spring in action 5th翻译



After nearly 15 years of working with Spring and having written five editions of this book (not to mention Spring Boot in Action), you’d think that it’d be hard to come up with something exciting and new to say about Spring when writing the preface for this book. But nothing could be further from the truth!

我和spring打交道已将近15年,这本书也已经第五版(更不用提Spring Boot in Action),你一定认为很难在前言提出关于spring有趣而新颖的内容。但事实却并非如此!

Every single release of Spring, Spring Boot, and all of the other projects in the Spring ecosystem unleashes some new amazing capabilities that rekindle the fun in developing applications. With Spring reaching a significant milestone with its 5.0 release and Spring Boot releasing version 2.0, there’s so much more Spring to enjoy that it was a no-brainer to write another edition of Spring in Action

Spring,Spring Boot的每一个版本,和Spring 生态系统的所有其它项目都释放了一些神奇的功能,重燃开发应用程序的乐趣。随着Spring发布5.0版本和Spring Boot发布2.0版本,Spring达到了一个重要的里程碑,有如此多的Spring认同编写另一版Spring in Action是很容易的事情。

The big story of Spring 5 is reactive programming support, including Spring WebFlux, a brand new reactive web framework that borrows its programming model from Spring MVC, allowing developers to create web applications that scale better and make better use of fewer threads. Moving toward the backend of a Spring application, the latest edition of Spring Data enables the creation of reactive, non-blocking data repositories. And all of this is built on top of Project Reactor, a Java library for working with reactive types

Spring 5 最大的变动是响应式编程支持,包括Spring WebFux,一个全新的响应式web框架,它的编程模型借鉴了Spring MVC,允许开发者创建更易扩展,并能更好的使用更少的线程的web应用。转到Spring应用的后端,最新版本的Spring Data支持创建响应式非阻塞的data repositories。所有这些都建立在Project Reactor之上,这是一个用于处理响应类型的Java库。

In addition to the new reactive programming features of Spring 5, Spring Boot 2 now provides even more autoconfiguration support than ever before as well as a completely reimagined Actuator for peeking into and manipulating a running application.

除了Spring 5的响应式编程新功能之外,Spring Boot 2现在提供了比以往更多的自动配置支持,以及完全重新构想的执行器,用于窥视和操作正在运行的应用程序。

What’s more, as developers look to break down their monolithic applications into discrete microservices, Spring Cloud provides facilities that make it easy to configure and discover microservices, as well as fortify them so they’re more resilient to failure.

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更重要的是,当开发人员想要将其整个应用程序分解为独立的微服务,Spring Cloud提供的工具可以轻松配置和发现微服务,并加强它们,使其更容易抵御故障。

I’m happy to say that this fifth edition of Spring in Action covers all of this and more! If you’re a seasoned veteran with Spring, Spring in Action, Fifth Edition will be your guide to everything new that Spring has to offer. On the other hand, if you’re new to Spring, then there’s no better time than now to get in on the action and the first few chapters will get you up and running in no time!

我很高兴地说,第五版的Spring in Action涵盖了所有这些以及更多内容! 如果你是经验丰富的Spring老手,Spring in Action第五版将成为你了解Spring所提供的一切新东西的指南。 另一方面,如果你是Spring的新手,没有比现在更好的时机去接触Spring,前几章将开启你的Spring旅途!

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