Customize the Application UI and Behavior 自定义应用程序UI和行为

In XAF, the business model defines the database structure and UI appearance. Changes to your persistent classes affect the UI. For example, if you add a new property to a business class, a new editor is added to the list and detail forms.

You can use the auto-generated UI or customize it according to your business requirements and scenarios. This topic describes how to customize your application's appearance and behavior.


#Customize the Application UI Metadata


Use Attributes in Code


Built-in attributes allow you to edit the Application Model, create controls, and customize the business model's look and behavior (the validation, visibility, formatting of fields, etc.) in the Business Model's code. With this declarative approach, you can add only one line of code without using a designer or creating a Controller.

Apply the FieldSizeAttribute to the Testimonial's Quote string property and pass Unlimited as the attribute's parameter to replace the single-line editor with a multi-line editor.



public class Testimonial
    // ...
    string quote;
    public string Quote {
        get { return quote; }
        set { SetProperty(ref quote, value); }
    // ...

Run the WinForms or ASP.NET application and open the Testimonial Detail View. The following image illustrates the standard and customized UI:




The SimpleProjectManager demo projects provide more examples of how to use this approach. This demo is installed in %PUBLIC%\Documents\DevExpress Demos 19.2\Components\eXpressApp Framework\SimpleProjectManager\CS\SimpleProjectManager.Module\BusinessObjects\.

Note that this approach adds a dependency to the XAF assemblies to your data access layer (DAL).

SimpleProjectManager演示项目提供了关于如何使用此方法的更多示例。此演示程序安装在%PUBLIC%\Documents\DevExpress演示程序19.2\Components\eXpressApp Framework\SimpleProjectManager\CS\SimpleProjectManager. module \BusinessObjects。

Use the Model Designer

If you do not want to define the application's UI structure and behavior in your business model code, edit the application metadata (XAF - Application Model). Each project stores the metadata and its customizations as XML markup in *.xafml files. These files form the Application Model's layered structure. You can open XAFML files in the Model Editor designer, text or XML editor.

Follow the steps below to change the Customer business object's image and enable images in the navigation control via the Model Editor:

  1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the SimpleProjectManager.Module project and select Open Model Editor in the context menu or double-click the file with the XAFML extension.
  2. In the Model Editor, navigate to the BOModel | Customer node in the tree and set the ImageName property to BO_Customer.


    如果不希望在业务模型代码中定义应用程序的UI结构和行为,请编辑应用程序元数据(XAF -应用程序模型)。每个项目都将元数据及其定制作为XML标记存储在*中。xafml文件。这些文件构成了应用程序模型的分层结构。您可以在模型编辑器设计器、文本或XML编辑器中打开XAFML文件。


    1.在解决方案资源管理器中,右键单击SimpleProjectManager。在上下文菜单中选择Open Model Editor或双击扩展名为XAFML的文件。

    2.在模型编辑器中,导航到树中的BOModel |客户节点,并将ImageName属性设置为BO_Customer。

    1. SPM_ME

  3. Open the XAFML file for the SimpleProjectManager.Win project, navigate to the NavigationItems node and set the ShowImages property to true.



  1. Repeat the previous step for the SimpleProjectManager.Web project.

  2. Click Save All in the Visual Studio toolbar to save your changes.

             单击Visual Studio工具栏中的Save All以保存更改。

The image below illustrates the result - the navigation control displays the BO_Customer icon for Customer and default icons for other navigation items and groups.



For the WinForms and ASP.NET applications, the ShowImages option's default value (false) is defined in their XAFML files. Settings from the application projects override platform-agnostic settings. In the example above, this option was changed for both applications on the application level.



Refer to the XAFML files in the %PUBLIC%\Documents\DevExpress Demos 19.2\Components\eXpressApp Framework\SimpleProjectManager folder to see more customization examples.

请参考%PUBLIC%\Documents\DevExpress demo 19.2\Components\eXpressApp Framework\SimpleProjectManager文件夹中的XAFML文件,以查看更多定制示例。

Define Custom Logic and UI Elements


The Model Editor and built-in attributes allow you to change the options of UI element and control. Other customizations can be implemented only in code. For example, you can use the Controllers and Actions mechanism to replace the application's default UI parts or implement custom business logic.


A Controller is a component that you can use to change the application flow, customize UI elements, and implement custom end-user interaction. Controllers can also include Actions. Actions are displayed in the UI as interactive elements (buttons, menu items, etc.) and execute custom business logic.


Follow the steps below to implement a SimpleAction that allows a user to mark the selected Project Tasks as completed and sets the EndDate property to the current date and time:

  1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the SimpleProjectManager.Module\Controllers folder and select Add | Class... in the context menu. Set the class name to ProjectTaskController.
  2. Replace the created class code with the following:

    • 按照以下步骤实现SimpleAction,它允许用户将选择的项目任务标记为已完成,并将EndDate属性设置为当前日期和时间:
    using System;
    using DevExpress.Data.Filtering;
    using DevExpress.ExpressApp;
    using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions;
    using SimpleProjectManager.Module.BusinessObjects.Planning;
    namespace SimpleProjectManager.Module.Controllers {
        public class ProjectTaskController : ViewController {
            public ProjectTaskController() {
                TargetObjectType = typeof(ProjectTask);
                TargetViewType = ViewType.Any;
                SimpleAction markCompletedAction = new SimpleAction(
                    this, "MarkCompleted",
                        TargetObjectsCriteria = 
                        (CriteriaOperator.Parse("Status != ?",ProjectTaskStatus.Completed)).ToString(),
                        ConfirmationMessage =
                                "Are you sure you want to mark the selected task(s) as 'Completed'?",
                        ImageName = "State_Task_Completed"
                markCompletedAction.Execute += (s, e) => {
                    foreach(ProjectTask task in e.SelectedObjects) {
                        task.EndDate = DateTime.Now;
                        task.Status = ProjectTaskStatus.Completed;
Show the API description

The image below shows the MarkCompleted Action in the WinForms and ASP.NET applications.



The MarkCompleted Action iterates the selected objects and modifies their properties. After that, it commits changes to the database and refreshes the screen.

Alternatively, you can ...

  • use the View Controller template from the Template Gallery to create a Controller. In this instance, you can add an Action in the designer instead of writing code. Refer to the Add a Simple Action topic for more information on this approach.
  • implement the generic ObjectViewController<ViewType, ObjectType> Controller instead of the ViewController. For the ObjectViewController, you can specify the View's and object's type this Controller should be activated for in the generic ViewType and ObjectType parameters.
  • use the ActionAttribute to create an action directly from a business class method. Refer to the Add a Simple Action using an Attribute topic for more information on this approach.MarkCompleted


  • 使用模板库中的"视图控制器"模板创建控制器。在这种情况下,您可以在设计器中添加操作,而不是编写代码。有关此方法的详细信息,请参阅添加简单操作主题。
  • 实现通用的对象视图控制器 [视图类型,对象类型] 控制器,而不是视图控制器。对于 ObjectView 控制器,您可以在通用的 ViewType 和 ObjectType 参数中指定此控制器应激活的视图和对象类型。
  • 使用 Action属性直接从 Business 类方法创建操作。有关此方法的详细信息,请参阅使用属性添加简单操作主题。标记已完成

