CS 110 Google Sites Help

Google Sites Help
a. Login to Scarlet Mail
b. Use the menu in the top left to choose CLASSIC SITES
2. Create a new page:
a. Templates are available, but let's create our first page with the blank template.
b. Give Your site a name: "All about Tea"
c. Give your site a URL. Use your netid, eg "netid-tea" OR let Google Sites provide the
default name.
d. Choose a theme for the background.
e. In "more options", you may choose a category for your site, give it a description, and
choose to make it public. Hold off on making it public right now.
f. Press Create Site.
3. Edit the page:
a. Start by pressing the "Edit Page" button
b. In the body of the page, type: "This is my homepage on Tea."
c. Note the menu at the top (pencil icon):
i. You can change the font and font size.
ii. You can make text bolded, italicized or underlines.
iii. You can alter text and background color.
iv. You can create lists.
v. You can choose the text alignment.
d. Save your page.
4. Create a new page about Tea companies.
a. Press "Create Page" button (+page icon).
b. Keep it as a web page.
c. Put page under home.
d. Give it the name "Tea Companies"
e. Create page.
5. In the body, type "The following is a list of Tea Companies" and then Insert -> Horizontal Line.
6. Create a table of companies
a. Table -> Insert Table -> 2x3
b. First Column: Company name, Metropolitan Tea Company, Bigelow Tea Company
c. Second column: Phone Number, 1-888-244-3569, 1-416-588-0089
d. Make “Company name”, “Phone Number” bold
e. Highlight the entire table and make the font 16 pt, and choose center alignment for the
contents of the table.
7. Make the Company names links
a. Select the name of the company
b. Insert → Link -> Web address
i. Metropolitan Tea Company → http://www.metrotea.com/
CS 110
ii. Bigelow Tea Company →
8. Save the page.
9. Create a new page with the name "Tea Flavors", as before, and for the location, choose
"different location" and then choose "Home".
10. Create a Bulleted List
a. Use the bullet list button.
b. Vanilla Almond Tea, Vanilla Caramel Tea
11. Save the page and return to the "Home" page. Edit the page.
12. Search on the Internet for an image
a. Use Google image search to find an appropriate image or Go to
b. Right click on an image → Save image as → Save the image on the Desktop
c. Add the image to the "Home" page:
i. Insert -> Image -> find image on the Desktop -> OK
ii. Choose the appropriate alignment and size
13. Continue to add to the page:
a. Add "You can find out about Tea Companies and Tea Flavors."
b. Highlight Tea Companies and add a link.
Choose Existing page and locate the Tea Companies page
under Home and select it.
c. Do the same with Tea Flavors and the tea flavors page.
14. Add a video to the page:
a. Search YouTube for "tea commercial"
b. Copy the URL of the website
c. On the "Home" page, Insert -> Video -> You Tube
15. Finish the page:
a. Insert a horizontal line.
b. Add a disclaimer at the bottom:
Disclaimer: The content of the page reflects the opinion of the author.
16. Let's preview our site.
More actions -> Preview page as viewer
17. Change the permissions so that others can view the site. Click on Share.
a. You will change Who Has Access.
i. Choose either Public or Anyone with the link.
b. Access is set for Can View. You wouldn’t want anyone else changing your website content!!!
c. Have a fellow student look at the site to verify that it's visible. (Email the Link to share).

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