
Getting ActionBarSherlock and adding it to Eclipse

The first thing you have to do, is to download the library from After this unzip/untar it. The download contains three folders: library, samples and website. The samples folder contains four sample projects to showcase what you can do and to show you how to do it. You should have a look at them. The website folder contains the code of the project website. The library folder finally contains ActionBarSherlock’s source code.

Now go to Eclipse and add the ABS-library as an Android project. Do not use Eclipse’s import tool to import the ActionBarSherlock library – it would not work immediately and you would have to fix some settings. Instead use the project creation wizard of the Android Developer Tools.

Open File -> New -> Project -> Android Project From Existing Code.
Creating an Adnroid project from existing source

Creating an Android project from existing source

In the next screen select the folder, which Eclipse then uses to search for projects. If you select the ActionBarSherlock root folder, Eclipse suggests a list of projects to create. Leave the “library” project checked and uncheck all others:
Select the library project

Select the library project

Click “Finish” to create the project.

Eclipse will now create a new project named “library”. I prefer a more useful name, so select the project called “library” and hit F2 to rename the project. I have renamed the project in Eclipse to “ActionBarSherlock”, so all following screens will refer to this name.
Adding the library to your project

Now that ABS is a library project you have to tell your own project to use it. I will use the project of my last post for this. Go to FragmentStarter’s project settings and switch to the Android tab.

If necessary scroll down until you see the Library panel. Click “Add”:
Adding libraries to an Android project

Adding libraries to an Android project

In the next window all available library projects will be listed. Select ActionBarSherlock and click “Ok”.
Select ActionBarSherlock from the list of libraries

Select ActionBarSherlock from the list of libraries

When the window disappears the library should be listed in the library panel of the Android properties tab:
Check if the library has been added succesfully

Check if the library has been added succesfully

What is slightly annoying is that the Android Developer Tools do not use the name of a project to reference it, but instead point to the directory itself. And what’s even more annoying is that a symlink gets translated to its real path, which is bound to change more often than a symlink.

Should you ever want to change the directory, you have to delete the reference to the library with the old path and link to the newly imported library. But unless you do a fresh install for blog posts, this probably won’t happen too often :-)

That’s it. Your project bundles the lib from now on.

But wait a moment! If you have a look at your project, you will notice that it now sports a red warning icon. Go to the error tab and you will see lots of warnings. Eclipse states for Fragment, FragmentActivity and all the other classes of the support library, that they “cannot be resolved to a type”. Whoops!
Unknow type problems after adding ActionBarSherlock

Unknow type problems after adding ActionBarSherlock

The reason is, that ActionBarSherlock comes bundled with the library as well. And most of the time the support library added when following my post about fragments is different from the one bundled with ActionBarSherlock. In the console tab of Eclipse you see the message “Jar mismatch! Fix your dependencies” with the hashcodes of the mismatching files and where these files are stored:
view source
1 [FragmentStarterProject] Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list,
2 [FragmentStarterProject] but not all the versions are identical (check is based on SHA-1 only at this time).
3 [FragmentStarterProject] All versions of the libraries must be the same at this time.
4 [FragmentStarterProject] Versions found are:
5 [FragmentStarterProject] Path: /opt/workspace/FragmentStarterProject/libs/android-support-v4.jar
6 [FragmentStarterProject]   Length: 385685
7 [FragmentStarterProject]   SHA-1: 48c94ae70fa65718b382098237806a5909bb096e
8 [FragmentStarterProject] Path: /opt/libs/ActionBarSherlock/library/libs/android-support-v4.jar
9 [FragmentStarterProject]   Length: 349252
10 [FragmentStarterProject]   SHA-1: 612846c9857077a039b533718f72db3bc041d389
11 [FragmentStarterProject] Jar mismatch! Fix your dependencies

To fix this, simply delete the support library from you project. Go to the libs folder, select the android-support-v4.jar file and delete it. You can still use the support library because it’s also part of the ABS project.

If you need a newer version of the support library than the one bundled with ActionBarSherlock, remove the support library from both projects and add it anew to the ActionBarSherlock project.

With this done your project is good again. The next step, of course, is to change some code.
Changing the types to their ActionBarSherlock counterparts

Just adding the library won’t magically add an action bar to your project. Instead you have to change some of your code.

The first thing you have to do, is to change the classes from which you inherit. Instead of Activity use SherlockActivity, instead of FragmentActivity use SherlockFragmentActivity, instead of Fragment use SherlockFragment and so on. Now do this for the two activities and the two fragments you created while reading the last post.

You will notice that the ItemDetailActivity won’t compile any more. Whenever you add ActionBarSherlock to an existing project, this is bound to happen. Why is that?

Have a look at the error message Eclipse is displaying: “Cannot override the final method from SherlockFragmentActivity“. The method is the following:
view source
1 @Override
2 public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
3    // ...
4 }

ActionBarSherlock overrides every method of it’s superclasses that takes either a Menu, MenuItem or MenuInflater object of the android.view package as parameter and declares those methods as final. You need to know that all the items in an action bar are actually menu items. Thus only by doing it this way ActionBarSherlock can take control of all the menu-handling and change it for older Android versions.

While the error message might sound bad, it actually isn’t. ActionBarSherlock provides
for every final method another method with the same name and the same number of arguments. Even the class names of the arguments are the same. Only the packages differ.

This way ActionBarSherlock makes migration of existing projects very easy. You can keep your methods and do not have to change and adjust any logic. Simply delete all import statements to the menu-related classes of the package android.view. After this hit Ctrl-O to optimize and correct the import statements and when Eclipse displays the list of imports to choose from, choose those of the ActionBarSherlock library:
Choose ActionBarSherlock's classes for imports

Choose ActionBarSherlock’s classes for imports

If you do this for ItemDetailActivity the warnings disappear. Whenever you use Eclipse (or any other IDE for that matter) to generate the import statements for you, take care to select the types of the ActionBarSherlock library. Those all start with com.actionbarsherlock.

Now that your code looks fine, you should try to run the project. Whether this run is successful or not depends on the Android version of your device. If you run this code on a device with at least Android 4.0 everything runs fine. But not so on older devices. Here you will get a Force Close dialog due to an IllegalStateException:
view source
1 java.lang.IllegalStateException:
2       You must use Theme.Sherlock,
3       Theme.Sherlock.Light,
4       Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar,
5       or a derivative.

Gladly the exception is pretty specific: You have to use one of the Sherlock themes to get your project to run. ActionBarSherlock needs many definitions to get the action bar styled correctly. Thus it needs these styles and you have to use the ABS themes. You can use your own theme, of course, but you must use one of Sherlock’s themes as a base for yours. See the Sherlock theming guide for more information on this.

Since adding the action bar to older devices is the reason to use ActionBarSherlock in the first place, you have to change the theme. Change your AndroidManifest.xml file to use a Sherlock theme:

