English trip V2-B 2 My neighborhood 我的街区 Teacher:Tom

In this lesson you will learn to describe a neighborhood.


What is around your home  or What is around your neighborhood:

1. Transportation     trans.por.ta.tion  /,trænspɔr'teʃən/  交通工具

There are share bycycles, taxis, buses, subway, tuk tuk and cars.

2. Location  位置

At southwest in Jinniu area of Chengdu.

3. Entertainment  en.ter.tain.ment    /ˌɛntɚ'tenmənt/   n. 娱乐;消遣;款待

4. Appearance  ap.pea.ran.ce /ə'pɪrəns/ n. 外貌,外观;出现,露面

5. People

6. Feeling

词汇(Key Word )

global warming   全球变暖             #   The Would change warmth

convenient  adj. 方便的;[废语]适当的;[口语]近便的;实用的                  #     inconvenient  adj. 不便的;打扰的

foreign /'fɔrən/  country  外国

the third ring road   三环路

area  区域


in the northwest area   在西北区域

in the northesat  area   在东南区域

in the southwest  area  在西南区域

in the southesat  area   在东南区域

half past XXX      几点半    such as:    half past eight    八点半

XX to XX    Such as : five to eight  or  Seven fifty-five    七点五十五

a quarter    一刻(十五分钟)

a quarter to eight   or Seven  forty-fifteen 七点四十五  

The parking is inconvenient    停车不方便


