工作笔记 ASPICE VDA Guideline解读(20):MAN.3 项目管理

项目管理过程的目的是在项目需求和约束的背景下, 识别、建立和控制项目生成产品所必需的活动和资源。

简单来说是指:通过对<项目实施所必要活动(必要活动能保证输出质量)> 和 <资源(人力资源、设备资源等)>的管理,使项目能达成既定的项目目标,如时间目标、质量目标、成本目标等。

接下来我们来看一下VDA Guideline中的相关规则:

(1) 工作范围


MAN.3.BP1: 定义工作范围 / Define the scope of work


Identify the project's goals, motivation and boundaries.

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[MAN.3.RL.1] If the scope of work (BP1) is a product description only, the indicator BP1 must not be rated higher than L.


[MAN.3.RC.1] If the scope of work (BP1) does not address the responsibilities of all affected parties regarding the project and product, the indicator BP1 should not be rated higher than L.


[MAN.3.RL.2] If the scope of work (BP1) is not appropriately documented at project start, the indicator BP1 must not be rated higher than L.


(2) 承诺


MAN.3.BP1: 定义工作范围 / Define the scope of work


Identify the project's goals, motivation and boundaries.

MAN.3.BP3: 评估项目的可行性 / Evaluate feasibility of the project


Evaluate the feasibility of achieving the goals of the project in terms of technical feasibility within constraints with respect to time, project estimates, and available resources.

MAN.3.BP5: 定义、监控和调整项目估计和资源 / Define, monitor and adjust project estimates and resources


Define, monitor, and adjust project estimates of effort and resources based on project's goals, project risks, motivation and boundaries

MAN.3.BP8: 定义、监控和调整项目进度 / Define, monitor and adjust project schedule


Allocate resources to activities, and schedule each activity of the whole project. The schedule has to be kept continuously updated during lifetime of the project.

[MAN.3.RC.2] If the commitment is not fulfilled by delaying the timeline of the project or by cancelling functionality etc., the indicators BP1 and BP3 should not be rated higher than L.


[MAN.3.RL.3] If the commitment is not fulfilled by delaying the timeline of the project or by cancelling functionality etc., the indicator BP5 and BP8 must not be rated higher than L.



(3) 活动定义


MAN.3.BP4: 定义、监控和调整项目活动 / Define, monitor and adjust project activities


Define, monitor and adjust project activities and their dependencies according to defined project life cycle and estimations. Adjust activities and their dependencies as required

MAN.3.BP8: 定义、监控和调整项目进度 / Define, monitor and adjust project schedule


Allocate resources to activities, and schedule each activity of the whole project. The schedule has to be kept continuously updated during lifetime of the project.

[MAN.3.RC.3] If the activities are not described with input and output artifacts, the indicator BP4 should not be rated higher than P.


[MAN.3.RC.4] If the dependencies between activities are not identified, the indicator BP4 should not be rated higher than L.


[MAN.3.RC.5] If the work packages are too big (e.g. longer than the update cycle for the schedule), the indicator BP8 should be down-rated.


注:Schedule中Work Package的颗粒度需要小于项目的监控周期(如:周),如果存在特殊的Case,无法拆分,则也不能超过2个项目监控周期。

(4) 工作量和资源估计


MAN.3.BP5: 定义、监控和调整项目估计和资源 / Define, monitor and adjust project estimates and resources


Define, monitor, and adjust project estimates of effort and resources based on project's goals, project risks, motivation and boundaries

[MAN.3.RC.6] If the estimation method used is not comprehensible, the indicator BP5 should not be rated higher than P.


[MAN.3.RC.7] If the estimates are too high level, e.g. based on high-level packages rather than on actual activities, the indicator BP5 should not be rated higher than P.


[MAN.3.RC.8] If there are not sufficient resources to cover the estimated effort, the indicator BP5 should not be rated higher than P.


[MAN.3.RC.9] If the resources are sufficient to cover the estimates but a monitoring of actual effort versus the estimates is missing, the indicator BP5 should not be rated higher than L.


