

 *File:calculate PI.c


 *This program is calculate the PI






#define  r 2

/ * Function program */

double calculate_PI (void)

/* Main prorgram */

int main()


    printf(" This program is  answer the PI");

    printf("The PI is %g\n",calculate_PI ());

     return 0;



 *Function: To calculate PI;

 * Usage:Tocalculate ()


 *This  program calculate the PI


double calculate_PI (void)

  int n = 100;

  double w;

  w = r / n;                                      // 纠错: int 型除以int 型 ,如果是浮点数的话会强行转换,此处是 2 / 100; 所以会是0;

  double s,x,h;                               //  把 w  = r /n  改成 w = (double)r / n;强制转化成double型;以后写代码时需要注意小细节

  double S =0;

  for (int i = 1;i <= n;i++) {

     x = (w / 2) + (i - 1) * w;

    h = sqrt (r*r - x*x);

    s = h *w;

    S = S + s;


  return (S);



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