




create  table studentTimestamp(id  varchar( 32),name  varchar( 32),lastUpdateDateTime  timestamp 
not  null  default  current_timestamp  on  update  current_timestamp);




package Timestamp;

import java.util.Date;

public  class Student {
   private String id;
   private String name;
   private Date lastUpdateDateTime;
public String getId() {
     return id;
public Date getLastUpdateDateTime() {
     return lastUpdateDateTime;
public  void setLastUpdateDateTime(Date lastUpdateDateTime) {
     this.lastUpdateDateTime = lastUpdateDateTime;
public  void setId(String id) {
     this.id = id;
public String getName() {
     return name;
public  void setName(String name) {
     this.name = name;




<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<! DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
    Mapping file autogenerated by MyEclipse - Hibernate Tools
< hibernate-mapping >
< class  name ="Timestamp.Student"  table ="studentTimestamp"   >
     < id  name ="id"  unsaved-value ="null" >
       < generator  class ="uuid.hex" ></ generator >
     </ id >
     <!--  timestamp标签必须跟在id标签后面  -->
     < timestamp  name ="lastUpdateDateTime"  column ="lastUpdateDateTime" ></ timestamp >
     < property  name ="name"  type ="string"  column ="name" ></ property >  
</ class >

</ hibernate-mapping >




<? xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<! DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
          "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"

<!--  Generated by MyEclipse Hibernate Tools.                    -->
< hibernate-configuration >

< session-factory >
     < property  name ="connection.username" >root </ property >
     < property  name ="connection.url" >
        jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/schoolproject?characterEncoding=gb2312 &amp;useUnicode=true
     </ property >
     < property  name ="dialect" >
     </ property >
     < property  name ="myeclipse.connection.profile" >mysql </ property >
     < property  name ="connection.password" >1234 </ property >
     < property  name ="connection.driver_class" >
     </ property >
     < property  name ="hibernate.dialect" >
     </ property >
     < property  name ="hibernate.show_sql" >true </ property >
     < property  name ="current_session_context_class" >thread </ property >
     < property  name ="jdbc.batch_size" >15 </ property >
     < mapping  resource ="Timestamp/Student.hbm.xml"   />

</ session-factory >

</ hibernate-configuration >




package Timestamp;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;

import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;

public  class Test {

     public  static  void main(String[] args) {

        String filePath=System.getProperty("user.dir")+File.separator+"src/Timestamp"+File.separator+"hibernate.cfg.xml";
        File file= new File(filePath);
        SessionFactory sessionFactory= new Configuration().configure(file).buildSessionFactory();
        Session session=sessionFactory.openSession();
        Transaction t=session.beginTransaction();
        Student stu= new Student();
         * 模拟多个session操作student数据表
        Session session1=sessionFactory.openSession();
        Session session2=sessionFactory.openSession();
        Student stu1=(Student)session1.createQuery("from Student s where s.name='tom11'").uniqueResult();
        Student stu2=(Student)session2.createQuery("from Student s where s.name='tom11'").uniqueResult();
         // 这时候,两个版本号是相同的
        Transaction tx1=session1.beginTransaction();
         // 这时候,两个版本号是不同的,其中一个的版本号递增了
        Transaction tx2=session2.beginTransaction();




Hibernate: insert into studentTimestamp (lastUpdateDateTime, name, id) values (?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: select student0_.id as id0_, student0_.lastUpdateDateTime as lastUpda2_0_, student0_.name as name0_ from studentTimestamp student0_ where student0_.name='tom11'

Hibernate: select student0_.id as id0_, student0_.lastUpdateDateTime as lastUpda2_0_, student0_.name as name0_ from studentTimestamp student0_ where student0_.name='tom11'
v1=2007-12-12 16:30:53.0--v2=2007-12-12 16:30:53.0

Hibernate: update studentTimestamp set lastUpdateDateTime=?, name=? where id=? and lastUpdateDateTime=?

Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException: Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect): 

v1=2007-12-12 16:30:54.844--v2=2007-12-12 16:30:53.0

Hibernate: update studentTimestamp set lastUpdateDateTime=?, name=? where id=? and lastUpdateDateTime=?