[MAN.3.RC.10] If the rationale for the estimates is missing, the indicator BP5 should not be rated higher than L.


(5) 变更请求和问题解决(缺陷解决)的估计


MAN.3.BP2: 定义项目的生命周期 / Define project life cycle


Define the life cycle for the project, which is appropriate to the scope, context, magnitude and complexity of the project.

MAN.3.BP4: 定义、监控和调整项目活动 / Define, monitor and adjust project activities


Define, monitor and adjust project activities and their dependencies according to defined project life cycle and estimations. Adjust activities and their dependencies as required

MAN.3.BP5: 定义、监控和调整项目估计和资源 / Define, monitor and adjust project estimates and resources


Define, monitor, and adjust project estimates of effort and resources based on project's goals, project risks, motivation and boundaries

MAN.3.BP8: 定义、监控和调整项目进度 / Define, monitor and adjust project schedule


Allocate resources to activities, and schedule each activity of the whole project. The schedule has to be kept continuously updated during lifetime of the project.

[MAN.3.RC.11] If the definition of activities, effort and resource estimation, and the preparation of schedule(s) do not sufficiently reflect expectable change requests and problem resolution, the indicators BP4, BP5 and BP8 should be downrated.

老杨解读:如果在活动定义、工作量和资源估计、制定进度表等方面没有充分反映对变更请求或缺陷解决方面的考虑,则BP4, BP5, BP8的打分应降低。

[MAN.3.RC.12] If the project lifecycle does not contain phases that allow for addressing change requests and problem resolution, the indicator BP2 should be downrated.


(6) 进度与跟踪


MAN.3.BP4: 定义、监控和调整项目活动 / Define, monitor and adjust project activities


Define, monitor and adjust project activities and their dependencies according to defined project life cycle and estimations. Adjust activities and their dependencies as required

MAN.3.BP5: 定义、监控和调整项目估计和资源 / Define, monitor and adjust project estimates and resources


Define, monitor, and adjust project estimates of effort and resources based on project's goals, project risks, motivation and boundaries

MAN.3.BP7: 识别、监控和调整项目的接口和承诺 / Identify, monitor and adjust project interfaces and agreed commitments


Identify and agree interfaces of the project with other (sub-) projects, organizational units and other affected stakeholders and monitor agreed commitments.

MAN.3.BP8: 定义、监控和调整项目进度 / Define, monitor and adjust project schedule


Allocate resources to activities, and schedule each activity of the whole project. The schedule has to be kept continuously updated during lifetime of the project.

MAN.3.BP9: 确保一致性 / Ensure consistency


Ensure that estimates, skills, activities, schedules, plans, interfaces, and commitments for the project are consistent across affected parties

MAN.3.BP10: 项目评审和项目进展报告 / Review and report progress of the project


Regularly review and report the status of the project and the fulfillment of activities against estimated effort and duration to all affected parties. Prevent recurrence of problems identified.

[MAN.3.RC.13] If action items or corrective actions are not properly tracked to closure, the corresponding indicators BP4, BP5, BP7, BP8 and/or BP10 should be downrated.

老杨解读:如果行动项或纠正措施没有恰当的跟踪直至关闭,相应的BP4, BP5, BP7及BP10的打分应降低。

[MAN.3.RL.4] If the schedule is not based on the defined activities (BP4) and estimations (BP5), the indicators BP8 and BP9 must not be rated higher than P.


[MAN.3.RL.5] If the schedule does not contain all of the following:

a start and end date,


degree of fulfillment (for monitoring purposes),



the indicator BP8 must not be rated higher than L.


[MAN.3.RL.6] If any of the following:

start and end date,


degree of fulfillment

is missing, the indicator BP8 must not be rated higher than P.


[MAN.3.RL.7] If the schedule is changed without a documented reason, or the change is not documented, the indicator BP8 shall be downrated.


