- Keep wagon trains back to the botanist is paid, then get hurt oppdragsgjevaren

had two FINES: This semi-trailer was stopped twice on the same day. There were two drivers in the car as both were fined for driving a car that had not been shod for the conditions. Photo: Simon Solheim / NRK

- Should a deal with the problem of foreign lorries who break the law along the Norwegian roads, and the employer must also get oppdragsgjevar svi.Anna Gytri

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The evening news 6:40 p.m.

The evening news 8:55 p.m.

Read all omSogndal whole matter: Case Universal Sogndal Fotball

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11.2 (10 cm)

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11.2 (20 cm)

Sogn Ski Centre

10.2 (20 cm)

