displays a file upload form

By choosing an image file to upload and submitting the form, this image should then be uploaded to http://domain/upload, where it is displayed once the upload is finished

Fair enough. Now, you could achieve this goal by googling and hacking together something. But that's not what we want to do here.

Furthermore, we don't want to write only the most basic code to achieve the goal, however elegant and correct this code might be. We will intentionally add more abstraction than necessary in order to get a feeling for building more complex Node.js applications.

The application stack

Let's dissect our application. Which parts need to be implemented in order to fulfill the use cases?

We want to serve web pages, therefore we need an HTTP server

Our server will need to answer differently to requests, depending on which URL the request was asking for, thus we need some kind of router in order to map requests to request handlers

To fulfill the requests that arrived at the server and have been routed using the router, we need actual request handlers

The router probably should also treat any incoming POST data and give it to the request handlers in a convenient form, thus we need request data handling

We not only want to handle requests for URLs, we also want to display content when these URLs are requested, which means we need some kind of view logic the request handlers can use in order to send content to the user's browser

Last but not least, the user will be able to upload images, so we are going to need some kind of upload handling which takes care of the details

Let's think a moment about how we would build this stack with PHP. It's not exactly a secret that the typical setup would be an Apache HTTP server with mod_php installed. 
我们先来想想,使用PHP的话我们会怎么构建这个结构。一般来说我们会用一个Apache HTTP服务器并配上mod_php5模块。

Which in turn means that the whole "we need to be able to serve web pages and receive HTTP requests" stuff doesn't happen within PHP itself.

Well, with node, things are a bit different. Because with Node.js, we not only implement our application, we also implement the whole HTTP server. In fact, our web application and its web server are basically the same.

This might sound like a lot of work, but we will see in a moment that with Node.js, it's not.

Let's just start at the beginning and implement the first part of our stack, the HTTP server.

A basic HTTP server

When I arrived at the point where I wanted to start with my first "real" Node.js application, I wondered not only how to actually code it, but also how to organize my code. 

Do I need to have everything in one file? Most tutorials on the web that teach you how to write a basic HTTP server in Node.js have all the logic in one place. What if I want to make sure that my code stays readable the more stuff I implement?

Turns out, it's relatively easy to keep the different concerns of your code separated, by putting them in modules.

This allows you to have a clean main file, which you execute with Node.js, and clean modules that can be used by the main file and among each other.
这种方法允许你拥有一个干净的主文件(main file),你可以用Node.js执行它;同时你可以拥有干净的模块,它们可以被主文件和其他的模块调用。

So, let's create a main file which we use to start our application, and a module file where our HTTP server code lives.

My impression is that it's more or less a standard to name your main file index.js. It makes sense to put our server module into a file named server.js.

Let's start with the server module. Create the file server.js in the root directory of your project, and fill it with the following code:

var http = require("http");

http.createServer(function(request, response) {
  response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
  response.write("Hello World");

That's it! You just wrote a working HTTP server. Let's prove it by running and testing it. First, execute your script with Node.js:

node server.js

Now, open your browser and point it at http://localhost:8888/. This should display a web page that says "Hello World".
接下来,打开浏览器访问http://localhost:8888/,你会看到一个写着“Hello World”的网页。

That's quite interesting, isn't it. How about talking about what's going on here and leaving the question of how to organize our project for later? I promise we'll get back to it.

Analyzing our HTTP server

Well, then, let's analyze what's actually going on here.

The first line requires the http module that ships with Node.js and makes it accessible through the variable http.

We then call one of the functions the http module offers: createServer. This function returns an object, and this object has a method named listen, and takes a numeric value which indicates the port number our HTTP server is going to listen on.

Please ignore for a second the function definition that follows the opening bracket of http.createServer.
咱们暂时先忽略 http.createServer 的括号里的那个函数定义。

We could have written the code that starts our server and makes it listen at port 8888 like this:

var http = require("http");

var server = http.createServer();

That would start an HTTP server listening at port 8888 and doing nothing else (not even answering any incoming requests).

