[1] Refinery CMS: 介绍与基本使用

CMS 在百度百科的解释为
CMS是Content Management System的缩写,意为"内容管理系统",它具有许多基于模板的优秀设计,可以加快网站开发的速度和减少开发的成本。









Refinery CMS, 写道


Refinery CMS, often shortened to Refinery, is an open source content management system written in Ruby as a Ruby on Rails web application with JQuery used as the JavaScript library. Refinery runs on Rails 3.2.

 大概的意思在于“ Refinery 是一个开源的内容管理系统,使用Ruby 、Ruby on Rails和jQuery框架开发,Refinery已经支持Rails 3.2”



  1. Authentication – manages users and sessions within Refinery. 
  2. Core – contains default layouts, views, javascripts and CSS. This extension also has an extension API for extending Refinery and everything Refinery needs to hook into Rails.
  3. Dashboard – shows you what’s recently been updated.
  4. Images – handles image upload, insertion and processing images using Dragonfly.
  5. Pages – allows you to manage pages including the structure of your site displayed in the front end.
  6. Resources – handles file upload and storage.



简单的介绍后,现在来一次简单的Getting Start:


  • 环境搭建
    1: ruby 1.9.3p194
    2: rails 3.2.13
    3: refinerycms 最新版本
    4: ImageMagick: stable 6.8.0-10
  • 创建新项目: refinerycms begin_cms_with_refinery 

  • cd到项目的目录下,执行rails server,访问http:localhost:3000/ 

本来想于写详细一点,但在家里的网络bundle install 时很慢,而且这个开始使用还是挺简单的,Refinery CMS的开篇至此OK。



1, http://refinerycms.com/guides/installation-prerequisites

2, http://refinerycms.com/guides/getting-started


