Hibernate Learning Index

Reading Hibernate Reference Documentation (3.6)

1. Tutorial
2. Architecture
3. Configuration
4. Persistent Classes
5. Basic O/R Mapping
6. Types
7. Collection mapping
8. Association Mappings
9. Component Mapping
10. Inheritance mapping
11. Working with objects
12. Read-only entities
13. Transactions and Concurrency
14. Interceptors and events
15. Batch processing
16. HQL: The Hibernate Query Language
17. Criteria Queries
18. Native SQL
19. Filtering data
20. XML Mapping
21. Improving performance
21.1. Fetching strategies
21.1.1. Working with lazy associations
21.1.2. Tuning fetch strategies
21.1.3. Single-ended association proxies
21.1.4. Initializing collections and proxies
21.1.5. Using batch fetching
21.1.6. Using subselect fetching
21.1.7. Fetch profiles
21.1.8. Using lazy property fetching
21.2. The Second Level Cache
21.2.1. Cache mappings
21.2.2. Strategy: read only
21.2.3. Strategy: read/write
21.2.4. Strategy: nonstrict read/write
21.2.5. Strategy: transactional
21.2.6. Cache-provider/concurrency-strategy compatibility
21.3. Managing the caches
21.4. The Query Cache
21.4.1. Enabling query caching
21.4.2. Query cache regions
21.5. Understanding Collection performance
21.5.1. Taxonomy
21.5.2. Lists, maps, idbags and sets are the most efficient collections to update
21.5.3. Bags and lists are the most efficient inverse collections
21.5.4. One shot delete
21.6. Monitoring performance
22. Toolset Guide
23. Additional modules
24. Example: Parent/Child
25. Example: Weblog Application
26. Example: Various Mappings
27. Best Practices
28. Database Portability Considerations

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