The really interesting (and, if your background is a more conservative language like PHP, odd looking) part is the function definition right there where you would expect the first parameter of the createServer() call.
最有趣(而且,如果你之前习惯使用一个更加保守的语言,比如PHP,它还很奇怪)的部分是 createServer() 的第一个参数,一个函数定义。

Turns out, this function definition IS the first (and only) parameter we are giving to the createServer() call. Because in JavaScript, functions can be passed around like any other value.
实际上,这个函数定义是 createServer() 的第一个也是唯一一个参数。因为在JavaScript中,函数和其他变量一样都是可以被传递的。

Passing functions around

You can, for example, do something like this:

function say(word) {

function execute(someFunction, value) {

execute(say, "Hello");

Read this carefully! We pass the function say as the first parameter to the execute function. Not the return value of say, but say itself!
仔细阅读以上代码!在这里,我们把 say 函数作为execute函数的第一个变量进行了传递。这里传递的不是 say 的返回值,而是 say 本身!

Thus, say becomes the local variable someFunction within execute, and execute can call the function in this variable by issuing someFunction() (adding brackets).
这样一来, say 就变成了execute 中的本地变量 someFunction ,execute可以通过调用 someFunction() (带括号的形式)来使用 say 函数。

Of course, because say takes one parameter, execute can pass such a parameter when calling someFunction.
当然,因为 say 有一个变量, execute 在调用 someFunction 时可以传递这样一个变量。

We can, as we just did, pass a function as a parameter to another function by its name. But we don't have to take this indirection of first defining, then passing it - we can define and pass a function as a parameter to another function in-place:

function execute(someFunction, value) {

execute(function(word){ console.log(word) }, "Hello");

We define the function we want to pass to execute right there at the place where execute expects its first parameter.
我们在 execute 接受第一个参数的地方直接定义了我们准备传递给 execute 的函数。

This way, we don't even need to give the function a name, which is why this is called an anonymous function.
用这种方式,我们甚至不用给这个函数起名字,这也是为什么它被叫做 匿名函数。

This is a first glimpse at what I like to call "advanced" JavaScript, but let's take it step by step. For now, let's just accept that in JavaScript, we can pass a function as a parameter when calling another function. We can do this by assigning our function to a variable, which we then pass, or by defining the function to pass in-place.

How function passing makes our HTTP server work

With this knowledge, let's get back to our minimalistic HTTP server:

var http = require("http");

http.createServer(function(request, response) {
  response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
  response.write("Hello World");

By now it should be clear what we are actually doing here: we pass the createServer function an anonymous function.
现在它看上去应该清晰了很多:我们向 createServer 函数传递了一个匿名函数。

We could achieve the same by refactoring our code to:

var http = require("http");

function onRequest(request, response) {
  response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
  response.write("Hello World");


Maybe now is a good moment to ask: Why are we doing it that way?

Event-driven asynchronous callbacks

To understand why Node.js applications have to be written this way, we need to understand how Node.js executes our code. Node’s approach isn’t unique, but the underlying execution model is different from runtime environments like Python, Ruby, PHP or Java.
为了理解为什么Node.js应用可以以这种方式书写,我们需要理解Node.js是如何执行我们的代码的。Node的这种方式并不是独有的,像Python, Ruby, PHP 或者 Java这类语言的运行环境下的基础执行模式都是不同的。(巨不顺)

Let’s take a very simple piece of code like this:

var result = database.query("SELECT * FROM hugetable");
console.log("Hello World");

Please ignore for now that we haven’t actually talked about connecting to databases before - it’s just an example. The first line queries a database for lots of rows, the second line puts ”Hello World” to the console.
在我们还没有讨论到连接数据库时先忽略这部分内容—这仅仅是个列子。第一行是从数据库中查询很多行,第二行意思是输出“Hello World”到控制台。

Let’s assume that the database query is really slow, that it has to read an awful lot of rows, which takes several seconds.

The way we have written this code, the JavaScript interpreter of Node.js first has to read the complete result set from the database, and then it can execute the console.log() function.

If this piece of code actually was, say, PHP, it would work the same way: read all the results at once, then execute the next line
of code. If this code would be part of a web page script, the user would have to wait several seconds for the page to load.

However, in the execution model of PHP, this would not become a ”global” problem: the web server starts its own PHP process for every HTTP request it receives. If one of these requests results in the execution of a slow piece of code, it results in a slow page load for this particular user, but other users requesting other pages would not be affected.

The execution model of Node.js is different - there is only one single process. If there is a slow database query somewhere in this process, this affects the whole process - everything comes to a halt until the slow query has finished.

To avoid this, JavaScript, and therefore Node.js, introduces the concept of event-driven, asynchronous callbacks, by utilizing an
event loop.

