mininet学习记录examples(the latter half)

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This example verifies the mininet ofport numbers match up to the ovs port numbers. It also verifies that the port numbers match up to the interface numbers

# host 1-4 connect to ports 1-4 on the switch
    net.addLink( h1, s1 )
    net.addLink( h2, s1 )
    net.addLink( h3, s1 )
    net.addLink( h4, s1 )
    # specify a different port to connect host 5 to on the switch.
    net.addLink( h5, s1, port1=1, port2= 9) #通过这种方式指定接口号

    info( '*** Starting network\n' )

    # print the interfaces and their port numbers
    info( '\n*** printing and validating the ports '
          'running on each interface\n' )
    for intfs in s1.intfList():            #s1.intfList()
        if not == "lo":
            info( intfs, ': ', s1.ports[intfs],
                  '\n' )
            info( 'Validating that', intfs,
                   'is actually on port', s1.ports[intfs], '... ' )
            if validatePort( s1, intfs ):
                info( 'Validated.\n' )
    print '\n'

This example monitors a number of hosts using host.popen() and pmonitor().,

These two examples demonstrate how to create a network by using the lowest- level Mininet functions. Generally the higher-level API is easier to use, but scratchnet shows what is going on behind the scenes.

def scratchNet( cname='controller', cargs='-v ptcp:' ):
    "Create network from scratch using Open vSwitch."

    info( "*** Creating nodes\n" )
    controller = Node( 'c0', inNamespace=False )
    switch = Node( 's0', inNamespace=False )
    h0 = Node( 'h0' )
    h1 = Node( 'h1' )

    info( "*** Creating links\n" )
    Link( h0, switch )
    Link( h1, switch )

    info( "*** Configuring hosts\n" )
    h0.setIP( '' )
    h1.setIP( '' )
    info( str( h0 ) + '\n' )
    info( str( h1 ) + '\n' )

    info( "*** Starting network using Open vSwitch\n" )
    controller.cmd( cname + ' ' + cargs + '&' )
    switch.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp0' )
    switch.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-br dp0' )
    for intf in switch.intfs.values():
        print switch.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-port dp0 %s' % intf )

    # Note: controller and switch are in root namespace, and we
    # can connect via loopback interface
    switch.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl set-controller dp0 tcp:' )

    info( '*** Waiting for switch to connect to controller' )
    while 'is_connected' not in quietRun( 'ovs-vsctl show' ):
        sleep( 1 )
        info( '.' )
    info( '\n' )

    info( "*** Running test\n" )
    h0.cmdPrint( 'ping -c1 ' + h1.IP() )

    info( "*** Stopping network\n" )
    controller.cmd( 'kill %' + cname )
    switch.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp0' )
    info( '\n' )


A simple example of configuring network and CPU bandwidth limits.


def connectToRootNS( network, switch, ip, routes ):
    """Connect hosts to root namespace via switch. Starts network.
      network: Mininet() network object
      switch: switch to connect to root namespace
      ip: IP address for root namespace node
      routes: host networks to route to"""
    # Create a node in root namespace and link to switch 0
    root = Node( 'root', inNamespace=False )
    intf = network.addLink( root, switch ).intf1
    root.setIP( ip, intf=intf )
    # Start network that now includes link to root namespace
    # Add routes from root ns to hosts
    for route in routes:
        root.cmd( 'route add -net ' + route + ' dev ' + str( intf ) )
def sshd( network, cmd='/usr/sbin/sshd', opts='-D',
          ip='', routes=None, switch=None ):
    """Start a network, connect it to root ns, and run sshd on all hosts.
       ip: root-eth0 IP address in root namespace (
       routes: Mininet host networks to route to (10.0/24)
       switch: Mininet switch to connect to root namespace (s1)"""
    if not switch:
        switch = network[ 's1' ]  # switch to use
    if not routes:
        routes = [ '' ]
    connectToRootNS( network, switch, ip, routes )
    for host in network.hosts:
        host.cmd( cmd + ' ' + opts + '&' )
    print "*** Waiting for ssh daemons to start"
    for server in network.hosts:
        waitListening( server=server, port=22, timeout=5 )

    print "*** Hosts are running sshd at the following addresses:"
    for host in network.hosts:
        print, host.IP()
    print "*** Type 'exit' or control-D to shut down network"
    CLI( network )
    for host in network.hosts:
        host.cmd( 'kill %' + cmd )

This example attempts to create a 1024-host network, and then runs the CLI on it. It may run into scalability limits, depending on available memory and sysctl configuration (see INSTALL.)

This example creates a 64-host tree network, and attempts to check full connectivity using ping, for different switch/datapath types.

for name in switches:
        print "*** Testing", name, "datapath"
        switch = switches[ name ]
        network = TreeNet( depth=2, fanout=8, switch=switch )
        result = network.pingAll )
        results[ name ] = result

    print "*** Tree network ping results:"
    for name in switches:
        print "%s: %d%% packet loss" % ( name, results[ name ] )

An example of how to subclass Host to use a VLAN on its primary interface.

how to solve:

文档里有写 sudo apt-get install vlan之后就好了

