OakleyFestival of Books fires up tales from the cannabis community

<p>Taking place, as it did, <a href='http://www.sunglasses-time.com/oakley-flak-jacket-sunglasses.html'>Oakley Flak Jacket</a> just one day after the unofficial pothead holiday

of April 20, and scheduled to start just 10 minutes past the herb heads&#39; magic moment of 4: 20 p. m., the L. A. Times Festival of Books nonfiction panel &quot; E Cannabis

Unum&quot; (we assume the misspelling &quot; cannibis&quot; in the program guide was a genuine typo and not because someone was... well, never mind) had the potential to be

nothing more than disjointed, <a href='http://www.sunglasses-time.com/oakley-radar-sunglasses.html'>Oakley Radar</a> rehashed riffs on stoner stereotypes. </p>
<p>But, by focusing on the theme of community -- the &quot; unum&quot; of the panel&#39; s title --&#0160; as a jumping off point, panel moderator Dean Kuipers managed to cover

a fair amount of ground with panelists Mark Haskell Smith (author of &quot; Heart of Dankness&quot; )#), <a href='http://www.sunglasses-time.com/oakley-frogskins-

sunglasses.html'>Oakley Frogskins</a> Heather Donahue (&quot; GrowGirl&quot; )#) and counterculture icon, comedian and writer Paul Krassner (who is republishing his 1999

compilation of various authors&#39; tales of toking titled &quot; Pot Stores for the Soul&quot; )#). </p>
<p>Smith held forth on his experiences tagging along with the folks trying to find the world&#39; s best weed (an honor that earns one an award called the &quot; Cannabis

Cup&quot; )#) and Donahue (an actress who may be familiar to fans of &quot; The Blair Witch Project&quot; )#) described her life as part of a medical marijuana community in

Northern California community that she refers to as &quot; Nugget Town. &quot; (&quot; I learned more from the plants than I did from the people, <a href='http://www.sunglasses

-time.com/oakley-radar-sunglasses.html'>Oakley Radar</a> &quot; Donahue said. )#)</p> This article is no. 7 LAW, is actually on the site and write in 27. 04. 2012

