[Using English Everyday]139/365

Some people can only feel right by making someone else wrong. Have you ever meet these people? If you meet these people, get away from them. They are negative. They will hurt you without reasons. Don't give them chances to hurt you. Don't care of them. Just get away from them.

Or make yourself be stronger. No matter how they hate you, let go of it. Don't care of what they say. Just focus on the important things. If you reply to them, they will hurt you more. They regard you as their enemy or the villain. Goals is to defeat you all make you wrong. Then they feel they are right. They can't endure that you are right.
I can't say something more about this topic.

I'm not good at writing. I'm not good at writing in my with my mother language. I'm not good at speaking even if speak in our mother language. I spoke this sentence above. I spoke these sentences above. It is not easy for me to speak these sentences. I practiced speaking English every day. I didn't I don't learning. I don't learn English. I just use English every day.


