Android Tools研究探讨一:zipalign


     Zipalign是一个档案整理工具,它首次被介绍是在Android 1.6版本的SDK(Software Development Kit)软件开发工具包中。它优化Android应用程序包(APK)到整合包, 以使Android操作系统与应用程序之间的交互作用更有效率,然后应用程序和整体系统的运行速度更快,发挥更大的潜能。它使Zipaligned的应用程序执行时间达到最低限度,其最终结果导致当设备运行APK应用程序时占更少的RAM(Random Access Memory)随机访问内存


     因为Android操作系统基于Linux架构,存储单元布置(Memory Mapping)在有效的处理过程中起着一个关键的作用。从本质上而讲,为Android操作系统资源的处理代码最佳的整理是4字节界层。这个意思是说,如果APK应用程序包是存储单元布置到4字节界层,依据相应的整理,操作系统将不需要通读整个应用程序包以获取所需要的数据表,而每一个系统处理都将提前知道到哪里去寻找它所需要的资源,因此执行效率更快(运行更平滑,速度更快) 


     这是很容易理解的,对于未整理的应用程序包的情况,资源读取将会缓慢,程序运行内存(RAM)的使用将会处在一个较高的范围。它也取决于当前有多少未整理的应用程序。例如,如果有着较少的应用程序,然后有一个未整理的主界面程序,在启动时间上,你能观察到更慢的应用程序,这是最理想的情况。 对于一个糟糕的情况,如有着许多的未整理的应用程序,将会导致系统反复的启动和结束进程,系统运行将会滞后,电池的使用时间将会大幅度降低

     当前,Zipalign档案整理工具已变成Android SDK(Software Development Kit)软件开发工具包的一部分。它可以在电脑上已安装好的Android SDK “tools” 或“platform-tools” 目录或文件夹中被查看 

          zipalign [-f] [-v] <alignment> infile.apk outfile.apk 

          zipalign -c -v <alignment> existing.apk 







zipalign is an archive alignment tool that provides important optimization to Android application (.apk) files. The purpose is to ensure that all uncompressed data starts with a particular alignment relative to the start of the file. Specifically, it causes all uncompressed data within the .apk, such as images or raw files, to be aligned on 4-byte boundaries. This allows all portions to be accessed directly with mmap() even if they contain binary data with alignment restrictions. The benefit is a reduction in the amount of RAM consumed when running the application.

This tool should always be used to align your .apk file before distributing it to end-users. The Android build tools can handle this for you. When using Eclipse with the ADT plugin, the Export Wizard will automatically zipalign your .apk after it signs it with your private key. The build scripts used when compiling your application with Ant will also zipalign your .apk, as long as you have provided the path to your keystore and the key alias in your project file, so that the build tools can sign the package first.

Caution: zipalign must only be performed after the .apk file has been signed with your private key. If you perform zipalign before signing, then the signing procedure will undo the alignment. Also, do not make alterations to the aligned package. Alterations to the archive, such as renaming or deleting entries, will potentially disrupt the alignment of the modified entry and all later entries. And any files added to an "aligned" archive will not be aligned.

The adjustment is made by altering the size of the "extra" field in the zip Local File Header sections. Existing data in the "extra" fields may be altered by this process.

For more information about how to use zipalign when building your application, please read Signing Your Application.


To align infile.apk and save it as outfile.apk:

zipalign [-f][-v]<alignment> infile.apk outfile.apk

To confirm the alignment of existing.apk:

zipalign -c -v <alignment> existing.apk

The <alignment> is an integer that defines the byte-alignment boundaries. This must always be 4 (which provides 32-bit alignment) or else it effectively does nothing.


  • -f : overwrite existing
  • -v : verbose output
  • -c : confirm the alignment of the given file


When using Eclipse with the ADT plugin, the Export Wizard will automatically zipalign your .apk after it signs it with your private key.

也就是说用eclipse export打包的apk是已经zipalign过的了