We can understand this concept by analyzing a rewritten version of our problematic code:

database.query("SELECT * FROM hugetable", function(rows) {
    var result = rows;
console.log("Hello World");

Here, instead of expecting database.query() to directly return a result to us, we pass it a second parameter, an anonymous function.

In its previous form, our code was synchronous: first do the database query, and only when this is done, then write to the

Now, Node.js can handle the database request asynchronously. Provided that database.query() is part of an asynchronous library, this is what Node.js does: just as before, it takes the query and sends it to the database. But instead of waiting for it to be finished, it makes a mental note that says ”When at some point in the future the database server is done and sends the result of the query, then I have to execute the anonymous function that was passed to database.query().”
现在,node.js可以异步处理数据库请求。如果database.query() 是异步库的一部分,这就是node.js所做的:和以前一样,它接受查询并将其发送到数据库。但它并没有等待它完成,而是在脑海中记下“将来某个时候数据库服务器完成并发送查询结果时,我再执行传递给database.query()的匿名函数。”

Then, it immediately executes console.log(), and afterwards, it enters the event loop. Node.js continuously cycles through this loop again and again whenever there is nothing else to do, waiting for events. Events like, e.g., a slow database query finally delivering its results.

This also explains why our HTTP server needs a function it can call upon incoming requests - if Node.js would start the server and then just pause, waiting for the next request, continuing only when it arrives, that would be highly inefficent. If a second user requests the server while it is still serving the first request, that second request could only be answered after the first one is done - as soon as you have more than a handful of HTTP requests per second, this wouldn’t work at all.
这也解释了为什么我们的HTTP服务器需要一个可以对传入请求进行调用的函数 — 如果node.js启动服务器,然后只是暂停,等待下一个请求,直到这个请求到达时才继续,这将是非常无效的。如果第二个用户在当服务器仍在服务第一个请求时请求了服务器,那么第二个请求只能在第一个请求完成后才能得到响应-只要您每秒有多个HTTP请求,这就根本不起作用。

It’s important to note that this asynchronous, single-threaded, event-driven execution model isn’t an infinitely scalable performance unicorn with silver bullets attached. It is just one of several models, and it has its limitations, one being that as of now, Node.js is just one single process, and it can run on only one single CPU core. Personally, I find this model quite approachable, because it allows to write applications that have to deal with concurrency in an efficient and relatively straightforward manner.

You might want to take the time to read Felix Geisendoerfer’s excellent post Understanding node.js³ for additional background explanation.
你也许会想花点时间读一下 Felix Geisendörfer 的大作 Understanding node.js,它介绍了一些背景知识。

Let’s play around a bit with this new concept. Can we prove that our code continues after creating the server, even if no HTTP request happened and the callback function we passed isn’t called? Let’s try it:
让我们再来琢磨琢磨这个新概念。我们怎么证明,在创建完服务器之后,即使没有 HTTP 请求进来、我们的回调函数也没有被调用的情况下,我们的代码还继续有效呢?我们试试这个:

var http = require("http");
function onRequest(request, response) {
    console.log("Request received.");
    response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
    response.write("Hello World");
console.log("Server has started.");

Note that I use console.log to output a text whenever the onRequest function (our callback) is triggered, and another text right after starting the HTTP server.
注意:在 onRequest(我们的回调函数)触发的地方,我用 console.log 输出了一段文本。在 HTTP 服务器开始工作之后,也输出一段文本。

When we start this (node server.js, as always), it will immediately output ”Server has started.” on the command line. Whenever we request our server (by opening http://localhost:8888/ in our browser), the message ”Request received.” is printed on the command line.
当我们与往常一样,运行它 node server.js 时,它会马上在命令行上输出“Server has started.”。当我们向服务器发出请求(在浏览器访问http://localhost:8888/),“Request received.”这条消息就会在命令行中出现。

Event-driven asynchronous server-side JavaScript with callbacksin action :-)
这就是事件驱动的异步服务器端 JavaScript 和它的回调啦!

(Note that our server will probably write ”Request received.” to STDOUT two times upon opening the page in a browser. That’s because most browser will try to load the favicon by requesting http://localhost:8888/favicon.ico whenever you open http://localhost:8888/).
(请注意,当我们在服务器访问网页时,我们的服务器可能会输出两次“Request received.” 。那是因为大部分服务器都会在你访问http://localhost:8888 / 时尝试读取http://localhost:8888/favicon.ico )

