GeoStyle: Discovering Fashion Trends and Events---GeoStyle:发现时尚趋势和事件

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GeoStyle: Discovering Fashion Trends and Events---ICCV 2019 Open Access Repository

GeoStyle: Discovering Fashion Trends and Events


Understanding fashion styles and trends is of great potential interest to retailers and consumers alike.
The photospeople upload to social media are a historical and publicdata source of how people dress across the world and atdifferent times.
While we now have tools to automaticallyrecognize the clothing and style attributes of what peopleare wearing in these photographs, we lack the ability to analyze spatial and temporal trends in these attributes or makepredictions about the future.
In this paper we address thisneed by providing an automatic framework that analyzeslarge corpora of street imagery to (a) discover and forecast longterm trends of various fashion attributes as wellas automatically discovered styles, and (b) identify spatiotemporally localized events that affect what people wear.
Weshow that our framework makes long term trend forecaststhat are > 20% more accurate than prior art, and identifieshundreds of socially meaningful events that impact fashionacross the globe.

  1. Introduction
  2. 介绍

Each day, we collectively upload to social media platforms billions of photographs that capture a wide range ofhuman life and activities around the world.
At the same time,object detection, semantic segmentation, and visual searchare seeing rapid advances 13 and are being deployed atscale 22.
With largescale recognition available as a fundamental tool in our vision toolbox, it is now possible to askquestions about how people dress, eat, and group across theworld and over time.
In this paper we focus on how people dress.
In particular, we ask can we detect and predictfashion trends and styles over space and timeWe answer these questions by designing an automatedmethod to characterize and predict seasonal and yearoveryear fashion trends, detect social events (e.g., festivals orsporting events) that impact how people dress, and identify socialeventspecific style elements that epitomize theseevents.
特别是,我们问我们能检测和predictfashion趋势和风格在空间和设计一个automatedmethod timeWe回答这些问题的描述和预测季节性和yearoveryear时尚趋势,发现社会事件(例如,节日orsporting事件)影响人们如何着装,并确定socialeventspecific风格元素概括theseevents。
Our approach uses existing recognition algorithmsto identify a coarse set of fashion attributes in a large corpusof images.
We then fit interpretable parametric models oflongterm temporal trends to these fashion attributes.
Thesemodels capture both seasonal cycles as well as changes inpopularity over time.
These models not only help in understanding existing trends, but can also make up to 20% moreaccurate, temporally finegrained forecasts across long timescales compared to prior methods 1.
For example, we findthat yearonyear more people are wearing black, but thatthey tend to do so more in the winter than in the summer.
Our framework not only models longterm trends, but alsoidentifies sudden, shortterm changes in popularity that buckthese trends.
We find that these outliers often correspondto festivals, sporting events, or other large social gatherings.
We provide a methodology to automatically discover theevents underlying such outliers by looking at associated image tags and captions, thus tying visual analysis to textbaseddiscovery.
We find that our framework finds understandablereasons for all of the most salient events it discovers, and inso doing surfaces intriguing social events around the worldthat were unknown to the authors.
For example, it discoversan unusual increase in the color yellow in Bangkok in earlyDecember, and associates it with the words father, day,king, live, and dad.
This corresponds to the kingsbirthday, celebrated as Fathers Day in Thailand by wearing yellow 36.
Our framework similarly surfaces eventsin Ukraine (Vyshyvanka Day), Indonesia (Batik Day), andJapan (Golden Week).
Figure 1 shows more of the worldwide events discovered by our framework and the clothesthat people wear during those events.
We further show that we can predict trends and eventsnot just at the level of individual fashion attributes (such aswearing yellow), but also at the level of styles consistingof recurring visual ensembles.
These styles are identifiedby clustering photographs in feature space to reveal styleclusters clusters of people dressed in a similar style.
Ourforecasts of the future popularity of styles are just as accurateas our predictions of individual attributes.
Further, we canrun the same event detection framework described above onstyle trends, allowing us to not only automatically detectsocial events, but also associate each event with its owndistinctive style a stylistic signature for each event.
此外,我们还可以在style trends上运行与上述相同的事件检测框架,不仅可以自动检测社会事件,还可以将每个事件与它自己独特的风格关联起来,即每个事件的风格特征。
Our contributions, highlighted in Figure 2, include We present an automated framework for analyzing thetemporal behavior of fashion elements across the globe.
Our framework models and forecasts longterm trendsand seasonal behaviors.
It also automatically identifiesshortterm spikes caused by events like festivals andsporting events.
Our framework automatically discovers the reasons behind these events by leveraging textual descriptions andcaptions.
We connect events with signature styles by performingthis analysis on automatically discovered style clusters.

