
Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing  briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.


  In recent years, people are developing an inseparable relationship with Internet. As is vividly depicted in the picture, it is convenient for us to click the mouse when surfing on line, either to entertain ourselves or to meet the work’s needs. Actually surfing the Internet has become a daily routine activity in our everyday life. However, it seems rather ironic that a chain is used instead of a cord to connect with the mouse in this picture. The exaggerative and impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the duality of the relationship between man and Internet.

  Discussion on the duality has become very popular in newspapers or in people’s chats. On the one hand, no one denies that Internet is currently one of the most useful media in our daily life. People from all walks of life are benefiting considerably from its powerful function of information communication. As a college student, I get on-line every data to read the news, to study English by registering for web courses, to exchange information with my net friends throuth e-mails and to down load my favorite music, flash, films and pictures. Being  a veteran online shopper, I frequently purchase books and CDs at much lower prices. But on the other hand, a great many people admit that they are too much addicted to Internet to maintain a regular and wholesome lifestyle. Cyber-living resembles the experience of looking constantly into a kaleidoscope which displays both colored patterns and illusions. Once indulging in the fictitious world, people can barely concentrate on real life. Consequently, many students just chat online or play computer games immoderately every day, skipping many important classes. Such a waste of time inevitably leads to their failure in their exams.

  Therefore, it is necessary for us to use the Internet in a reasonable way and restrain from overindulgence. After all, the Internet was invented to enrich our life, to connect us, and to improve the efficiency of our work rather than to shackle us with a chain.


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  近年来,人们与互联网之间的关系变得越来越不可分割。图中生动地展示了无论是 为了自我娱乐还是适应工作的需求,我们都能很方便地点击鼠标在网上进行冲浪。事实 上,网上冲浪已在我们的日常生活中成为一种惯例。然而,这幅图中看来相当讽刺的地 方是,使用一条锁链而不是普通的鼠标线连接鼠标。这幅夸张并使人印象深刻的图画微 妙地解释了人与互联网之间的双重关系。

  在报纸上和人们的讨论中,对这种双重性的讨论非常流行。一方面,不可否认互联 网现在是我们日常生活中最有用的媒体之一。各行各业的人们都从它强大的信息交流功能中受益匪浅。作为一名大学生,我每天上网阅读新闻,通过注册网络课程来学习英语,借助电子邮件和我的网友们交流,下载我最喜爱的音乐、动画、电影和图片。作为网上购物的老手,我经常以极低的价格购买书籍、CD。但另一方面,很多人承认他们太沉迷于网络而无法保持一种规律和健康的生活方式。网络生存就像看万花筒一样,它能展现出色彩斑斓的图案与幻影。一旦沉迷于这种虚幻世界,人们很难关注现实生活。因此,很多学生每天没有节制地在飓聊天或打电脑游戏,重要课程也不去上。这么浪费时间无疑会使他们考试不及格。


