Linux package management

  • Two distribution familiys:

RPM is similar to DPKG on Debian based distros i.e.the basic packaging system. RPM is used by RedHat/Fedora, SUSE/openSUSE, Mandriva, PCLinuxOS and other distros. APT, YUM etc are just frontends to these packaging systems (YUM is used by RPM), but they also add features to overcome some limitations. You can also use APT on RPM based distros (.e.g PCLinuxOS), but its no longer very common.

  • For Debian based system

apt-cache search <packagename>  // to serach repo for the packages

apt-cache depends <packagename>  //show dependece 

apt-get update  // sync the state of package in pc to the repo's which is saved in /etc/apt/source.list

apt list --installed//  list all installed package

apt-get upgrade //upgrade all package 

