Eclipse simple settings

This article I wrote for myself. Because I always forget these things

1. Eclipse font setting

Window ->Preferences ->General ->Appearance ->Colors and Fonts
right window -> Java -> Text Font

2. Eclipse Auto Activation

Window ->Preferences ->Java ->Editor ->Content Assist
right window ->
Auto activation triggers for Java: .abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (add all 26 letters)

3. Eclipse encoding

(To encoding UTF-8 as example)
1). Change encoding for all workspace
eclipse ->Window ->Preferences ->General ->Workspace
right window -> Text file encoding -> choose Other:UTF-8 ->OK

2).Change encoding for a project
right click Project name -> Properties ->Resource -> Text file encoding -> choose Other:UTF-8 ->OK

3). Change encoding for special type file
eclipse ->Window ->Preferences ->General ->Content Types
right window ->Content types :choose  the file(JAVA, JSP and so on) ->Default encoding:input UTF-8 -> Update ->OK

4).Change encoding for single file
Package explorer -> right click single file ->Preferences ->Resource -> Text file encoding -> choose Other:UTF-8 ->OK

