advent of code in 2019

 1 #######################Day1####################
 2 #################part1##########################
 3 '''
 4 四舍五入法:直接使用int函数取整数即可
 5 '''
 6 def get_math(str1):
 7 # str1 = '100756'
 8     res = int(int(str1)/3)-2
 9     return res
10 li = []
11 path = r'E:\厦门银行数据\santa\text.txt'
12 with open(path,'r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
13     text = f.readlines()
14     for i in text:
15         x = get_math(i.strip())
16         li.append(x)
17 print(sum(li))
18 #####################part2#######################
19 '''
20 循环使用四舍五入法
21 加入判断,到小于0的时候停止
22 全部求和
23 '''
24 str1 = '100756'
25 def get_math_2(str1):
26     li = []
27     res = 1
28     while res>0:
29         res = int(int(str1)/3)-2
30         str1 = res
31         if res > 0:
32             li.append(res)
33     return sum(li)
34 li = []
35 path = r'E:\厦门银行数据\santa\text.txt'
36 with open(path,'r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
37     text = f.readlines()
38     for i in text:
39         x = get_math_2(i.strip())
40         li.append(x)
41 print(sum(li))
Day 1

