
在某些情况下,即使连接到匿名网络,操作系统仍将继续使用其默认DNS服务器,而不是匿名网络分配给您的计算机的匿名DNS服务器。 DNS泄密是一种主要的隐私威胁,因为匿名网络可能在私有数据泄漏时提供错误的安全感。


What is a DNS leak and why should I care?

When using an anonymity or privacy service, it is extremely important that all traffic originating from your computer is routed through the anonymity network. If any traffic leaks outside of the secure connection to the network, any adversary monitoring your traffic will be able to log your activity.

DNS or the domain name system is used to translate domain names such as www.privacyinternational.org into numerical IP addresses e.g. which are required to route packets of data on the Internet. Whenever your computer needs to contact a server on the Internet, such as when you enter a URL into your browser, your computer contacts a DNS server and requests the IP address. Most Internet service providers assign their customers a DNS server which they control and use for logging and recording your Internet activities.

Under certain conditions, even when connected to the anonymity network, the operating system will continue to use its default DNS servers instead of the anonymous DNS servers assigned to your computer by the anonymity network. DNS leaks are a major privacy threat since the anonymity network may be providing a false sense of security while private data is leaking.

If you are concerned about DNS leaks, you should also understand transparent DNS proxy technology to ensure that the solution you choose will stop

最后:通过 https://www.dnsleaktest.com/ 查看
上述服务器的所有者可以将您的个人IP地址与您连接的所有站点的名称相关联,并无限期地存储这些数据。 这并不意味着他们无限期地记录或存储它,但它们可能并且您需要信任他们的政策所说的。

