Android事件分发机制完全解析(三) :ViewGroup的事件分发机制




     * Implement this method to intercept all touch screen motion events.  This
     * allows you to watch events as they are dispatched to your children, and
     * take ownership of the current gesture at any point.
     * <p>Using this function takes some care, as it has a fairly complicated
     * interaction with {@link View#onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)
     * View.onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)}, and using it requires implementing
     * that method as well as this one in the correct way.  Events will be
     * received in the following order:
     * <ol>
     * <li> You will receive the down event here.
     * <li> The down event will be handled either by a child of this view
     * group, or given to your own onTouchEvent() method to handle; this means
     * you should implement onTouchEvent() to return true, so you will
     * continue to see the rest of the gesture (instead of looking for
     * a parent view to handle it).  Also, by returning true from
     * onTouchEvent(), you will not receive any following
     * events in onInterceptTouchEvent() and all touch processing must
     * happen in onTouchEvent() like normal.
     * <li> For as long as you return false from this function, each following
     * event (up to and including the final up) will be delivered first here
     * and then to the target's onTouchEvent().
     * <li> If you return true from here, you will not receive any
     * following events: the target view will receive the same event but
     * with the action {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_CANCEL}, and all further
     * events will be delivered to your onTouchEvent() method and no longer
     * appear here.
     * </ol>
     * @param ev The motion event being dispatched down the hierarchy.
     * @return Return true to steal motion events from the children and have
     * them dispatched to this ViewGroup through onTouchEvent().
     * The current target will receive an ACTION_CANCEL event, and no further
     * messages will be delivered here.
    public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
        return false;


a. 返回true = 拦截,即事件停止往下传递(需手动设置,即复写onInterceptTouchEvent(),从而让其返回true)
b. 返回false = 不拦截(默认)


   public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { 

    ... // 仅贴出关键代码

        // 重点分析1:ViewGroup每次事件分发时,都需调用onInterceptTouchEvent()询问是否拦截事件
            if (disallowIntercept || !onInterceptTouchEvent(ev)) {  

            // 判断值1:disallowIntercept = 是否禁用事件拦截的功能(默认是false),可通过调用requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent()修改
            // 判断值2: !onInterceptTouchEvent(ev) = 对onInterceptTouchEvent()返回值取反
                    // a. 若在onInterceptTouchEvent()中返回false(即不拦截事件),就会让第二个值为true,从而进入到条件判断的内部
                    // b. 若在onInterceptTouchEvent()中返回true(即拦截事件),就会让第二个值为false,从而跳出了这个条件判断
                    // c. 关于onInterceptTouchEvent() ->>分析1

                final int scrolledXInt = (int) scrolledXFloat;  
                final int scrolledYInt = (int) scrolledYFloat;  
                final View[] children = mChildren;  
                final int count = mChildrenCount;  

        // 重点分析2
            // 通过for循环,遍历了当前ViewGroup下的所有子View
            for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {  
                final View child = children[i];  
                if ((child.mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK) == VISIBLE  
                        || child.getAnimation() != null) {  

                    // 判断当前遍历的View是不是正在点击的View,从而找到当前被点击的View
                    // 若是,则进入条件判断内部
                    if (frame.contains(scrolledXInt, scrolledYInt)) {  
                        final float xc = scrolledXFloat - child.mLeft;  
                        final float yc = scrolledYFloat - child.mTop;  
                        ev.setLocation(xc, yc);  
                        child.mPrivateFlags &= ~CANCEL_NEXT_UP_EVENT;  

                        // 条件判断的内部调用了该View的dispatchTouchEvent()
                        // 即 实现了点击事件从ViewGroup到子View的传递(即:View的事件分发机制)
                        if (child.dispatchTouchEvent(ev))  { 

                        mMotionTarget = child;  
                        return true; 
                        // 调用子View的dispatchTouchEvent后是有返回值的
                        // 若该控件可点击,那么点击时,dispatchTouchEvent的返回值必定是true,因此会导致条件判断成立
                        // 于是给ViewGroup的dispatchTouchEvent()直接返回了true,即直接跳出
                        // 即把ViewGroup的点击事件拦截掉

            boolean isUpOrCancel = (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) ||  
                    (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL);  
            if (isUpOrCancel) {  
                mGroupFlags &= ~FLAG_DISALLOW_INTERCEPT;  
            final View target = mMotionTarget;  

        // 重点分析3
        // 若点击的是空白处(即无任何View接收事件) / 拦截事件(手动复写onInterceptTouchEvent(),从而让其返回true)
        if (target == null) {  
            ev.setLocation(xf, yf);  
            if ((mPrivateFlags & CANCEL_NEXT_UP_EVENT) != 0) {  
                mPrivateFlags &= ~CANCEL_NEXT_UP_EVENT;  
            return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev);
            // 调用ViewGroup父类的dispatchTouchEvent(),即View.dispatchTouchEvent()
            // 因此会执行ViewGroup的onTouch() ->> onTouchEvent() ->> performClick() ->> onClick(),即自己处理该事件,事件不会往下传递(具体请参考View事件的分发机制中的View.dispatchTouchEvent())
            // 此处需与上面区别:子View的dispatchTouchEvent()




  1. Android事件分发是先传递到ViewGroup,再由ViewGroup传递到View的。

  2. 在ViewGroup中可以通过onInterceptTouchEvent方法对事件传递进行拦截,onInterceptTouchEvent方法返回true代表不允许事件继续向子View传递,返回false代表不对事件进行拦截,默认返回false。

  3. 子View中如果将传递的事件消费掉,ViewGroup中将无法接收到任何事件。

