@select 添加判断

添加两个 使用例子, 供参考:
" seatName,SUM(profit) as profit",
"from td_seat_single_code_profit",
"where code = #{queryType,jdbcType=VARCHAR} ",
"<![CDATA[ and tradeDate >= #{startDate,jdbcType=INTEGER} and tradeDate <= #{endDate,jdbcType=INTEGER} ]]>",
"GROUP BY seatName ",
"<if test='!flag'>ORDER BY profit </if> ",
"<if test='flag'>ORDER BY profit desc</if> ",
"LIMIT #{rankSize,jdbcType=INTEGER}",
"</script> "})
List<TdSeadeProfit> getSeatProfitListByParam(@Param("rankSize") int rankSize, @Param("startDate") int startDate, @Param("endDate") int endDate, @Param("queryType") String queryType, @Param("flag") boolean flag);

"SELECT seatName,SUM(profit) as profit FROM td_seat_code_chain_profit where ",
" type = #{queryFlag,jdbcType=INTEGER}",
" <if test='queryFlag ==1'>and tradingCode =#{queryType,jdbcType=VARCHAR} </if>",
" <if test='queryFlag ==2'>and industrialChain =#{queryType,jdbcType=VARCHAR} </if>",
"<![CDATA[ and tradeDate >= #{startDate,jdbcType=INTEGER} and tradeDate <= #{endDate,jdbcType=INTEGER} ]]>",
"GROUP BY seatName ",
"<if test='!flag'>ORDER BY profit </if> ",
"<if test='flag'>ORDER BY profit desc</if> ",
"LIMIT #{rankSize,jdbcType=INTEGER}",
"</script> "})
List<TdSeatCinProfit> getSeatProfitListByParam(@Param("rankSize") int rankSize, @Param("startDate") int startDate, @Param("endDate") int endDate, @Param("queryFlag") int queryFlag, @Param("queryType")String queryType,@Param("flag") boolean flag);

注意大于小于的转义或者使用 <![CDATA[ ]]>包裹表达式

