Stanford Cource(1)MVC and Object-C

Stanford Cource(1)MVC and Object-C

1. IOS Layer
1.1 Core OS
    OSX Kernel  Power Management
    Mach 3.0      Keychain Access
    BSD             Certificates
    Socket          File System
    Security        Bonjour
1.2 Core Services
     Collections    Core Location
     Address Book    Net Services
     Networking     Threading
     File Access    References
     SQLite           URL utilities
1.3 Media
     Core Audio    JPEG, PNG TIFF
     OpenAL         PDF
     Audio Mixing     Quartz
     Audio recording Core Animation
     Video Playback    OpenGL ES
1.4 Cocoa Touch
     Multi-Touch    Alerts
     Core Motion     Web View
     View Hierarchy   Map Kit
     Localization      Image Picker
     Controls           Camera

2. Tools
    Xcode4   Instruments
3. MVC
3.1 Model
   what does your application does?

3.2 View
Show your model

3.3 Controller
How your models show on screen

Controller send message to Model
Controller send message to View(outlet)

View talk to Controller(Tareget) 
                                (Will Did Should Delegate)
View do not own the data they display.
View get data source from Controller (Data at, Count)

Model send Notification & KVO to Controller

4. Language Objective-C
#import "vehicle.h"
#import "Planet.h"

@interface Spaceship: Vehicle 
//declaration of public method

@property (nonatomic) double topSpeed;

- (void) orbitPlanet:(Planet *) aPlanet

- (void) setTopSpeed:(double)percentSpeedOfLight;
- (double) topSpeed


#import "Spaceship.h"

@interface Spaceship()
  //declaration of private methods
@property (nonatomic, strong) Wormhole *nearestWormhole;


@implementation Spaceship

@synthesize topSpeed = _topSpeed;
@synthesize nearestWormhole = _nearestWormhole;

- (void) setTopSpeed:(double)speed
   _topSpeed = speed;

- (double) topSpeed
   return _topSpeed;

- (void)orbitPlanet:(Planet *)aPlanet atAltitude:(double) km
   //put codes here
   double speed = [self topSpeed]; // self.topSpeed
   if(speed > MAX_RELATIVE) speed = MAX_RELATIVE;
   [[self nearestWormhole] travelToPlanet:aPlanet

@property  @sythesize generate getter and setter for us.

All property are zero when object are created.


