sublime text 3-right click context menu

dd a system wide windows explorer button " Edit with Sublime" similar to how Notepad++ does it or some other editors?
See attached screenshot.fd6ebd92a3d2c81fc9ff2967d1b58978.jpg

(I know this is an old thread, but since I dropped by looking for the same information and found it elsewhere, so here goes.)
If you've installed Sublime from the zip, follow the instructions from
Scroll down to 'chapter' by the name 'All file types'.
Taking the above page's guide as an example, you can add a shortcut key to the context menu item by adding the text you like to 'Open with Nodepad' -key's (Default) string.
Here's my setup as exported from regedit:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Sublime Text 2]
@="Open with S&ublime Text 2"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Sublime Text 2\command]
@="c:\\apps\\tools\\sublime_text.exe \"%1\""

batch fie from this site:

@echo off
@rem ==================
@rem Source:  
@rem Description: 
@rem     Install context menu to allow user opens file with Sublime Text as User or Admin, or Open Folder with Sublime Text.
@rem Usage:
@rem     Download this .bat file to in Sublime Text's installation folder.
@rem     Execute this batch file. It will download elevate codes and setup context menu.
@rem ==================
@rem \"%stPath%\"   : Path to Sublime Text installation dir.
@rem %entryName%: Key name for the registry entry.
@rem %menuText% : Context menu text. Set your preferred menu text (e.g.: translate to your language).
@rem %entryNameAsAdmin%: Key name for the registry entry.
@rem %menuTextAsAdmin% : Context menu text. Set your preferred menu text for administrator privilege (e.g.: translate to your language).
SET stPath=%~dp0sublime_text.exe
SET entryName=Sublime Text
SET menuText=Open with Sublime Text
SET entryNameAsAdmin=Sublime Text As Admin
SET menuTextAsAdmin=Open with Sublime Text As Admin
SET elevate.CmdPath=%~dp0__elevate.cmd
SET elevate.VbsPath=%~dp0__elevate.vbs
echo # Administrative permissions required. Detecting permissions...
call :check_Permissions
echo # add it for all file types
reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\%entryName%"         /t REG_SZ /v "" /d "%menuText%"   /f
reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\%entryName%"         /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /v "Icon" /d "\"%stPath%\",0" /f
reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\%entryName%\command" /t REG_SZ /v "" /d "\"%stPath%\" \"%%1\"" /f
echo # Download elevate scripts
call :download "" "%elevate.CmdPath%"
call :download "" "%elevate.VbsPath%"
echo # add it for all file types as admin
reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\%entryNameAsAdmin%"         /t REG_SZ /v "" /d "%menuTextAsAdmin%"   /f
reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\%entryNameAsAdmin%"         /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /v "Icon" /d "\"%stPath%\",0" /f
reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\%entryNameAsAdmin%\command" /t REG_SZ /v "" /d "\"%elevate.CmdPath%\" \"%stPath%\" \"%%1\"" /f
echo # add it for folders
reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\%entryName%"         /t REG_SZ /v "" /d "%menuText%" /f
reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\%entryName%"         /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /v "Icon" /d "\"%stPath%\",0" /f
reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\%entryName%\command" /t REG_SZ /v "" /d "\"%stPath%\" \"%%1\"" /f
goto :EOF
net session >nul 2>&1
if %errorLevel% == 0 (
    echo Administrative permissions confirmed.
    goto :EOF
) else (
    echo Failure: Current permissions inadequate.
    echo You will need to "Run as Administrator" if using Vista/Win7/Win8.
    pause >nul
goto :EOF
@"C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell" "$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;$wc.DownloadFile('%1', '%2')"
@echo %2
@goto :EOF
Technorati 标签: sublime text, context menu, right click


