实例详解——编译器命令#pragma section作用于函数时作用域是否覆盖到其子函数

在之前的博客【链接脚本(Linker Script)应用实例(一)使用copy table将函数载入到RAM中运行】中,我们第一步使用#pragma section命令将PFlashProgram函数存储至程序段.flash_driver,具体程序如下:

#pragma section ".flash_driver" ax

void PFlashProgram( uint32 flash, uint32 addr, uint32 word_l, uint32 word_u )
    uint32 load_cnt;
    uint16 endinitSfty_pw = IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPasswordInline();


    /* wait until unbusy */
    IfxFlash_waitUnbusy(flash, IfxFlash_FlashType_P0);

    /* write 32 bytes (8 doublewords) into assembly buffer */
    for (load_cnt = 0; load_cnt < 4; load_cnt++)
        IfxFlash_loadPage2X32(addr, word_l, word_u);

    /* write page */

    /* wait until unbusy */
    IfxFlash_waitUnbusy(flash, IfxFlash_FlashType_P0);
#pragma section

编译之后的map文件如下,可以看到PFlashProgram函数生成的程序段大小为280字节。下面对函数的内容进行调整后重新编译,以验证将PFlashProgram函数存储到.flash_driver程序段时是否同时也将IfxFlash_enterPageMode、IfxFlash_waitUnbusy及IfxFlash_loadPage2X32等子函数同时存储到该段。这个问题之所以值得关注,是因为若不将其子函数也存储到该段,子函数将默认存储在ROM(Flash)中,那么PFlashProgram函数执行到其子函数时将从Flash而不是RAM中取指令。由于TC297不支持Flash操作函数对其所在的Flash进行擦写(Flash大多都具有这种特性)(Flash操作函数必须在RAM中或另一个Flash Bank中运行从而执行擦写操作),PFlashProgram函数无法成功执行对PFlash的写入操作。另外,了解#pragma section命令的这个特性也有助于程序员对代码存储与执行情况的掌握。

Linker version: GNU ld version (GNU Binutils) 2.20 (TriCore) using BFD version (GNU Binutils) 2.20 (v2.3), Tool Version v2.7
Name of linker executable: c:/hightec/toolchains/tricore/v4.9.1.0-infineon-2.0/bin/../lib/gcc/tricore/4.9.4/../../../../tricore/bin/ld.exe
Date of link run: Thu Sep 05 10:42:28 2019
Name of linker map file: Flash_test.map

>>> Symbols (global (S = g) and static (S = l); sorted by address)

Start      End        Size S Name                                   Memory      O-Sec        I-Sec         Input object                                     
0x00000290 0x00000290    0 g __TRICORE_DERIVATE_MEMORY_MAP__        *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000400 0x00000400    0 g LCF_ISTACK0_SIZE                       *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000400 0x00000400    0 g LCF_ISTACK1_SIZE                       *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000400 0x00000400    0 g LCF_ISTACK2_SIZE                       *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000800 0x00000800    0 g LCF_HEAP_SIZE                          *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000800 0x00000800    0 g LCF_USTACK0_SIZE                       *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000800 0x00000800    0 g LCF_USTACK1_SIZE                       *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000800 0x00000800    0 g LCF_USTACK2_SIZE                       *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*


0x800f6000 0x800f6000    0 g __TRAPTAB_CPU2                         pfls0       .traptab_tc2 .traptab_tc2  Flash_test.elf
0x800f6200 0x800f62f3  244 g IfxCpu_Trap_vectorTable1               pfls0       .traptab_tc1 .traptab_cpu1 0_Src\4_McHal\Tricore\Cpu\Trap\IfxCpu_Trap.o
0x800f6200 0x800f6200    0 g LCF_TRAPVEC1_START                     *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x800f6200 0x800f6200    0 g __TRAPTAB_CPU1                         pfls0       .traptab_tc1 .traptab_tc1  Flash_test.elf
0x90008000 0x90008000    0 g _SMALL_DATA4_                          *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x90008000 0x90008000    0 g __A9_MEM                               *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0xc0000000 0xc0000117  280 g PFlashProgram                          psram_local .code2ram    .flash_driver 0_Src\0_AppSw\Tricore\Demo_Illd\FlashDemo.o


#pragma section ".flash_driver" ax

void PFlashProgram( uint32 flash, uint32 addr, uint32 word_l, uint32 word_u )
    uint32 load_cnt;
    uint16 endinitSfty_pw = IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPasswordInline();

//    IfxFlash_enterPageMode(addr);

    /* wait until unbusy */
//    IfxFlash_waitUnbusy(flash, IfxFlash_FlashType_P0);

    /* write 32 bytes (8 doublewords) into assembly buffer */
    for (load_cnt = 0; load_cnt < 4; load_cnt++)
//        IfxFlash_loadPage2X32(addr, word_l, word_u);

    /* write page */
//    IfxFlash_writePage(addr);

    /* wait until unbusy */
//    IfxFlash_waitUnbusy(flash, IfxFlash_FlashType_P0);
#pragma section
Linker version: GNU ld version (GNU Binutils) 2.20 (TriCore) using BFD version (GNU Binutils) 2.20 (v2.3), Tool Version v2.7
Name of linker executable: c:/hightec/toolchains/tricore/v4.9.1.0-infineon-2.0/bin/../lib/gcc/tricore/4.9.4/../../../../tricore/bin/ld.exe
Date of link run: Thu Sep 05 18:34:08 2019
Name of linker map file: Flash_test.map

>>> Symbols (global (S = g) and static (S = l); sorted by address)