[MAN.3.RL.8] If the degree of activity fulfillment as tracked in the schedule is not up to date (at least biweekly depending on the project scope and release plan), the indicator BP8 shall be downrated.


[MAN.3.RL.9] If the critical path in a schedule is not determined, the indicator BP8 shall be downrated.


(7) 项目实际进展


MAN.3.BP10: 项目评审和项目进展报告 / Review and report progress of the project


Regularly review and report the status of the project and the fulfillment of activities against estimated effort and duration to all affected parties. Prevent recurrence of problems identified.

[MAN.3.RL.10] If monitoring does not assess the correlation of actual consumption of resources, meeting of deadlines and fulfillment of activities (i.e. progress of content), the indicator BP10 must not be rated higher than P.


(8) 发布管理


MAN.3.BP4: 定义、监控和调整项目活动 / Define, monitor and adjust project activities


Define, monitor and adjust project activities and their dependencies according to defined project life cycle and estimations. Adjust activities and their dependencies as required

MAN.3.BP7: 识别、监控和调整项目的接口和承诺 / Identify, monitor and adjust project interfaces and agreed commitments


Identify and agree interfaces of the project with other (sub-) projects, organizational units and other affected stakeholders and monitor agreed commitments.

MAN.3.BP8: 定义、监控和调整项目进度 / Define, monitor and adjust project schedule


Allocate resources to activities, and schedule each activity of the whole project. The schedule has to be kept continuously updated during lifetime of the project.

[MAN.3.RL.11] If product release recipients are not considered as stakeholders, the indicator BP7 must not be rated higher than P.


[MAN.3.RL.12] If product release deadlines or milestones are not reflected in schedules (consider also consistency across different schedules), the indicator BP8 must not be rated higher than P.


[MAN.3.RL.13] If the scope of the current and next release is not identified in detail (features and/or functions per release), the indicators BP7 and BP8 must not be rated higher than P.


[MAN.3.RL.14] If the mid and long-term planning of the releases does not at least cover a latest release/milestone for features and/or functions, the indicators BP7 and BP8 must not be rated higher than L.


[MAN.3.RL.15] If for the current and next release not all the expected activities are planned and tracked (without a good reason), the indicators BP4, BP7 and BP8 shall not be rated higher than L. If less than 50% of the expected activities are planned, BP4, BP7, BP8 must not be rated higher than P.

老杨解读:如果当前发布及下一次发布中的所有活动没有被完全策划(且没有合适理由),则BP4, BP7和BP8的打分不能高于L;如果少于50%的活动没有策划,则BP4, BP7和BP8的打分不能高于P。

(9) 一致性


MAN.3.BP9: 确保一致性 / Ensure consistency


Ensure that estimates, skills, activities, schedules, plans, interfaces, and commitments for the project are consistent across affected parties

[MAN.3.RC.14] If links between different types of planning information are not supported by tools, this should not be used to downrate the indicator BP9.


[MAN.3.RL.15] If the correlation between different plans or between estimates and plans is too high level or weak, the indicator BP9 shall be downrated.


(10) 风险


MAN.3.BP3: 评估项目的可行性 / Evaluate feasibility of the project


Evaluate the feasibility of achieving the goals of the project in terms of technical feasibility within constraints with respect to time, project estimates, and available resources.

MAN.3.BP5: 定义、监控和调整项目估计和资源 / Define, monitor and adjust project estimates and resources


Define, monitor, and adjust project estimates of effort and resources based on project's goals, project risks, motivation and boundaries

MAN.3.BP6: 确保所需的技能,知识和经验 / Ensure required skills, knowledge, and experience


Identify the required skills, knowledge, and experience for the project in line with the estimates and make sure the selected individuals and teams either have or acquire these in time.

[MAN.3.RC.15] If risks regarding feasibility are not considered, the indicator BP3 should be downrated.


[MAN.3.RC.16] If risks regarding estimates or resources are not considered, the indicator BP5 should be downrated.


[MAN.3.RC.17] If risks regarding skills or knowledge are not considered, the indicator BP6 should be downrated.



