

lesson 1. Talking about a new project.


手机类:prototypes 原型机;bells and whistles 有得没得的(小玩意);rip it off 抄袭;Intellectual Property (IP) 知识产权; under wraps 未公布于众 

电影类:blockbuster 大片、爆款;

通行类:fast track 快速道;绿色通道;

节日类:stocking stuffer/filler 圣诞小礼物

常见名词→动词:home; jet;bone; solider; greenlight; expedite 加快

语音注意:I think  不要重读代词。The toothbrushes, 不要重读the. 

重音在哪里:idea ,IKEA, game plan


keep it under wraps 保密, Please keep it under wraps. 请将此事保密。纸包不住火:you can't keep the fire under wraps/you can't keep it under wraps。闻到风声:get the wind of idea


do the trick. 赚钱:make a killing  I will end up making a killing. 我最终会赚很多钱的。旧习难改:Old habits die hard. There is an old saying "Old habits die hard". 具体的决策:game plan。去做、达成,落实:getting this project off the ground;   I will end up a millionaire 我会成为百万富翁。

抄袭:rip it off

Lesson: Talking about Financial issues


语音:price quote /yet/  : t不要练重了,弱);  the information: the 发音

连读:get on, get a, want us


数据:back-of-the-envelope calculation 大概数字;粗略计算/ballpark figure=rough


有证据的:educated guess/well-educated/well-informed/informed/ it isn't wild guess 不是瞎猜的/educated opinion/informed opinion/evidence-based/ fact-based/researched-based

处于麻烦系列:get us in hot water/ in trouble/ in deep water/in deep shit/;it's going to be their beads on the chooping block. 

项目终止:he'll pull the plug on the project. 

lesson: Discussing a new AD campaign

重音在哪里:brand; equity; brainstorming

项目协商系列:run some ideas by sb 与。。商量; half-baked ideas 不成熟的注意;flesh it out 充实你的论据、补充细节、更有血有肉 can you flesh out your example?

新词汇:tagline 宣传标语;just do it / slogan

语音:assocaite 2种发音美 [əˈsoʊsieɪt , əˈsoʊsiət];grocery 美 [ˈɡroʊsəri]; it would be 中it 无需重读

我的问题:bear; belt ; bill; beer; bear

打call 系列:plug; throw cold water on 泼冷水; buzzword潮词; 

败给你了:you've twisted my arm. 劝酒文化; arm-twisted to go 逼某人去; pull one's leg 开玩笑; break a leg 祝好运=good luck

好久没联系:I'll flesh it out some more and touch base with you in a couple of days. 

