mysql 存储过程创建游标时,取值为空 需要定义别名

DROP PROCEDURE  IF EXISTS pro_supplier_employee;
-- 供应商关联企业 员工以及常用旅客白名单  处理 
CREATE PROCEDURE pro_supplier_employee( 
    IN companyId VARCHAR(20000), -- 企业ID
    IN supplierId BIGINT,-- 供应商ID
    OUT result INT -- 返回结果
    DECLARE  spid bigint DEFAULT supplierId;  
    DECLARE  cid bigint;  
    DECLARE  eid bigint;  
    DECLARE  ph varchar(50);  
    DECLARE  idt int;  
    DECLARE  bday date; 
    DECLARE  sx int; 
    DECLARE  iname varchar(50); 
    DECLARE  icard varchar(50); 
    DECLARE Cur_1 CURSOR FOR SELECT a.cid,a.eid,,a.idt,a.bday,,a.iname,a.icard from view_supplier_personlInfo a group by a.iname,a.icard;  
    DECLARE Cur_2 CURSOR FOR SELECT a.cid,a.eid,,a.idt,a.bday,,a.iname,a.icard  from view_supplier_employ a group by a.iname,a.icard;  
    DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLSTATE '02000' SET result = 1;#错误定义,标记循环结束  
 SET @companyId=companyId;
 SET @supplierId=supplierId; 

   DROP VIEW IF EXISTS view_supplier_personlInfo;  
   DROP VIEW IF EXISTS view_supplier_employ;  

       -- 查找员工关联的常用旅客的 idCard (非同事关系)
       SET @sel3=" create view view_supplier_personlInfo as  SELECT companyId as cid,empId as eid,phone as ph,idType as idt,birthday as bday,sex as sx,TRIM(case when LENGTH(name)>0 then name when (name is null or LENGTH(name)<1 ) then CONCAT(case when lastName is null then '' else lastName end ,' ',case when firstName is null then '' else firstName end ) end) as iname ,idcard as icard   from b_company_employee_personlInfo where empId in (";
       SET @sel3=CONCAT(@sel3,"select id from b_company_employee where  FIND_IN_SET(companyId,'",@companyId,"')  and state =1 )   and isColleague=0 and state=1 ");
       SET @sel3=CONCAT(@sel3," and (( length(name)>0  and idcard is not null and idtype is not null) or (length(lastName)>0  and idcard is not null and idtype is not null) or ( length(firstName)>0 and idcard is not null and idtype is not null))");
	    -- 查询关联企业的员工ID (插入白名单使用)
	   SET @esql2=" create view view_supplier_employ as  select  id as eid,companyId as cid,phone as ph,idType as idt,birthday as bday,sex as sx,TRIM(case when LENGTH(name)>0  then name when (name is null or LENGTH(name)<1 ) then CONCAT(case when lastName is null then '' else lastName end ,' ',case when firstName is null then '' else firstName end ) end) as iname ,idcard as icard  from b_company_employee  where  FIND_IN_SET(companyId,'";
     set @esql2=CONCAT(@esql2,@companyId,"') and state =1  and (( length(name)>0  and idcard is not null and idtype is not null) or (length(lastName)>0  and idcard is not null and idtype is not null) or ( length(firstName)>0 and idcard is not null and idtype is not null))");

  PREPARE stmt_sel3 FROM @sel3;
  EXECUTE stmt_sel3;
  PREPARE stmt_esql2 FROM @esql2;
  EXECUTE stmt_esql2;

  -- 错误定义,标记循环结束 

      SET result = 0;#只有定义为0,新的循环才能继续。  
    /* 打开光标 */  
    OPEN Cur_1;  
         /* 循环执行 */  
            FETCH Cur_1 INTO cid,eid,ph,idt,bday,sx,iname,icard; 

	      set @ct=0;
			select count(1) into @ct from supplier_company_employ_relation sc where and sc.idCard=icard and sc.supplierId=spid;
            IF NOT result THEN  
                IF @ct<1 THEN  
                   if cid is null then 
		                  insert INTO supplier_company_employ_relation (supplierId,companyId,employeeId,isRecord,phone,name,idType,idCard,birthday,sex,createTime,state) values (spid,0,eid,0,ph,iname,idt,icard,bday,sx,now(),1);
                        insert INTO supplier_company_employ_relation (supplierId,companyId,employeeId,isRecord,phone,name,idType,idCard,birthday,sex,createTime,state) values (spid,cid,eid,0,ph,iname,idt,icard,bday,sx,now(),1);
		                end if;
	             		end if;
            END IF;  
         UNTIL result END REPEAT; #当result=1时退出被循  
    CLOSE Cur_1;  
    SET result = 0;#只有定义为0,新的循环才能继续。  
    OPEN Cur_2;  
        FETCH Cur_2 INTO  cid,eid,ph,idt,bday,sx,iname,icard;  
        IF NOT result THEN  
            set @ct1=0;
						select count(1) into @ct1 from supplier_company_employ_relation sc where and sc.idCard=icard and sc.supplierId=spid;
						if @ct1 <1 then 
								insert INTO supplier_company_employ_relation(supplierId,companyId,employeeId,isRecord,phone,name,idType,idCard,birthday,sex,createTime,state) values (spid,cid,eid,0,ph,iname,idt,icard,bday,sx,now(),1);
						end if;
        END IF;  
    UNTIL result END REPEAT;  
    CLOSE Cur_2;  
 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS view_supplier_personlInfo;  
   DROP VIEW IF EXISTS view_supplier_employ;  
    SET result = 1;  
-- select @companyId;

