MySQL 5.6.6 memcached、MySQL Cluster 7.2

MySQL 5.6.6

Functionality Added or Changed

  • Performance: InnoDB: The MySQL server now includes the widely used memcached in-memory caching system, and a plugin that allows fast NoSQL-style access to InnoDB tables through the memcached protocol. This access method avoids the overhead of SQL parsing and constructing a query optimization plan. You can store the underlying data in a single InnoDB table, or spread it across multiple tables. You can read and write data through both memcached and SQL. For example, you can do fast single-key lookups through memcached get calls, and do statistical reports across all the data through SQL.

    Several configuration options let you fine-tune this system, in particular to balance raw performance against durability and consistency of data. The main new configuration options are daemon_memcached_option, daemon_memcached_r_batch_size, daemon_memcached_w_batch_size, innodb_api_trx_level, innodb_api_enable_mdl, and innodb_api_enable_binlog.

    See Section 14.2.10, “InnoDB Integration with memcached for full details.

  • Performance: InnoDB: The persistent statistics feature for InnoDB tables is now enabled by default, and can be controlled at the level of individual tables. This feature involves the configuration options innodb_stats_persistent, innodb_stats_auto_recalc, and innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages, and the clauses STATS_PERSISTENT, STATS_AUTO_RECALC, and STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES of the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements. See Section, “Persistent Optimizer Statistics for InnoDB Tables” for usage details.

  • Incompatible Change: The --safe-mode server option has been removed.

  • Incompatible Change: It is now explicitly disallowed to assign the value DEFAULT to stored procedure or function parameters or stored program local variables (for example with a SET var_name = DEFAULT statement). This was not previously supported, or documented as permitted, but is flagged as an incompatible change in case existing code inadvertantly used this construct. It remains permissible to assign DEFAULT to system variables, as before, but assigning DEFAULT to parameters or local variables now results in a syntax error.

性能提升70多倍 甲骨文推出MySQL集群7.2

  为持续推动MySQL创新,甲骨文日前宣布推出MySQL集群 7.2.(MySQL Cluster 7.2)。


  通过一个新的Memcached API(应用程序接口)进行SQL和NoSQL访问,MySQL集群成为了一个名符其实的“两全其美”解决方案,即在同一个数据库内,实现了关键价值操作和复杂SQL查询。

  通过MySQL 集群 7.2,用户还可在复杂查询上获得高达70倍的性能提升,并可增强多数据中心的可扩展性。

  MySQL集群7.2还通过了Oracle VM认证,凭借着其灵活性、按需扩展和自我修复功能的整合优势,以及Oracle VM的支持,MySQL集群已成为云部署的理想选择。




  MySQL 集群 7.2的增强功能包括:

  更高的性能:在执行复杂查询时,自适应查询本地化可提供高达70倍的更高性能,在此基础上,更多应用程序可从MySQL 集群的增强功能中受益,如运行跨活动数据集的实时分析等。

  通过新NoSQL界面增强了灵活性:NoSQL通过强大的Memcached API访问MySQL集群功能,让用户能够加速关键价值读取和写入操作。

  增强的可扩展性:通过数据库间的自动分区,多站点群集允许单数据节点分布在不同的数据中心。通过快速和自动故障诊断与恢复功能,同步复制保持了站点间数据的一致性和完整性。主动性/主动复制功能的增强,简化了跨多个主动集群的冲突检测和解决,消除了对开发者的限制,以在其应用程序中保持一个时间戳列(timestamp column)。


  Oracle VM认证:增强的虚拟化功能,包括自动分区,弹性扩展和自我修复等,使MySQL集群成为了在云内部署有极高要求的网络和通信应用的理想选择。除Oracle VM外,MySQL集群还通过了Oracle Linux和Oracle Solaris认证。


  甲骨文MySQL工程副总裁Tomas Ulin表示:“MySQL 集群7.2的推出再次表明,甲骨文旨在通过投资进一步增强MySQL作为领先Web数据库的地位。

  MySQL 集群 7.2性能和灵活性的增强,为用户关键任务型Web负载,提供了坚实的基础,同时还能通过最好SQL和NoSQL技术的融合,降低风险、成本和复杂性”。

