[Computer Networking] {CMU14-740} Lecture 1: Networking Introduction


Lecture 1: Networking Introduction

This lecture will introduce the course, with information about logistics, texts, staff, grading, etc. After that, we will skim through the course, getting a feel for how networks work. We will discuss two ways of modeling the internet. The first model is to look at the pieces that make up the network. By composing these “nuts and bolts,” we can get a good idea of how communication happens. The second modeling method is to think about the various services that are provided and describe the network as a mechanism for providing such services. Finally, we will describe the differences between the network edge and the network core.

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

  • describe the components of the internet according to the “nuts and bolts” model, including the role of each component.
  • describe the role of the following components in the internet: protocol, network, hierarchy, standards, packet, router, communication link, application, connection-oriented service, connectionless service.
  • identify the network components that belong to the core and to the edge of the internet.
  • differentiate between circuit-switched and packet-switched networks, including the pros and cons of each, performance differences of each, and the mechanisms each use to share the network bandwidth.
  • calculate end-to-end transmission time for data sent on a store-and-forward network with no delays.


  • KR Ch 1.1 - 1.8




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Network Protocols

• Define the format, order of messages sent and received among network entities and the actions taken on message transmission or receipt

• All communication activity on the Internet is governed by protocols


  network edge: purple


 network core: blue


 communication links: pink



from "circuit switching" to "packet switching"


circuit switching => bandwidth and quality guarantee









 add more hops doesnt affect the delay significantly

total transmission time = (n_hop+n_packet-1)*(file_size/(n_packet*speed))



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