
msn: [email protected]
1. 前言


2. 16位校验和计算

2.1 基本原理
IP/ICMP/IGMP/TCP/UDP等协议的校验和算法都是相同的,采用的都是将数据流视为16位整数流进行重复叠加计算。为了计算检验和,首先把检验和字段置为0。然后,对有效数据范围内中每个16位进行二进制反码求和,结果存在检验和字段中,如果数据长度为奇数则补一字节0。当收到数据后,同样对有效数据范围中每个16位数进行二进制反码的求和。由于接收方在计算过程中包含了发送方存在首部中的检验和,因此,如果首部在传输过程中没有发生任何差错,那么接收方计算的结果应该为全0或全1(具体看实现了,本质一样) 。如果结果不是全0或全1,那么表示数据错误。

2.2 程序算法

2.2.1 C实现
unsigned short csum(unsigned char *addr, int count)
           /* Compute Internet Checksum for "count" bytes
            *         beginning at location "addr".
       register long sum = 0;
       while( count > 1 )  {
           /*  This is the inner loop */
               sum += * (unsigned short) addr++;
               count -= 2;
           /*  Add left-over byte, if any */
       if( count > 0 )
               sum += * (unsigned char *) addr;
           /*  Fold 32-bit sum to 16 bits */
       while (sum>>16)
           sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
       return ~sum;


2.2.2 增量式修改


         ~C' = ~(C + (-m) + m') = ~C + (m - m') = ~C + m + ~m'


      struct ip_hdr *ipptr;
      unsigned char n;
          unsigned long sum;
          unsigned short old;
          old = ntohs(*(unsigned short *)&ipptr->ttl);
          ipptr->ttl -= n;
          sum = old + (~ntohs(*(unsigned short *)&ipptr->ttl) & 0xffff);
          sum += ntohs(ipptr->Checksum);
          sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum>>16);
          ipptr->Checksum = htons(sum + (sum>>16));
2.3 网络应用

2.3.1 IPv4

2.3.2 IPv6



2.3.4 TCP/UDP

TCP/UDP的校验和计算有点特殊,所计算的数据范围除了包括TCP/UDP头开始到数据结束外,还要包括一个IP伪头部分,所谓伪头,只有12字节数据,包括源地址(4字节)、目的地址(4字节)、协议(2字节,第一字节补0)和TCP/UDP包长(2字节)。TCP的校验和是必须的,而UDP的校验和是可选的,如果UDP中校验和字段为0,表示不进行校验和计算,因此对于UDP协议数据的修改后想偷懒的话直接将校验和设为0 就可以了。
3. 32位校验和

