

1、VisiBone Font Card

VisiBone Font Card - screen shot.Download: GIF

2、常用字体表  (HTML)

Common fonts to all versions of Windows & Mac equivalents - screen shot.

3、混合字体 (PDF)

Free Fonts Cheat Sheet - screen shot.


1、Points 和Pixels近似转换表 (HTML)

Approximate Conversion from Points to Pixels - screen shot.

Megapixels 表

Megapixels Chart - screen shot.Download: GIF

三、CSS/CSS 框架

1、Blueprint CSS 速查卡

Blueprint CSS Cheat Sheet - screen shot.Download: PDF

2、YUI Library: CSS Reset, Base, Fonts, and Grids (PDF)

YUI Library: CSS Reset, Base, Fonts, and Grids - screen shot.

3、CSS 速查卡 (PDF)

CSS Shorthand Cheat Sheet - screen shot.

4、Apple’s CSS 速查卡 (Mac Dashboard Widget)

Apple's CSS Cheat Sheet Widget - screen shot.


1、HTML & XHTML 标识速查 (PDF)

HTML & XHTML Tag Quick Reference - screen shot.

2、HTML/XHTML 特殊字符表

HTML/XHTML Character Entities - screen shot.

3、XHTML 特殊字符 (HTML)

XHTML Character Entity Reference - screen shot.


1、浏览器兼容性表 (HTML)

Will the browser apply the rule(s)? - screen shot.

2、W3C DOM 兼容性表 (HTML)

W3C DOM Compatibility Tables - screen shot.


1、RGB 十六进制表

RGB Hex Colour Chart - Screen shot.Downloads:PDFPNG

2、颜色速查 (PDF)

Color Reference Guide - screen shot.


Web Designer Color Reference Hexagon Mouse Pad - screen shot.Download: GIF

4、Web 安全颜色表 (HTML)

Web Safe Color Chart - screen shot.

5、十六进制颜色表 (HTML)

Hexidecimal Color Chart - screen shot.

6、浏览器颜色表 (HTML)

The Browser Safe Colors - screen shot.


Photoshop CS3 快捷键速查卡

Photoshop CS3 Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet - screen shot.Downloads:PDF (Windows)PDF (Mac)

 关于调色板的一些热键 (HTML)

Keys for using the Layers palette - screen shot.

Photoshop 工具栏速查 (HTML)

Photoshop Toolbox Reference - screen shot

Photoshop 套索工具速查

Photoshop Lasso Tool Cheatsheet - screen shot.Download: PDF

Photoshop 笔刷工作速查

Photoshop Brush Tool Cheatsheet - screen shot.Download: PDF


Dreamweaver 快速索引 (PDF)

Dreamweaver Quick Reference Guide - screen shot.

Dreamweaver CS3 for Mac Quick Reference Card (PDF)

Dreamweaver CS3 for Mac Quick Reference Card - screen shot.


Adobe Illustrator CS2 热键– MAC

Adobe Illustrator CS2 Keyboard Shortcuts – MAC - screen shot.Download: PDF

转载自: http://coolshell.cn/articles/870.html