Start      End        Size S Name                                   Memory      O-Sec        I-Sec         Input object                                     
0x00000290 0x00000290    0 g __TRICORE_DERIVATE_MEMORY_MAP__        *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000400 0x00000400    0 g LCF_ISTACK0_SIZE                       *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000400 0x00000400    0 g LCF_ISTACK1_SIZE                       *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000400 0x00000400    0 g LCF_ISTACK2_SIZE                       *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x800f6200 0x800f6200    0 g __TRAPTAB_CPU1                         pfls0       .traptab_tc1 .traptab_tc1  Flash_test.elf
0x90008000 0x90008000    0 g _SMALL_DATA4_                          *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x90008000 0x90008000    0 g __A9_MEM                               *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0xc0000000 0xc0000087  136 g PFlashProgram                          psram_local .code2ram    .flash_driver 0_Src\0_AppSw\Tricore\Demo_Illd\FlashDemo.o


#pragma section ".flash_driver" ax

void PFlashProgram( uint32 flash, uint32 addr, uint32 word_l, uint32 word_u )
//    uint32 load_cnt;
//    uint16 endinitSfty_pw = IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPasswordInline();


    /* wait until unbusy */
    IfxFlash_waitUnbusy(flash, IfxFlash_FlashType_P0);

    /* write 32 bytes (8 doublewords) into assembly buffer */
//    for (load_cnt = 0; load_cnt < 4; load_cnt++)
//    {
        IfxFlash_loadPage2X32(addr, word_l, word_u);
//    }

    /* write page */
//    IfxScuWdt_clearSafetyEndinitInline(endinitSfty_pw);
//    IfxScuWdt_setSafetyEndinitInline(endinitSfty_pw);

    /* wait until unbusy */
    IfxFlash_waitUnbusy(flash, IfxFlash_FlashType_P0);
#pragma section
Linker version: GNU ld version (GNU Binutils) 2.20 (TriCore) using BFD version (GNU Binutils) 2.20 (v2.3), Tool Version v2.7
Name of linker executable: c:/hightec/toolchains/tricore/v4.9.1.0-infineon-2.0/bin/../lib/gcc/tricore/4.9.4/../../../../tricore/bin/ld.exe
Date of link run: Thu Sep 05 18:45:58 2019
Name of linker map file: Flash_test.map

>>> Symbols (global (S = g) and static (S = l); sorted by address)

Start      End        Size S Name                                   Memory      O-Sec        I-Sec         Input object                                     
0x00000290 0x00000290    0 g __TRICORE_DERIVATE_MEMORY_MAP__        *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000400 0x00000400    0 g LCF_ISTACK0_SIZE                       *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000400 0x00000400    0 g LCF_ISTACK1_SIZE                       *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000400 0x00000400    0 g LCF_ISTACK2_SIZE                       *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x800f6200 0x800f6200    0 g __TRAPTAB_CPU1                         pfls0       .traptab_tc1 .traptab_tc1  Flash_test.elf
0x90008000 0x90008000    0 g _SMALL_DATA4_                          *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x90008000 0x90008000    0 g __A9_MEM                               *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0xc0000000 0xc0000091  146 g PFlashProgram                          psram_local .code2ram    .flash_driver 0_Src\0_AppSw\Tricore\Demo_Illd\FlashDemo.o


到此,我们可以得出本篇博文最重要的结论:#pragma section命令将一个函数存储到程序段时,会将其调用的子函数也一起存储到该段中。

#pragma section ".flash_driver" ax

void PFlashProgram( uint32 flash, uint32 addr, uint32 word_l, uint32 word_u )
//    uint32 load_cnt;
//    uint16 endinitSfty_pw = IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPasswordInline();

//    IfxFlash_enterPageMode(addr);

    /* wait until unbusy */
//    IfxFlash_waitUnbusy(flash, IfxFlash_FlashType_P0);

    /* write 32 bytes (8 doublewords) into assembly buffer */
//    for (load_cnt = 0; load_cnt < 4; load_cnt++)
//    {
//        IfxFlash_loadPage2X32(addr, word_l, word_u);
//    }

    /* write page */
//    IfxScuWdt_clearSafetyEndinitInline(endinitSfty_pw);
//    IfxFlash_writePage(addr);
//    IfxScuWdt_setSafetyEndinitInline(endinitSfty_pw);

    /* wait until unbusy */
//    IfxFlash_waitUnbusy(flash, IfxFlash_FlashType_P0);
#pragma section
Linker version: GNU ld version (GNU Binutils) 2.20 (TriCore) using BFD version (GNU Binutils) 2.20 (v2.3), Tool Version v2.7
Name of linker executable: c:/hightec/toolchains/tricore/v4.9.1.0-infineon-2.0/bin/../lib/gcc/tricore/4.9.4/../../../../tricore/bin/ld.exe
Date of link run: Thu Sep 05 18:52:56 2019
Name of linker map file: Flash_test.map

>>> Symbols (global (S = g) and static (S = l); sorted by address)

Start      End        Size S Name                                   Memory      O-Sec        I-Sec         Input object                                     
0x00000290 0x00000290    0 g __TRICORE_DERIVATE_MEMORY_MAP__        *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000400 0x00000400    0 g LCF_ISTACK0_SIZE                       *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000400 0x00000400    0 g LCF_ISTACK1_SIZE                       *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x00000400 0x00000400    0 g LCF_ISTACK2_SIZE                       *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x800f6200 0x800f6200    0 g __TRAPTAB_CPU1                         pfls0       .traptab_tc1 .traptab_tc1  Flash_test.elf
0x90008000 0x90008000    0 g _SMALL_DATA4_                          *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0x90008000 0x90008000    0 g __A9_MEM                               *ABS*       *ABS*        *ABS*         *ABS*
0xc0000000 0xc0000001    2 g PFlashProgram                          psram_local .code2ram    .flash_driver 0_Src\0_AppSw\Tricore\Demo_Illd\FlashDemo.o