3.1 以太帧


3.2 SCTP

/* Example of the crc table file */
#ifndef __crc32cr_table_h__
#define __crc32cr_table_h__
#define CRC32C_POLY 0x1EDC6F41
#define CRC32C(c,d) (c=(c>>8)^crc_c[(c^(d))&0xFF])
static unsigned long  crc_c[256] =
0x00000000L, 0xF26B8303L, 0xE13B70F7L, 0x1350F3F4L,
0xC79A971FL, 0x35F1141CL, 0x26A1E7E8L, 0xD4CA64EBL,
0x8AD958CFL, 0x78B2DBCCL, 0x6BE22838L, 0x9989AB3BL,
0x4D43CFD0L, 0xBF284CD3L, 0xAC78BF27L, 0x5E133C24L,
0x105EC76FL, 0xE235446CL, 0xF165B798L, 0x030E349BL,
0xD7C45070L, 0x25AFD373L, 0x36FF2087L, 0xC494A384L,
0x9A879FA0L, 0x68EC1CA3L, 0x7BBCEF57L, 0x89D76C54L,
0x5D1D08BFL, 0xAF768BBCL, 0xBC267848L, 0x4E4DFB4BL,
0x20BD8EDEL, 0xD2D60DDDL, 0xC186FE29L, 0x33ED7D2AL,
0xE72719C1L, 0x154C9AC2L, 0x061C6936L, 0xF477EA35L,
0xAA64D611L, 0x580F5512L, 0x4B5FA6E6L, 0xB93425E5L,
0x6DFE410EL, 0x9F95C20DL, 0x8CC531F9L, 0x7EAEB2FAL,
0x30E349B1L, 0xC288CAB2L, 0xD1D83946L, 0x23B3BA45L,
0xF779DEAEL, 0x05125DADL, 0x1642AE59L, 0xE4292D5AL,
0xBA3A117EL, 0x4851927DL, 0x5B016189L, 0xA96AE28AL,
0x7DA08661L, 0x8FCB0562L, 0x9C9BF696L, 0x6EF07595L,
0x417B1DBCL, 0xB3109EBFL, 0xA0406D4BL, 0x522BEE48L,
0x86E18AA3L, 0x748A09A0L, 0x67DAFA54L, 0x95B17957L,
0xCBA24573L, 0x39C9C670L, 0x2A993584L, 0xD8F2B687L,
0x0C38D26CL, 0xFE53516FL, 0xED03A29BL, 0x1F682198L,
0x5125DAD3L, 0xA34E59D0L, 0xB01EAA24L, 0x42752927L,
0x96BF4DCCL, 0x64D4CECFL, 0x77843D3BL, 0x85EFBE38L,
0xDBFC821CL, 0x2997011FL, 0x3AC7F2EBL, 0xC8AC71E8L,
0x1C661503L, 0xEE0D9600L, 0xFD5D65F4L, 0x0F36E6F7L,
0x61C69362L, 0x93AD1061L, 0x80FDE395L, 0x72966096L,
0xA65C047DL, 0x5437877EL, 0x4767748AL, 0xB50CF789L,
0xEB1FCBADL, 0x197448AEL, 0x0A24BB5AL, 0xF84F3859L,
0x2C855CB2L, 0xDEEEDFB1L, 0xCDBE2C45L, 0x3FD5AF46L,
0x7198540DL, 0x83F3D70EL, 0x90A324FAL, 0x62C8A7F9L,
0xB602C312L, 0x44694011L, 0x5739B3E5L, 0xA55230E6L,
0xFB410CC2L, 0x092A8FC1L, 0x1A7A7C35L, 0xE811FF36L,
0x3CDB9BDDL, 0xCEB018DEL, 0xDDE0EB2AL, 0x2F8B6829L,
0x82F63B78L, 0x709DB87BL, 0x63CD4B8FL, 0x91A6C88CL,
0x456CAC67L, 0xB7072F64L, 0xA457DC90L, 0x563C5F93L,
0x082F63B7L, 0xFA44E0B4L, 0xE9141340L, 0x1B7F9043L,
0xCFB5F4A8L, 0x3DDE77ABL, 0x2E8E845FL, 0xDCE5075CL,
0x92A8FC17L, 0x60C37F14L, 0x73938CE0L, 0x81F80FE3L,
0x55326B08L, 0xA759E80BL, 0xB4091BFFL, 0x466298FCL,
0x1871A4D8L, 0xEA1A27DBL, 0xF94AD42FL, 0x0B21572CL,
0xDFEB33C7L, 0x2D80B0C4L, 0x3ED04330L, 0xCCBBC033L,
0xA24BB5A6L, 0x502036A5L, 0x4370C551L, 0xB11B4652L,
0x65D122B9L, 0x97BAA1BAL, 0x84EA524EL, 0x7681D14DL,
0x2892ED69L, 0xDAF96E6AL, 0xC9A99D9EL, 0x3BC21E9DL,
0xEF087A76L, 0x1D63F975L, 0x0E330A81L, 0xFC588982L,
0xB21572C9L, 0x407EF1CAL, 0x532E023EL, 0xA145813DL,
0x758FE5D6L, 0x87E466D5L, 0x94B49521L, 0x66DF1622L,
0x38CC2A06L, 0xCAA7A905L, 0xD9F75AF1L, 0x2B9CD9F2L,
0xFF56BD19L, 0x0D3D3E1AL, 0x1E6DCDEEL, 0xEC064EEDL,
0xC38D26C4L, 0x31E6A5C7L, 0x22B65633L, 0xD0DDD530L,
0x0417B1DBL, 0xF67C32D8L, 0xE52CC12CL, 0x1747422FL,
0x49547E0BL, 0xBB3FFD08L, 0xA86F0EFCL, 0x5A048DFFL,
0x8ECEE914L, 0x7CA56A17L, 0x6FF599E3L, 0x9D9E1AE0L,
0xD3D3E1ABL, 0x21B862A8L, 0x32E8915CL, 0xC083125FL,
0x144976B4L, 0xE622F5B7L, 0xF5720643L, 0x07198540L,
0x590AB964L, 0xAB613A67L, 0xB831C993L, 0x4A5A4A90L,
0x9E902E7BL, 0x6CFBAD78L, 0x7FAB5E8CL, 0x8DC0DD8FL,
0xE330A81AL, 0x115B2B19L, 0x020BD8EDL, 0xF0605BEEL,
0x24AA3F05L, 0xD6C1BC06L, 0xC5914FF2L, 0x37FACCF1L,
0x69E9F0D5L, 0x9B8273D6L, 0x88D28022L, 0x7AB90321L,
0xAE7367CAL, 0x5C18E4C9L, 0x4F48173DL, 0xBD23943EL,
0xF36E6F75L, 0x0105EC76L, 0x12551F82L, 0xE03E9C81L,
0x34F4F86AL, 0xC69F7B69L, 0xD5CF889DL, 0x27A40B9EL,
0x79B737BAL, 0x8BDCB4B9L, 0x988C474DL, 0x6AE7C44EL,
0xBE2DA0A5L, 0x4C4623A6L, 0x5F16D052L, 0xAD7D5351L,
crc32c(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int length)
  unsigned int i;
  unsigned long crc32 = ~0L;
  unsigned long result;
  unsigned char byte0,byte1,byte2,byte3;
  for (i = 0; i < length; i++){
      CRC32C(crc32, buffer[i]);
  result = ~crc32;
  /*  result  now holds the negated polynomial remainder;
   *  since the table and algorithm is "reflected" [williams95].
   *  That is,  result has the same value as if we mapped the message
   *  to a polynomial, computed the host-bit-order polynomial
   *  remainder, performed final negation, then did an end-for-end
   *  bit-reversal.
   *  Note that a 32-bit bit-reversal is identical to four inplace
   *  8-bit reversals followed by an end-for-end byteswap.
   *  In other words, the bytes of each bit are in the right order,
   *  but the bytes have been byteswapped.  So we now do an explicit
   *  byteswap.  On a little-endian machine, this byteswap and
   *  the final ntohl cancel out and could be elided.
  byte0 = result & 0xff;
  byte1 = (result>>8) & 0xff;
  byte2 = (result>>16) & 0xff;
  byte3 = (result>>24) & 0xff;
  crc32 = ((byte0 << 24) |
           (byte1 << 16) |
           (byte2 << 8)  |
  return ( crc32 );
4. 结论

